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Friday, November 5, 2004

   Finally back anc 101 visits to my site!
yay i'm finally back geez school kept me off a long time sorry everyone there will be alot of fanart coming up i've gotten a bit better and thank you all who have visited my site and for all friends, just everyone in general!^^
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Sunday, October 3, 2004

   A chaotic mix of my ne obsession of Duo and lunars of allen for escaflowne^^
Hitsuki-Lunar your moms on the phone!
lunar-and ur point is?*hangs up*
hitsuki--.- just thought youd like to know anyway i invited duo and allen over^.^!
hitsuki-allen schezar you know^^!
lunar-*smacks her* i know who he is!!
hitsuki-@.@ owie *hears door bell*^.^ i'll get it ! *answers door*^_^ hi allen hi duo!
allen-hi hitsuki hi lunar
lunar-*blushes*hi allen
hitsuki-*grabbing onto duos arm*^.^ hehehehe
hitsuki-*wacks her* snap out of it girl!
hitsuki--.-;;;;;; you were spacing out baka!
hitsuki-anyway lets play truth or dare^^!
lunar-no thank u!!!!
lunar-fine i will play
hitsuki-yay!^^ i'll go first lunar truth or dare?
lunar-dare me chicken lips
hitsuki-O.o i dare you and allen to go in the closet for seven minutes^^.
lunar- but that closet is so small.....
allen- thats ok
*they walk into the closet together*
duo-*sweatdrop*O.o your weird dares hitsuki
hitsuki- *hugs him* i know^^
allen -*sits onthe floor*
lunar-*sits on his lap* hitsuki is sooooo weird
allen- yes she is
hitsuki-*thinking* oi i can hear them thanks alot lunar-.-*
lunar- we really have to stay in here for seven minutes?
hitsuki-^_^ i'm weird lol i don't know why i sent them in there i was out of ideas-.-;;;;
duo*sighs pulling her closer* > > and to think i love you
allen-well if were stuck in here we might as well do something*kisses her gently on the lips*
hitsuki -^.^ you love me because i'm me! *hugs him*
duo- -.-;;;;;;;
*theyre still kissing in the closet*
hitsuki- *blinks looking at her watch*O.o guys seven minuts are up get out of there!
lunar-i dont want to!!
hitsuki-O.o...ok then what are they doing in there?
*opens up closet and duo is sweatdropping on the couch*
hitsuki-*grinning*So thats wht your doing in here!
lunar-*stands up and walks out of the closet*you just had to open the door didnt you?!
allen_*stands up & walks out also*..........
hitsuki-O.o seven minutes are up you needed to come out O.Oeep! *hides behind duo*
allen-(wow shes a good kisser)*teeny blush*
duo--.- i'll take hitsuki out to lunch so she wont be trouble*grabs her by the waist*bye allen bye lunar
*image fades out*

^^me and my friend lunar made this as you can see im no tinto jin anymore and i'm now into duo now^^! cya!

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Hey there sorry I haven't updated sooner it's been extra busy here since school started and everything else anyways I'll try and post some fanart as soon as I can and thank you once again to all the people who visited my site enjoy my site and plz sign my guestbook!^^cya later!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I just want to say thanks to all the people who voted on my fanart and commented also thanks to the people who visited my site^^!
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Friday, August 6, 2004

   I'm back!^-^
Hey guys i'm back i ccan't post any fanart for about two weeks because i'm on my last vacation an school starts soon (i'm quite ecxited^^) anyways will you tell me h ow my background looks?^^;;
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

sorry about the title i'm not going to post fanart this wekk please leave comments and twll mw how i can make my pictures better (besides the hands ) anyways i'll post more fanart next week ^_^!
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Monday, July 26, 2004

   YAY Once again!
Alright my B-day is in 4 days (or 3 not counting my actual B-day) but still it's so cool!^_^
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I accidentally submitted the same fanart twice now it's going to probably show up with the same fanart!>.< oops....
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just thanking everyone who visited my site and signe my guestbook your the best!^^
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   non useful post
YAY! ^_^ my friends back from vacation i'm so happy!
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