Time: 10:09 A.M.
Mood: Hyper!
Hello everyone!^^ Wow, I feel bad for Kisame.... it's true, tho *nods*
Anyway the title of this post... I found a duffel bag in one of my aunts magazines, and it had disney princesses on it. I named it Sam!XD and since I think Meagan should stick with a HUMAN husband that she will marry when she's older ('cause honestly, I don't think Hiko-Chan would appreciate having a love triangle with a backpack...) but no, Joe is too stuck up to marry sam... it's sad really. lmao.
Soo... I exactly 5 days I will be going to breaking dawn dance!XD for all who don't know, it's a party being held nationwide for the relise of the last book in the Twilight series; Breaking dawn! and for all who don't know what Twilight is... your missing out. completely.
But actually for that, I went to the mall! me and my friend Yamell wanted to wear matching Tiara's. and I also got some other jewelry to with it!
bu now I feel really bad. Her sister took her to the mall, and since they got back really late, her sister's not allowed to go to the dance... T_T It's been a struggle; honestly. this is the third time her parents have said she can't go; and just in this week!XP
anywho, in my adventures yesterday, I also ended up buying Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3. It's a good game if you have someone else to play it with, but in my opinion it's not worth getting if your an only child and none of your friends like Naruto. It also causes MAJOR headaches. I played it for only an hour, and got the worst headache in te world.XP
Speaking of Yamell, She's being my editor for a book I'm looking to publish when I get older. It's going to be called "Blood Promise". and.... It's going to be about a girl who'se parents just got a divorce. Her and her dad move all the way across he country, into what's supposedly the most haunted mansion in the world. but, it's not haunted by ghosts...
In the room that she picks, there is a cracked mirror. and IN that mirror is...
...and That's all I can give away for now!XD I don't want to ruin it, (though I might post it on my FF account, so go ahead and keep an eye out for it if your curious!)
what else... oh yes! ALL HAIL BABY SAM!!!XD He was born on saturday, Brown hair and blue eyes!XD his aunt is soooo happy! and so are his parents!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, and I hope you enjoy what's left of it!
Art is a bang, UN!
1. how is your summer going?
2. are you looking forward to the relise of breaking dawn?
3. what is your favorite band ever?