Hello everyone... yes, Itachi's there for a reason. I would've used a moving icon... but their weren't any intimidating enough. this pic shows my mood for the past few days. either "omg-if-you-so-much-as-look-at-me-I-will-kick-your-ass" or "I-am-so-overtired-that-my-face-is-stuck-in-this-position" ...whichever floats your boat. they both fit.
anyway, before I go on ranting, I want to apologize for not commenting as much as I should. I just haven't had the percervirence or heart to go on my at least somewhat usual commenting raid. there are some that I still comment, but not as many as I should. I thank everyone for having patience with me and commenting!!! ^_^ It makes me happier to know I can always turn to here when I'm down.
soo... anyways ... ahh!! now I remember! the reason why my mood is as bad as the eldest Uchiha's! well, let's put it this way. when my ex, Halo, gave me a note on yahoo saying what he said, that made me feel like he hit me on the head with the book 'war & peace'. now, he's ignoring me and shunning me like I completely ruined his life & this was all my fault. THAT is what's making me feel like he dug a sword into my heart, pulled it out, and rubbed it in my face. and I mean my real heart, not the lovey-dovey one. Do I wanna hit him? YES. Can I? NO. stupid distance between states always getting in the way of everything. and since when does a person literally have to tell a guy that breaking up over the internet or through a text message is rude? honestly...
on another note... I am currently studying for my Catholic Confirmation test that's set for the 14 & 21st of this month...and I'm getting pretty tired of it. last sunday my godmother had me go to church with her in the morning, and then we studied for about 2 hours. then, she took me AGAIN to church to see this ceremonial type thing that only happens the few weeks after Easter (which name I cannot think of right now...) and then I got to study for about 3 hours more before going home.
The next day I had Confirmation class and blew a gasket when my godmum had to turn BACK around to my house because I purposly left my printed out, not-needed-for-class, study stuff at home. she was outside the door while I was cursing to my mom about it. oops. but I did have a right to be mad. I didn't need the stuff, and I was nearly 15 minutes late for class.
I'll just be glad when this is all over. I feel like religion is being shoved down my throat. none of this would be happening if our teacher would of taken charge of the class AGES ago like he was supposed to. do you know the classroom in the Anime 'Kodocha' (or Kodomo no Omocha. whatever fits the blank) before Sana took charge? yeah. that's almost EXACTLY what our class is like.
speaking of Sunday... I haven't seen Yuffie since Easter... I need to call her, drag Fuu to the mall with me this weekend simply because she's cooped herself up long enough, and then call a bunch of my other friends who I have neglected to for the past... few months...^^; I keep forgetting at the last minute.
so here I stand, Drinking my pepsi, being overtired, heart somewhere in the realm of darkness where a neoshadow heartless is probably eating it, blue in the face with religion, and wondering what the heck my friends are up to. oh yeah, with some 'I NEED TO UPDATE MY STORIES AND COMMENT EVERYONE!!!' on the side. so... pretty much, nothings changed!^^ ahh well, I hope I didn't put all of you to sleep with my goings on. It's currently... 11:00 P.M., Tomorrows Saturday, and I wanna make the best out of me staying up. not to mention my last few hours before I must plunge myself into a world of studying for a test most people don't have to take. so I shall say Hazzah, Au Revior, Aribagatchi (sp?), Jeranimo!!!, and Goodnight to all!
Take care everyone!
Pic of the day:
Xemnas report 1 of... currently 6 plus a bonus. I like this one, but I'm not quite sure I'll post the other ones yet. their kinda... well, not to be seen by innocent eyes of 12 and under. 13-15 I wouldn't recommend, either... so I'll probably wind up just posting the link so that you can decide whether to poison your eyes or not. *shrugs* have a good one!^^