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Friday, June 10, 2005
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (15) |
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (21) |
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Hi guys....well my cold is all gone ^_^ i just now have a stupid fever -_- not gonna be able to do my fanfic today cause my head hurts pretty bad...welll anyone else wanna join the akayo's fangirls fanclub? PM me if you do. oh yea by the way....people..never ever kick a guy in his "spot" really me i found out the hard way that it hurts lol...well thats all i hav to say. laterz |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (20) |
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
hi guys. i think i hav a cold today *groans* it totally sucks oh well. its sooooooo boring these dayz but i guess im leaving for vacation on june 12th and i wont be bored anymore. oh yea by the way does anyone else wanna join the Akayo's Fangirls club? the banners are right under my post. just PM me if u wanna join ^_^ well i guess that all i hav to say. laterz |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (17) |
Monday, June 6, 2005
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (11) |
Chapter 8: A New Friend
~starts off in angel's lair~
J.: fear not angel i have a plan
Angel: oh what is it
J.: you will see but lets just say that some people arent really their freinds *evil laugh*
~changes scene to kido high school~
Emiko: great another day of school...wht could be worse
*girl approches*
girl: um excuse me but can you tell me where room 536 is?
Emiko: oh sure *smiles* just go down that corridor and you'll see it
Girl: thankyou Im Jen by the way and i just moved here
Emiko: nice to meet ya Jen im Emiko would you like to be friends?
Jen: that would be great thankyou
Emiko: here let me show you around
Jen: ok
*walk around as emiko shows jen stuff*
Emiko: *spots akayo* oh hey theres akayo
*fay and mei come along*
Fay: if your thinking about talking to my akayo think again *looks at jen* who's this a newbe?
Jen: hello my name is Jen *smiles*
Mei:like we care *acts snobby*
Emiko: then why r u even talking to us?
Fay: whatever lets go mei
*they leave*
Jen: those girls are really mean
Emiko: yea they think they're all that...o well come on ill introduce u to akayo he's really nice *walks* hey akayo!
Akayo: oh hi Emiko
Emiko: hi i want you to meet my new friend Jen
Akayo: hi Jen
Jen: nice to meet you
Emiko: so wht r u doing just sitting here?
Akayo: oh im just waiting for mimi
Jen: Mimi? is she your girlfriend?
Akayo: *blushes* um..well not actually
Emiko: *lol* she will be eventually
Jen: ohhhhhhh i see
*mimi comes*
Mimi: hey guys
Akayo: hey mimi wht took you
Mimi: sorry but i was talking to jason he needed help with something
Emiko: hey mimi this is Jen. she's new
Mimi: hi jen nice to meet you
Jen: hello
Mimi: if you evr need any help you can always ask me *smiles*
Jen: thanks i will
Akayo: so mimi are you ready to go
Mimi: sure
Emiko: go where?
Mimi: we are going to the lake to watch fireflies
Jen: thats cool
Akayo: do you guys wanna come?
Emiko: of course
Jen: ahhhh!!!!! an earthquake!!!!!!!!!
Emiko: hurry run!
*jen runs*
Emiko: ok now ones here
*they transform*
Zare: i have no wish to fight since i hav already cojme for the 5 souls requested
Mimi: huh? you've stolen 5 souls in one day?
Zare: yes so now i must leave...until next time *leaves*
Akayo: no wait!
Mimi: why didnt they put up a fight?
Emiko: im confused
Akayo: something is up
*they all transform back*
Jen: *runs back* hey guys what was that?
Mimi: im not sure *looks suspicious*
Emiko: o well come on lets go to the lake *pulls jen ahead of everyone*
Jen: yay! *lol*
MImi: *talks to akayo* something isnt right
Akayo: yea i know but lets not talk about it now since jen is here
Mimi: ok
Emiko: oh cool we're here and the fireflies are out
Jen: how cool
*they all stand and watch the fireflies*
sorry for the short chapter guys...well laters |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (3) |
Sunday, June 5, 2005
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (15) |
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Hi this is me jenny (animegrl's cuz) um.......Im gonna be posting for her since the girl is wayyyyyyyyy busy and she is wayyyyyyyyy ticked off at something and someone. Here is her little messsage:
"Hi everyone sorry but I couldn't post by myself today but I will be able to visit everyone's site. gotta go. btw happy birthday shadowmalerenamon. well...latas."
