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Straight A's(4.0gpa), 7.5 page manga
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Inuyasha, Beyblade, Naruto, .hack, Fruits Basket, Real Bout High School, Excel Saga, Shaman King, One Piece, Orphen, DNAngel, Eerie Queerie!
To complete college and maybe become a manga-ka or live in Japan or finish drawing a whole manga
Drawing, Bike riding, skating, watching anime, reading manga, listening to music, the internet, writing fanfics, beyblading, playing video games(Lunar Legend and Fire Emblem!!!!!!)
Drawing, playing video games
| AnimeGoddess2004
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Hello, sorry I haven't posted in such a long time. Finals went well. I'm pretty sure that I did well. I had Japanese school and we did callligraphy. After we finished, all the girls in my class went downstairs to wash our brushes and stuff, and we saw that in the bathroom(where there were 2 sinks) that one of the sinks was filled with ice. Brooke and Leah dumped their ink and brushes into the ice, and the ice turned all black and so did the water. It didn't drain either, so they were scooping ice out and dumping it into the toilet lol. It was so hilarious. Mmmm...that's it. G2G now, Ja ne!
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Finals we're taking the first half of our finals for second term. Today it's math and science, and tomorrow it's art and humanities. Mmm...yesterday I had WAY too many study guides to do...math definitely took the longest. Next term, I have the same exact classes as last term *sigh*:
Bridge(math & reading)
Well, at least I don't have to worry about buying new supplies...! Anyways, see you all later! Ja ne!

This is how I feel now lol.
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Not much
Today...I went with my mom to the doctor's...her arm really hurt, but we didn't know why...I'm still not sure, heheh...Mmmm, I've had time to play a lot of video games, lately...and a lot of time to go on the internet. Kinda. Well, if you wanna ever contact me, do it on Gaia, cuz I go on there a lot now. Ja ne!
Question of the day: Lalala...what's your favorite video game?
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Ah, no homework...I haven't felt like this in months. All the presentations and projects all turned in and done...I have all the time in the world, plus it's a 3 day weekend! Awesome! I actually have time to play video games! So...what's up with you guys?
Question of the day: How much homework do you get?
Ja ne! Bai bai!
heheh, I have WAY too many pics on my comp. Here's some:

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Friday, January 14, 2005
Grr, this guy named ironman002 totally insulted my friend yellowsword! He called her site S-H-I-T!! That's so mean!! You just don't go around doing that! Yellowsword never cusses, but by doing this, she cussed for the first time in her life! He even made up that she bullied him! How could I person who had never cussed in her whole life bully him?!! That just pisses me off.
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Sorry I haven't posted in a while, heheh, but now I'm finally finished with all of the big projects this term, plus it's a 3 day weekend!! So...What's up with you guys? Well...I'm just relieved. Not much to say today, just a big sigh of relief *sigh*. Question of the Day: What classes do you have?
Oh-kay, bai!
Not sure if I've posted these before, but...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
So sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time!! I've had so much homework and a heap of projects all due and assigned at the same time, and I was working all weekend, with no free time!! Anyways...yesterday was Monday...Monday's are always the worst. Thankfully, there's a three-day weekend coming up...! But...on Thursday I have to give my presentation in Humanities...I hate that kind of thing...and my genetics project is due on Friday, too...oh well. Mmm...RPing on Gaia right now...well, not much today so far, it's only 6:15am, so Ja ne minna!!
 You like the prince charming type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Oh man
Yep. Back at school now, and have lotza homework. No big surprise there. I can't wait for my old classes again because in PE we never got any homework!! Anywayz...I had so much fun RPing on Gaia on Sunday...I mega RPed that day...I joined so many that I can't keep track of them! school we switched seats in science(thank gawd!)and I'm really happy 'bout that cuz I used to sit next to "Danger" who said weird things, did weird things and was...well, annoying and weird. Now I get to sit at a lab table with Maija. And...hmm, nothing else really eventful today. Gotta go do my hw, bye!
Ja ne Minna!
PS: Rebecca, I really DID go on today!
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
School BLAH
Tomorrow I have to go back to go school! It really sucks. Just when I was becoming really addicted to Gaia, and I was becoming really close to my friends on there, oh no, school has to come. Oh well, I guess I have to deal with it. Sometime. Anywayz, here's a new quiz result. I'll put it in my quiz results down there too:
 What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
*sigh* I LOVE I kinda altered my answers so I would get him. *evil laugh*
Question of the Day: Who's your fave Kingdom Hearts character and why?
Ja ne and Happy New Year's!
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Tomorrow is the first day of the new year! I'm so excited-although it feels like a regular day.
I went on Gaia for a REALLY long time yesterday. It was SO hilarious! There was this-well...I don't think you WANT to know, only the people who were there would understand. was so funni!
Anywayz...Question of the Day: Have you played Kingdom Hearts?
My answer: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes(and me LOVES the bishies in there too-COUGHrikuCOUGHcloud)
Ja ne!
Here's some Kingdom Hearts quizzes:
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