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myOtaku.com: animegodess8900

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Fire Apparition (12/19/05)

Thanks For Signing My Gb I Appreciate It ^__^ I Would Love To Be Your Friend Im Always Open So Feel Free To Speak With Me When You Wish Ok.Well Love You And Take Care.

Tooldes My Noodles
Fire Apparition

ps I shall add you

Tigerkittin (10/30/05)

Like you site and I like the flower! Hope you don't mind if I add you.

See Ya Later,
P.S. If I Took Over The World...
What Would You Do?

Mai711 (09/10/05)

Cool page!I'm addin u and i hope u come by my site 2!

rinoa392 (06/07/05)

I like your wild site colors and your icon rulez! Keep up the good work, darling!

Jake Wasp (04/06/05)

hi nice site you have

Xero Hopkins (03/21/05)

Thanks for visiting my site, and of course you can add me as a friend, though I probably won't have much for you to look at. I look forward to more of your art.


Oreana Minamino (11/25/04)

thanks for the comment and love the icon. jin's a cool demon from YYH who i lurv.

oneeyedmonkey (11/09/04)

Wicked awesome site! I really like your avatar too. ^__^ Come by sometime and check out my site if you want! ^__^ And visit my sister's site FinalFantasyNut! Laters.


Number 5 (09/11/04)

howdy! i like ya site here! the theme looks good! ^-^ anyways, if ever you have time, if you like, come swing by my site and vote for my fanart aight? talk to ya laters then!

~ #5 ~

lost echo (08/06/04)

hi! HI! hI! i happened to come to your site by clicking on random member. anyways, i like the blueness of your site. blue is good. very good. i'm gonna add you as my friend!

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