Hello there!!^^ I think today is a sasori day, I haven't figured out why, tho.
soo... the movie? it was of my baby cousin wiggling her butt to bust it baby by plies. I think the only reason why it didn't play was because I set it to private mode... eh. *shrugs*
But anyways, hows everyone's summer been going? mines been ok so far, I went to lagoon just a couple of days ago. it was SOOO much fun!!!XD
oh, for those of you who don't know what lagoon is, its one of those roller coaster theme parks. it also has a huge-ass swing that lifts you nearly 200 feet in the air only to be swinging through the air on two heavy duty (and I mean 10,000 pounds) cords. it looked fun, but you wouldn't catch me on one of those things in a million years!!!
there is also the samouri that spins you round and round, spinning you upside down, left ways, right ways... you get the point. and then the cliffhanger that tips you upside down and gets you completely soaked. The colossus is the coaster with the loops. then my friends went on the rocket...I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole either. they also went on the wicked. it's the brand new coaster that sends you on a 90 degree drop. then a long regular roller coaster ride. eh heh... *faints*
we also went to lagoon- a -beach (water park inside lagoon) and went down all the slides, which was pretty cool. the ferris wheel... it was the type you could spin around. by the time we got off, I was scared out of my mind... I HATE heights.
we also did a bunch of arcade games, rattlesnake rapids (needless to say, we got wet. again.) and... that's about it!XD after that, my cousin and her friends went over to her house to have a party (needless to say, I was way too young to go) and I spent the night at my aunts house! I was in pain all yesterday. lmao
Fourth of july was ok, too, but mostly I just wanted to go home. my little cousin was driving me up the wall. -_-; she is REALLY annoying...
anywho, I must go face the world. and pack agin. damn.