Hey Everyone!!!!XD Y'know, I typed in KH 14 for my b-day... it came up with a bunch of Yaoi pictures ?.?
Anyways, I am back from yuffis!!!XD it was awsome over there. Saturday night I didn't sleep I was SOOO sugar hyper...
Ther only bad part tho was, I went up north on thursday to go pick up yuffi's friend... and I find out that I'm being forced out of the house I grew up in... T.T I literally have lost everything I know and love this year. I even lost my dogs. The only one that gets to stay with me is my cat Kari, but only against my uncles wishes...
...ok, Enough talk about that, It's still my B-day for a whole... 2 hours!!!XD
anywho, school starts next week for me and whatnot, and I hav to start getting my sleeping schedual in order...yeah, RRRIIIGGGHHHTTT... *shifty eyes*
...okok!!! *sets alarm on phone for 6:30*
now, the reason why I was up all night on saturday was... IT WAS YUFFI'S B-DAY!!!!XD Good god, It was Tristen's last week, and then we have Sis' on Wednsday, my aunts on thursday... @_@
but here are some pics from the party (WARNING: MILD YURI!!!)
B-Day Girl herself!(playin rockband)
Yuffi on Rockband
Yuffi again
pillow people!
...Yeah, I wouldn't ask...
Wow, look at all the pretty flippin birdies...
(Trisha, Joalee, B-Day Girl Yuffi, Mariah, and Katerina The other Kat!)
AAAAAAANNNNNDDDD..... I'm lazy, so I'll just copy and paste the links for these (MY B-DAY PRESENTS!!!)
Cutsey Heartsy Friendship by Innocent Heart
Sasodei By DaFeather
SasuNaru by Dafeather
THANK KUU!!!!!! \^.^/ you guys are the best!!!
*lies down from being so sugar hyper* I need... to get up... at 6...XP
TTYL EVERYONE!!! Have a happy first day of school!XD