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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hello there my dear, wonderful, beautiful friends! *hugs* Wow it feels like forever since I last posted^^; I hope you all have been doing good. School has been going good, just been busy with homework. I have been doing pretty good with commenting though...I think^^; XD I'm just happy that we have a three day weekend! YAY! Oh! and happy first of Sepetember! I hope this is a great month for you^^
So yeah, first lets talk about last Saturday. I went out with Keri and Tiffany for awhile to go to the mall to get some ice cream. So we go to the mall and were driving on home and we run out of gas on a really busy highway. Keri is cussing out Tiffany because she is so angry and I just want to go up to the gas stastion that is right up the street. So all of us walk up there, living Tiffany's car stranded, and walk up to the gas stastion to get some gas. Well blah, blah, blah we get finally get some gas and all of us are really hungry. So we go to the nearest eating place...which just happens to be Hooters....WHY?! So here we are, three girls surrounded by all of the guys and waitress girls in the shortest short shorts I have ever seen in my life, sharing buffalo wings...LOL. You should see how Tiffany drives though, she seriously drives about 80 mph down the street and it scares me really badly. Lol. Wow that was a really crazy night, but I'm just happy that I'm alive.
Yesterday I got to go to Santacalligon with Keri and Sarah^^ Santacalligon is a carnival that comes around every year but lately its just been extremely trashy so I didn't enjoy it at all. We had to walk two miles there! And not to mention I fell down the stairs and busted my rear badly...LOL.
One good thing about this weekend though was yeah I made a heck of a lot of memories to look back on someday and laugh, but I got the new special edition DVD of Nightmare Before Christmas!!! *SQUEAL* Oh my goodness, I love that movie SO much! XD Jack Skellington is my true love! XD I have so much stuff of him its not even funny. *huggles movie* That really made me happy^^
So anyways, that was my adventourous weekend. How did your weekend go? Do you have any plans today? I'm working on homework, thats my plan! XD YAY! XP
I will marry Brandon. |
After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in United States in our fabulous Shack. |
We will have 14 kid(s) together. |
Our family will zoom around in a white monster truck. |
I will spend my days as a counselor, and live happily ever after. |

....LOL!!! Brandon?! XD And a monster truck! XD WOOT! XD
No questions today^^ I'm going to go to bed, I'm exhausted. I hope you all have a fantastic week though^^ Oh! And if you could please check out my latest wallpaper of Tifa that would be great^^ Thank you so much! Take care my dear friends! =] *hugs*
Much Love,
Jack and Sally ♥
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Hello there lovely friends! ^_^ I hope your week is going good. Its Friday! =] To those who started school I'm sure your very happy about that^^ And of course those who have to work during the week. XD I hope this coming weekend is amazing! =]
My week was really boring! I didn't do much of anything. I worked a little on my packet but I still have so much to do. Yes I am procrastinating. XD Aw that is such a beautiful word! XP I will get it done...soon...*coughs* Well I better because school starts next week and its due the very first day. O_O Wish me the best of luck! Lets hope its a good year for me^^ And of course those starting next week or the next after-that, best of luck! =]
My friend Keri called me the other day and she was with Tiffany and...JON...Ugh, I'm sorry I do not like Jon at all!!! He is the biggest pervert ever! Well anyways, Keri was talking to me and out of nowhere I hear Jon in the background, "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!"...Why does he have to yell that? Anyways, Keri told him she was talking to me and then Jon says, "...Meagan?.....Oh yeah!!! That girl is really cute!! I want to talk to her!"......I told Keri I would just call her back later because that guy scares me and I would never want to talk to him anyways. This guy has asked me to have sex with him before. He is really sick. Thankfully he is a senior this year and he will be graduating. *sighs happily* That is going to be a beautiful day! He really gives me the creeps...
Enough talk about Jon now! XD THE SOUND ON MY COMPUTER IS FINALLY FIXED!! YAY! Thank you again soooo much Caprisha, DaFeather^^ It literally took me months to try and fix this...but Sis helped me out and I had it running in aobut 5 minutes...LOL. I am a computer geek's worse nightmare! My brother doesn't let me go near his computer because he thinks I would break it... T__T LOL. Well...actually I did break his printer at one time...Hahaha, yeah I'm not the brightest lightbulb in the closet^^;
Questime Time!!(I haven't done this in a really long time!!)
1. What anime song do you believe would be your theme song? XD
2. Blanket or Pillow?
3. If you could have a super power, what would you have?
My Answers:
1. The one playing on my site right now!! My favorite anime song ever! XD
2. A blanket! =] I love to cuddle with my blanket. XD And its warm and cozy! =^_^=
3. The ability to heal...like a white mage! XD
Quiz Result:
You Are a Jam Cookie