Ok back to me (Jenny) she may sound all nice in that post but trust me the girl is pissed. Heck Im ricsking my life by being here with her cause it looks like she wants to strangle someone *gulps* Oh yea she did say somein about some guy that she is very pissed at for messin with her friends or something all I know is that if she ever found that person... it'll be scary. Trust me she is pissed. She would probably kill her own boyfriend!(sorry animeswordsman)good thing she has all this work to keep her busy although she may have some time to chat with ppl. Well I gotta go. Bye everyone on otaku |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (15) |
Friday, June 3, 2005
Chapter 7 part 2
Akayo: lets go we dont have any time to waste
Akayo's G.: good luck young ones and be careful. Akayo stay focused and do not let anger get to your head
Akayo: ok
Emiko: see you latas
*they enter the portal*
Emiko: *shivers* brrrrrrr its cold in here... huh? *her gem starts to glow* ahh much bbetter. wow this gem is making me warm
Sora: yea its doing that to all of us
Akayo: come on we have to find Mimi!
Emiko: ok
*start walking and lead to a dead end*
Akayo: grrrrrrrr
Sora: what now
Emiko: wait a minute *walks towards the wall* this isnt real
Akayo: huh? what do you mean
Emiko: *uses her gem* you see its an invisable forcefield
Akayo: good job Emiko now my turn *uses his gem and sword to break the forcefield* ahhh.there now lets go
*continue walking until they enter a big room*
Akayo: *gasp and sees mimi at the center of the room tied up* Mimi! *runs towards her* omg mimi are you ok?
Emiko: MIMI!!!! *runs towards her with sora*
Sora: is she ok?
Akayo: *stares at her silently* oh no
Emiko: whats wrong with her
Sora: her lifeforce and powers are being drained
Mimi: *stirrs and wakes up* akayo?
Akayo: mimi! *cries* your so weak
Mimi: what are you doing here?
Emiko: we are here to rescue you silly
Mimi: but your the ones that need rescuing *transforms into J.*
Sora: ugh a trap
J.: hahahhaha your little girlfriend is staying wiith us to reveal the princess.haha we only need a few more moments to complete the process *shows the invisable barrier with mimi angel and zare inside*
Akayo: OH NO MIMI!!!!!!!!!!
Mimi: *sees akayo* akayo help *is very weak*
Akayo: Emiko sora take care of J! ill get mimi
Emiko: right *uses her gem of invisability to fight*
Sora: gotcha *uses his gem of speed*
Akayo: *uses his gem of power* ill get u out of there mimi!
Zare: u cant possibly break through this barrier
Angel: you fool he posses the gem of power! that is enough to anialate you!
Zare: what?!?!
Akayo: *breaks through* stand back and give me mimi!
Angel: not on your life pathetic human!
Akayo: *uses his gem and sword to make a powerful attack injuring angel a little but zare alot* the next time we meet i will kill you for taking mimi *carries mimi * come on guys lets go!
SOra: right
Emiko: *shoots her arrow at J. to spare some time* hurry
*they all start running to the portal*
Angel: demons get them!!!!!!!!!!
J.: those no good grrrrrr *goes after them*
*they escape*
Emiko: we did it *breaths heavily*
Sora: *tired* yea
Akayo: *holds mimi in his arms* Grandma will she be ok?
Grandma: *looks at her* she is very weak but I think so
Mimi: *groans* hi everyone its nice to be back......hi akayo
Akayo: *cries* oh mimi *hugs her tight*
Mimi: is suzy alright?
Grandma: yes she's sleeping......oh by the wayI told your mother you were sleeping over at emiko's
Mimi: ok thanks
Akayo: mimi.........
Mimi: yea?
AKayo: im so glad your back and safe....i was soo worried
Mimi: its ok im ok now
Akayo: oh yea i forgot *gives her the gem* here is your gem
Mimi: oh ok *tired* im gonna sleep for a while *falls asleep in akayo's arms*
Emik: oh!
Grrandma: dont worry she's just tired
Sora: well we are a whole team again
Emiko: yup right akayo? akayo?
Grandma:hahaha they are tired.aww they look so cute together
Emiko: *snores and falls asleep*
Sora: *yawns* im just gonna rest my eyes |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (13) |
Thursday, June 2, 2005
Hi everyone....sorry but I dont have much to say cause im thinking about alot of things right now.well anywayz....does anyone want to join my fllay fanclub? PM me if you do. oh yea almost friend ravenzala232 is looking for a girl so anyone here interested? hehe you dont have to be but can you guys at least sign his guestbook...thanks. ^_^ gotta go. btw...akayo remember that promise you made. if you break it ill never ever forgive you. latas |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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