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Friday, May 20, 2005
hey guys wassup? my day was so fun! we had this party at school and there were no seats left so me and this guy julien were fighting ovr this 1 seat so i had it first then he sat on my lap which pushed me off and i fell lol ^_^ after that i dumped my glass of lemonade on him ^_^ it was fun....then near the end of school my teacher pulled out a big water gun and squirted everyone lol...i got soaked....then the day had to end *sighs* it was fun while it lasted.....well anyways visit my friend Anime4vietgirls24 if u havnt already...tell her i sent u...her bro also joined the otaku but i dont really care bout him since he called me a "fart head" how lame....dont worry he's ok though....well i gotz to the way Angela's bro if u dare do anything to mess with me or angela on the site ill make u pay! lol just kidding im nice hehe...latas |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Chapter 6: Sister Dear part 1
~starts off in Angel's lair~
Angel: ugh! im sick of those shizuis! i want u 2 to go find someone dear to them and steal their soul!
J.: this will be pleasuring *evil smile*
Zare: lets go
~changes to ice cream shop~
Emiko: this ice cream is yummy
Mimi: yea it is
Akayo: hey lets head back to my house now
Sora: ok but why?
Emiko: his granparents know some stuff about shizuis...maybe they can help
Sora: oh ok so do mine but we can do that later
Mimi: well then lets go *smiles*
Akayo: kay
*they head towards akayo's house*
Akayo: *opens the door* hey im home and my friends are with me
Suzy: yay your home! will u teach me now?
Akayo: sorry suzy but not today....these are my friends by the way
Emiko: hi suzy im Emiko
Sora: and im sora
Suzy: hi im Suzy and im 6 and a half *smiles*
Mimi: hi suzy im Mimi
Suzy: hi Mimi your pretty are you akayo's girlfriend
Akayo: *gets embarressed* suzy
*mimi giggles*
Suzy: *whispers in her ears* he talks about u alot and he really likes
Mimi: *smiles and whispers back* if u promise not to tell i like him too
Akayo: *blushes* wat r u guys saying?
Mimi: oh nothing
Sora: lets get to buisness
Akayo's Grandma: well, well i see u hav a new friend
Sora: my name is sora ma'm
Akayo's G.: nice to meet u now wat has happend so far
Emiko: well theres this new demon but we dont know much about her..... they also hav about 14 souls so far
Akayo's G.: i see...hmm... well they need 101 souls to fill the crystal but they are wasting lives by doing so...they also must find the princess as well
Sora: the princess can be anyone
Mimi: yea which makes it harder *senses something* oh no
Akayo: mimi?
Suzy: *screams* akayo!!!
J.: hmmm....who's this? a little girl?
AKayo: you stay away from her!!!!!!!!
*they all transform*
J.: Zare you handle them and i'll steal the girls soul
Mimi: leave her alone! *throws her ninja stars with alot of energy*
Zare: sorry we r doing this *strikes with his staff*
Sora: i dont think so *blocks his attack with his rope* she's just a girl!
J.: *grabs Suzy* i got her and soon her soul
Suzy: let me go!!! akayo help!!
Akayo: hang on suzy!!! Emiko help me out
Emiko: gotcha *shoots her arrow*
J.: ugh u little pest *drops suzy*
Suzy: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Akayo: suzy no!!!!!!!!!!
Mimi: *runs towards her and catches her* suzy r u ok?
Suzy: *cries* im scared
Mimi: its ok *gets mad* your gonna pay for that!
J.:oh really?
Akayo: yes really *attacks with his sword and slices her leg*
J.: ahhhhhhhhhh!
Mimi: *throws her ninja stars* take that!
Emiko: *shoots her arrow at zare* leave us alone
Sora: *whips j.* get lost u witch!
J.: ahhh!!!!!!! ill be back
Zare: angel will not be pleased
*they leave*
Akayo: *runs to suzy* suzy *tears* are you ok?