On the outside, you project a straight-laced, innocent vibe.
But on the inside, you're complex, exotic, and full of flavor.
^_^ May the rest of this week go good for you my dear friends! And thank you so much to those who have looked and commented on my most recent wallpapers and a card. XD Thank you very much^^ Your comments really make my day^^ *hugs* Take care! Remember to SMILE! ^_^
Much Love,

This is me as an angel! XD Drawn by my very dear friend ShiroiAngel16^^ This really brightened my day, thank you! *hugs*
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
New Layout,field trip,One Piece and so on:)
Hello!I hope ya like my new layout,I LOVE it!!I finally got a background.Today I went on a field trip to the zoo.It was a lot of fun.This peacock came after me though.....that was scary.LOL!I saw One Piece last Saturday on Cartoon Network,it was good and really funny!Summer Break is almost here,WOO-HOO!!Well,have to go!I Tell me if ya like the pic.It is sooo kawaii!!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Hiya!I've been gone for awhile,busy.Do ya guys like my new layout???It's Inuyasha,my favorite anime!YEA INUYASHA!He-He!School is soooo BORING!!Tomorrow I have to do a math test,yuck.My friend might spend the night this week.Is One piece coming to Cartoon Network this Saturday??Naruto they say is going to be on there later.Well,have to go!Hope ya like my GIF.SIT Boy!!LOL!Bye!!

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Friday, April 8, 2005
~*~Tokyo Mew Mew!!~*~
Hello!I've changed my layout once again,now it's Mew Mew!Tell me what you think.The past two days I've been really sick,yuck!I'mn feeling alot better now!Tomorrow I'm spending the night with my friend.Please tell me what my next layout should be.Well,have to go!Hope you like my GIF!He-He!Poor Al!He-He!SEE YA LATER!!!
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
New Layout!(Card Captor Sakura)
Hiya!Do you like my new layout?I love it!Did anyone wathch inuyasha or FMA Saturday night?They were great!My e-cards and wallpapers have been going good!I have had almost 4000 downloads on Wallpapers and 2260 on my e-cards.He-He!Well,school is tomorrow,joyous.I have a Social Studies test this week,wish me luck.I better go study!Hope ya like my GIF!Aren't they kawaii?Bye!

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Monday, March 28, 2005
School and so on(Blah,Blah,Blah)
Hello!I hope you all had a great Easter!I sure did!Today is the last day for my spring Break,that means,school tomorrow.Joy,super,great,fantastic(yeah Right!)I got the third voume of Pita Ten today,I already read it though.Has anybody ever played Final Fantasy X-2 before?I'm about to beat it!YES at last!Well,have to go!!!Hope ya like my Gif.....big GIF!He-He!May love and peace be with you!Bye-Bye!

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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Kingdom Hearts Layout!
Hiya!Wow!I have been gone for awhile,but now I'm back!Do you like my new layout?It's most represiting Kairi from Kingdom Hearts.My Spring Break has been going good.I got the Chobits soundtrack 2 yesterday,It's really good!on the popularity ranking,I'm number 814!Isn't that great!!Easter is already here.Well,I wish you all that you have a great Easter,have to go,hope ya like my GIF,it's so kawaii!Bye!

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Sunday, March 13, 2005
New Layout!!^____^
Hiya!I decided just to do Final Fantsay,next I'm doing Card Captor Sakura.I have to go back to school tomorrow,joy.In one of my classes,we have to make our own commercial,I want to make a anime one.He-He!Did anyone see DBGT,FMA,or Inuyasha Saturday?They were good,DBGT was funny!Well,have to go!Hope ya like my GIF!Squall ROCKS!Bye!
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Anime,don't ya love it?^_~
Hello!I'am so happy it's Saturday!He-He!Has anybody ever read Pita Ten or seen it?I love it!I'm feeling much better now!I have been getting more and more anime pictures up in my room,my room is filled!!!He-He!For my next layout should I do Spirited away or DragonBall Z?Please tell me!Hope ya like my Inuyasha GIF,SIT BOY!He-He!SEE YA!!!

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