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myOtaku.com: animegodess8900

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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kyochan55 (08/06/04)

I really really really enjoyed your site! ^^ I hope to hear more from you soon! I am also adding you as a friend k?


ChibiIchigo (07/16/04)

Yr avatar is wrong! Jin is mine *lol* just kidding jin is hot but Kouga is much hotter!!!

cruisinchix2021 (07/16/04)

hey chicky wat up?
mnm.love ur site!^_^
its so awesome!
cant wait to see UR fanart.......when u get it posted!
Fang ^_~

blackwings (04/19/04)

Thought to drop a line while I was passing through. We like several of the same shows. I'm horrid at making a pitch for you to come and visit my site. So come and visit my site! ^^ Have fun. Later-

Li Lyrachan (03/26/04)

Hey Hitsuki-san! ^^

Lol, I didn't notice your comment on my guestbook till yesterday... or the day before, can't remember. Gomen! ^^

... gender... male... Lol. ^^ Cute mistake, I saw it too earlier when I read your Otaku when you first made the ID.

Let's talk on Yahoo soon, okay? You haven't been on! E-mails girl, they work toOoOoO! ^^

Good luck with your art!

katiekurama (03/22/04)

Helloooooo!!! Thanks for signing my guestbook, I'm glad you like my stuff! Can't wait to see your own stuff in the future!^__^ Oh, I'm adding you to my friends list, kk?? Byebye!

Sara (03/22/04)

Welcome to myO. ^_^

Any special meaning to the numbers in your name? I'm curious.

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