Suzy: im ok now big brother
Akayo: thank goodness *sighs* thank you mimi
Mimi: its ok at least she's safe
Emiko: huh...lets get back
Akayo's G.: so that was the demon huh? hmmm......i know now
Sora: huh? what do u mean?
Akayo's G.: They are running out of time
~to be continued~
well that was my play went great! it was so fun although animeguy kept mumbling...o well ^_^ |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
hi guys...omg tommorrow's my big doing a play tommorrow!! ^_^ and im one of the main characters *sighs* im really exited but then again my costume keeps coming apart *_* thats not good......i guess ill have to try my best....oh well. today was fun until i heard that animeguy 101 said something about me (oh animeguy if your reading this dont play dumb cause i know u said it) but anyways.....this stupid girl that got my friends in trouble keeps thinking ill be on her side and keeps trying to pretend i like her.....ugh i was getting pissed i swear if she crosses me 1 more time ITS ON!!! she also thought that my friends would actually appologize to her 4 nothing!! that made me mad...*sighs* well i guess i should go practice for tommorrow ...sry but i wont be able to visit everyones site today since i hav to practice for tommorrow....well wsh me luck....btw im feeling much better....latas ^_^ |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (16) |
Monday, May 16, 2005
Chapter 5: Sora's Secret Revealed
~starts off in Angel's lair~
J.: hmm.....i know Angel wants to control Nirvana but is it that big of a deal? *looks at the dark crystal*ugh...that thing is so ugly *leaves*
~changes to the park~
*mimi and akayo are sitting under a tree in the park talking*
Akayo: so you mean when i wasnt there someone else was protecting you?
Mimi: was strange while we were fighting and Zare was about to kill me this whip came out of nowhere and attacked him....then it dissapeared *looks down* like it was a ghost or something
Akayo: i dont beleive in ghosts but maybe there may be another shizui somewhere out there
Mimi: yea maybe....whoever that person was i want to thank them
Akayo: me too
Mimi: huh? why? *looks confused*
Akayo: cause that person saved your life thats why
Mimi: oh *blushes*
*Emiko comes along with sora*
Emiko: hey u 2 love birds i see guys made up *grins*
Sora: yea *gets a little dissapointed*
Mimi: Emiko.....*blushes*
Akayo: so anyways wassup?
Sora: nothing much except that coach said if u dont get up and go see him in the next 3 minutes your gonna be off the team
Akayo: say what?! why?
Sora: im not sure but u beeter hurry *grins*
Akayo: uh....right...bye guys bye Mimi
Mimi: *giggles* see ya lata
Emiko: wow Mimi your pretty lucky *grins*
*sora and mimi get confused*
Mimi: huh? for what?
Emiko: never mind *smiles* so what do you guys wanna do?
Sora: um....i dunno....*gets an idea* hey wait a minute theres something i wanna show u mimi
Mimi: ok what is it?
Emiko: ooh...i forgot i gotta get home and help my mom with stuff. catch u guys lata *leaves*
Mimi: so sora what is it?
Sora: *takes her hand and leads her toward the pond* look *points at a small little den near the pond*
Mimi: *looks* aww...its a little family of foxes
Sora: yup *smiles* i found out about it a few days ago and wanted to show u
Mimi: thats so cool
*Akayo comes back and sees sora still holding mimi's hand*
Akayo: *gets a little jealous* huh? wats going on *watches them*
Mimi: *senses something* oh no
Sora: what is it mimi?
Akayo: mimi get ready!
*akayo and mimi transform*
Sora: *looks surprised* what?
Mimi: ill explain later
J.: hey foolish mortals im back *starts attacking with her staff*
Akayo: oh no not u again *runs and tries to attack her*
Mimi: *throws her ninja stars* die u demon! *the stars hit her but do not hurt her that much* what? she has gotten stronger...Akayo be careful!
J.: u should be more worried about yourself *heads toward her and prepares to kill her*
Mimi: *screams* ahhhhhhhh!
Sora: Mimi! watch out! *tansforms into a shizui and uses a rope to whip J.*
Mimi: *gasp* sora? it was u? u were the one that saved me?
