What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
 You and yuusuke would be good friends.
What Yu Yu Hakusho Character would You be best friends with. brought to you by Quizilla
 Which yu yu hakusho boy is right for you? brought to you by Quizilla

What DragonBall Girl Are You?
Sunday, December 28, 2003
just saying hiya soooooooooooooooooooo
see ya
Zako. Zako. Zako!
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
thats the longest post i have ever did i never type that much i must be extremly boried ::whew::
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im so boried....
i feel like telling a story that how i got into anime and how in drawing (dont complain i just didnt got a scanner yet)well i was saying it all started when i looking at my pokemon cards that my dad got me i got boried so i turned on the tv and started fliping channels until i saw something famliar to my cards im like i didnt know they have a tv show so i started watching it all the time... when i finished my sixth grade year it was summer the whole summer with my dad here in miami he got a new computer (oh wait before or somewhere in sixth grade i started to watch dbz all the time too)so i started to get online i search info about pokemon and dbz on the web before long i know what anime is and i didnt know i was watching other anime too i was very surprised so i started to watch anime all the time probaily my first anime movie i seen is pokemon1st ,tree of life(dbz), or kiko's delivery service thats my story how i got into anime now i how i draw its when i was in 2nd grade or 3rd that i won drawing contest in spainish class i have to draw a picture of a rose and its very detailed i couldn't belive i draw that then in 4th grade i started drawing pikachu is was rusty but ok than when i reached 7th i discovered my talent i looked at my pokemon cards and draw one of them it was very good and i draw some digimon it was good i tried to draw one of the dbz charaters but their hair is complacated to me well i still draw and i already made a anime charater of me the end
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hello everybody!
today is christmas eve! u should see the traffic here a section of highway almost the whole street talk about last min shopping *whew* yesterday i went to a basketball game the HEAT vs WIZARDS and guess what they won! when we got there early already in our seats they showed me up on the screen! that is the first time in my life that ever happen
well....see ya
merry christmas!
Zako. Zako. Zako!
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Saturday, December 20, 2003
i finally put music in my site! its fariy tales by alice deejay so im gonna feel right at homeyay
see ya
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ill be here this christmas vacation!
now i could visit much i want!
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Tuesday, October 28, 2003
just hi
hey whats up everybody!
kirby dance #2
every person who visited my site signs my guestbook okay?(pleaseeeeeeeeee)
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Thursday, August 7, 2003
Feeling Sad.........
Ahh.....the last days of summer. Hey, anime girl if ur reading this.....I REALLY LUV UR FAN ART ITS SOOOOOOOO COOL :D!!!!!!!! School: 3 Days to Live. Im going to 8th grade.....7th was a breeze! Anybody else reading this answer my help question: How do you get those pictures for My Picture? Well.....if you got aol im me or email me my sn: Digifan109. See ya!
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