Akayo: what? hes a shizui?
Sora: *flashes a small smile* yea at first i didnt think it was u that i saved *attacks J. and hits her pretty bad in the face then grabs mimi and runs away from J.*
Mimi: wow...your strong
Sora: thanks *stops*
J.: u wretch! look what u did to my face! *turns and has a small scar on her face*
Akayo: hey dont forget about me! *slashes her with his sword*
J.: *screams* ahhhhh!!!!!!!! ill be back *leaves*
*all of them transform back*
Mimi: *breathes in hard* woah...sora how r u a shizui?
Sora: well because my grandparents were....what about u?
Mimi: im nt sure *looks down*
Akayo: hey dude u were awsome
Sora: thanks *looks over at the pond* oh no did we hurt the foxes?
Mimi: *gasps* oh no *looks closely* wait! i see them and they're ok!
Sora: thank goodness
Mimi: well no use staying here...we should go and talk about the situation
Akayo: right lets go to my place
Sora: ok *looks at mimi* hey mimi r u ok?
Mimi: yea...btw i wanna thank you for saving me *smiles*
SORA: aytime *smiles back*
Akayo: *gets jealous and take smimi's hand* come on mimi lets go
Mimi: right...come on sora
Sora: kay |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (5) |
hey guys....sorry but no fan fic today. i have a new friend joining the otaku. go by her site and sign her gb plz. her site is Anime4vietgrls24. tell her i told u to stop by. well i gotta go. maybe if i hav time ill do my story lata. byes |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Chapter 4: Unsure
~starts out in Angel's lair~
Angel: it has been 2 weeks and still i dont have enough souls for my crystal
J.:my appologies mistress but Zare has been lacking off
Zare: i have been preoccupied
Angel: i do not care u are to serve me so get me a crystal!!!!!
both: yes angel
~changes scene to Kido high school and everyone is playing a sport~
Mimi: watch out Emiko! *spikes the vollyball hitting Emiko*
Emiklo: ouch! *rubs her head* that hurt. Mimi sometimes you are too good at volyball
Mimi: sorry
Emiko: its ok *looks over towards the soccer feild* hey look its sora *gets all daydreamy* what a cutie
Mimi: hehe. theres Akayo too. *watches them play* they are pretty good at soccer
*mei comes along*
Mei: if u guys actually think u have a chance with them u are so naive. *gets a snobby look* the only person they would be interested in is me ar fay not u two losers
Emiko: hey Mei is that a zit on your face
Mei: whaatt!!!!!!!!! *runs to try to find a mirror*
Mimi: *lol* nice Emiko
Emiko: thanx *looks over* hey the guys are finished with soccer! lets go talk to them!
Mimi: ok
*walks over*
Mimi: hey guys wats up
Sora: hey Mimi, hey Emiko
Akayo: *sadly* hey *walks away*
Mimi: *gets a sad look on her face* hmmmm
Emiko: whats wrong with him?
Sora: i know really...he's been acting strange lately
Mimi: *looks down* i think its my fault....he's been like this to me for the past not sure what i did though .. im gonna go *leaves*
Emiko: hmmmm....why would Akayo be mad at mimi? do u know sora?
Sora: not really. did anything happen between the two of them?
Emiko: im not sure
*mimi is sitting in the park and its a little chillysince its almost fall*
Mimi: *sighs* what did i do? why is he mad?
*sora comes along*
Sora: hey are you ok? *looks at her* its cold u shouldnt be out here
Mimi: its ok im fine
Sora: hey dont worry Akayo probably just going through a stage. it'll be ok. *smiles*
Mimi: yea your right. thanx Sora. *smiles*
Sora: hey i have an idea....lets go get some hot chocolate
Mimi: im gonna stay here for a little feels nice out here
Sora: ok *starts walking away* hey mimi just remember you'll always have me to talk to
Mimi: thanx
*sora leaves*
Mimi: *sighs*
*akayo comes up*
Akayo: hey can i sit here?
Mimi: sure...of course
*it gets quiet*
Akayo: *depressingly* hey
Mimi: yea
Akayo: do you hate me?
Mimi: what?! of course not i could never hate you. why would you ask such a thing?
Akayo: because I've been such a jerk to you lately
Mimi: well it did bother me but why are you mad at me *gets a sad look on her face*
Akayo: *looks confused* im not mad at you
Mimi: then why have you been acting all moody around seems like you hate me now
Akayo: *turns facing directly at her* no way i could never hate you its just..........*tears* that day.....i wasnt there and you got hurt.....i wasnt there to protect you *tears go down his eyes*
Mimi: but its not your fault and im fine now
Akayo: yes it is. maybe if i was there nothing would happen and you wouldn't have been injured
Mimi: but you cant always be there for me...sometimes i have to protect myself
Akayo: but i promised to protect you and since i wasnt there and you got hurt i know its my fault
Mimi: no it isnt so stop saying that
Akayo: im sorry i just cant stand the thought of you getting hurt
Mimi: *hugs him* same with me....its ok....just please stop being angry with yourself.....heres a deal.....we will both protect each other fromnow on ok?
Akayo: deal....hey mimi....
Mimi: yea?
Akayo: nvm
Mimi: u sure?
Akayo: yea
*get close to each other and are about to kiss*
*Zare and J. (in her demon form) comes along*
J.: awwww how sweet....too bad we have to destroy them. these to must be some of the shizuis am i correct?
*mimi and akayo get ready to fight*
Zare: yes they are
J.: well then i will make sure i kill them. ill take the boy *leaps in the air and starts attacking akayo*
Akayo: ugh.....who are you? *blocks her attacks with his sword*
J.: that does not concern you since you will be dead soon (shoots strong blasts at him*
Mimi: get away from him u demon *throws her ninja stars at him*
J.: ohhh how cute your girlfriend is trying to help you. Zare! take care of her
Zare: i am sorry about this *uses his staff to send out an attack*
Akayo: mimi watch out!
Mimi: *dodges and attacks* why are you fighting when i know you dont want to?
Zare: because it is my duty and i must
Mimi: *keeps on attacking with her ninja stars* well then i must fight you *throws a ninja star directly at his hand causing him to drop his staff* that ought do it *grabs the staff*
J.: well well ... i see you and your little girlfriend actually put up a good fight *blasting a beam at akayo*
Akayo: *uses his sword to reflect the attack making it hit J.* yup we do
Zare: J. we must retreat
J.: ugh very well see you later *kisses akayo on the cheek* muahahaha bye
Akayo: ugh *wipes his cheek*
Mimi: what was that? i thought she was an enemy? *looks at him suspiciouly*
Akayo: i dont even know why she did it?
Mimi: uh-huh sure
Akayo: no really Mimi *gets kinda pathetic*
Mimi: whatever you say akayo
Akayo: but... but *does his puppy dog eyes*
Mimi: hehe... just kidding *gives him a quick kiss on the cheek* lets go
Akayo: *stunned* uh..... right
Mimi: *holds out a hand*
Akayo: *holds her hand* yea
*they both walk away*
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Friday, May 13, 2005
sory but i cant do my fan fic today. i have to go visit my cousin. sorry akayo. well latas. |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (3) |
Thursday, May 12, 2005
OMG! I AM PISSED OFF! if u guys wanna know y then here's wat happend:
ok everything was all normal until i heard 3 of my friends got sent to the office. i was so confused caus my friend never do anything wrong. it was all because of this bitch named aniko. she started pissing off my friends angela, taliah, and jessica so they snapped and cussed her out. then she told the office and so they got suspended. i was like wtf? they didnt do anything but they r getting blamed so i went to the office and told stuff about aniko to get her in trouble so now she's gonna get what she deserves. the stupid thing was that when ppl pick on her i would always defend her and so she thought i would defend her at this time! Bulls*** i was about to knock her lights out if my other friends didnt hold me back. *sighs* well im gonna go visit everyone's site now. ill do my fan fics tom. latas |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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