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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
hi everyone i just got back from this orchestra competition that me, animeguy, and some of our other friends went to. we won 1st place!!!!!!!!!yay! now i am so wiped out cause we were there the whole entire day and i have a cold so i didnt feel to well. now i am totally out of energy. well ill be busy for a while but i promise to visit everyone's site during the weekend or on friday...latas |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
hi everyone...sorry but this week is gonna be so busy for me so i wont be able to visit everyone. sry....welll i gotta go to a consert now...latas |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Monday, May 9, 2005
hi guys i got a new theme... it is now lacus clyne from gundam seed...well i cant say much cause im about to go to a ceremony...latas |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!11 im back!!!!!!!!!! i missed everyone so much. i guess it took less time to fix a computer then i expected so i am now back! im so happy! omg it was soooooooooo boring without a computer *groans* well i guess i gotta catch up on things. ^_^ |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Chapter 3: Exam
~starts off with Zare standing outside of Angel's lair~
Zare: *thinks* so far we've been able to gather 7 souls..... Angel needs 101 to fill the dark crystal. once that is finished i am free *suddenly thinks about Emiko* who was that girl? and why am i thinking about her?
J. (mystery servent): well, well Zare what are u doing out here. you do know that we're suppossed to be collecting souls right?
Zare: dont worry im going *gets up and leaves*
J.: hmmm....he seems suspitious *leaves*
~changes scene to Mimi's room~
*alarm clock rings*
Mimi: *groans* morning already? *looks at the clock* omg! im gonna be late! *thinks for a moment* omg! today is the exam! *screams* i gotta hurry *gets dressed and goes downstairs*
Mr. Minamura: hey sweetie are you off to school?
Mimi: hi mom and dad sorry gotta go! *runs to school* yes...i made it
Fay: ewww....whats wrong with you
Mei: lets not stand here to long cause i heard craziness can be contagious
*both of them laughs and leaves*
Sora: Hi Mimi
Mimi: hi sora. how are you?
Sora:I'm ok. What's wrong?
Mimi: I forgot today is the Exam and I didnt get a chance to study *groans*
Sora: oh thats bad....maybe i can help you study before the test *smile awkwardly*
Mimi: really? thanks *smiles* lets go to the library
Sora: ok
*Akayo comes along*
Akayo: hey Mimi hi Sora *smiles*
Mimi: hey
Sora: hi
Akayo: what are you guys doing
Mimi: Sora is gonna help me study for the exam
Sora: yep. we're headed towards the library
Akayo: oh ok. i have to go to soccer practice. see ya lata
Mimi: bye
Sora: see ya
~the two head towards the library~
Emiko: *spots the two coming in* hey guys whats up?
Mimi: hey Emiko we're are just studying for the exam
Emiko: what! it was today?
Sora: yea didnt you know?
Emiko: *groans* nooooooooooo
Sora: its ok. i can help you both study *smiles*
Emiko: that would be great! thankyou so much sora
*all of them start studying for 2 hours*
Mimi: *sighs* i think i studied enough for the rest of my life
Sora: *chuckles* well its been 2 hours
Emiko: hey offense or anything but ive never seen you laugh
Sora: well i keep to myself alot
Mimi: you should hang out with us more. i mean your really fun
Sora: thanks
Mimi: oh no not now
Sora: grea their back
Mimi: huh? what do you mean?
Sora: never mind lets run
*sora starts running thinking the others are behind him*
Zare: *collects a soul* this will do. now to take my leave
*the 2 girls transform*
Emiko: hold Zare. put that soul back! *gets ready to shoot her arrow*
Zare: i am sorry but i must do this
Mimi: why are you doing this? i know you cant be all bad
Emiko: what are you talking about?
Zare: im sorry but i cant say *uses his staff to attack*
Emiko: oh no you dont *shoots her arrow* mimi move
Mimi: *screams out in pain* im sorry i have to do this *throws her ninja stars*
*someone attacks Zare with a whip and then dissapears*
Zare: *groans* until next time
Mimi: no come back!
Emiko: who just helped us?
*Akayo comes along*
Akayo: hey what just happend am i too late
Mimi: *looks down* yea
Akayo: *looks worried* are you ok? *tries to help her*
Mimi: yea im not hurt that bad *groans*
Akayo: *looks at her injured leg* omg no your not! your hurt pretty badly *tears form in his eyes* i wasnt there to protect you *hugs her tight* im so sorry
Mimi: *stunned* its ok. it looks worse than it seems. akayo dont ok lets get back we still have a test to take
Akayo: are you sure?
Mimi: yea
Emiko: oh yea thats right we have the test!
~go back to school and is now in the classroom taking the test~
Mimi: *thinks* omg thank goodness Sora helped us study. this test seems like a breeze
Emiko: *thinks while testing* ugh even with studying with that cutie sora i still dont get it
teacher: ok class time's up hand in your tests
~everyone leaves~
Mimi: hey emiko what did you get?
Emiko: *groans* i got a D
Sora: hey mimi how'd you do?
Mimi: thanks to you i got an A *gives him a friendly smile* your the best
Sora: thanks. i got that too.
Mimi: *thinks* yes i passed but still i have so many other things on my mind. like who helped us fight Zare. and why was Zare acting strange?
Sora: is something on your mind?
Mimi: not really
Sora: hey whats wrong with your leg?
Mimi: oh its nothing.....hey i have an idea lets go get smoothies to celebrate
Emiko: thats a good idea. lets go.
hey guys...well there's chapter 3. today's my last day and ill be gone for a week since i wont have my computer cause its getting fixd. ill miss are some messeges to certain ppl:
Lie74: i found out my post problem. thanks for helping
Kuro Tora Takai: Hey.....sorry i'm not gonna be here. I promise when i get back you can dump everything on me again *gives you a tight hug* You'll be ok. Promise me you won't get hurt.
Akayo Kanachi: Hey dude *tear drops* im gonna miss you. While im gone try ot to get in trouble ok? i heard some dude threatend to kill you so dont do anything stupid. *gives you a good hug* see ya in a week....oh yea i almost forgot *kisses u on the cheek* theres another kiss before i leave
Animeswordsman92: hey dude. sorry i wont be around to talk to. ill be back soon. while im gone u can talk to anime guy if u like ^_^
well i guess thats it. see ya.....bye
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
hi otaku ppl. sorry i havnt been visiting everyone sites. ive been so busy. well.... i promise i will visit when i can. im not gonna be on for a week because im getting my computer fixed and so ill probably be gone for a week starting friday. its not fair cause what am i gonna do without a computer? o was fun. i guess thats all i have to say. well latas. |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (9) |
Monday, May 2, 2005
hey everyone. omg! i cant beleive what happend. ok. i was at a grocery store buying some junk food and suddenly this guy came down the aisle looking at me pervertedly so i just ignored him. then he said "hi" so to be polite i said hi back. he kept on looking at me and kinda moving closer so i went to another aisle. the scary thing was that he followed me! he thought i didnt notice so after like 3 minutes i went to another aisle and he followed me a little after i left. thats when i started getting scared so i went somewhere in the store with alot of ppl around so that way i felt safer. it didnt help much ause he kept following me. i was scared he was gonna try doing something to me so i started leaving. then when i was at the exit he was there and said "hey wanna ride home" so trying to be calm and polite i said "no thanks" and so i walked past him feeling a little calm since there was this policeman around so i knew he wouldnt do anything. as i did he reached out to try and touch me so i dodged him and just kept walking faster until i got rid of him *takes a breath* it was scary. now im safe at home. well no story today srry. ill try doing it tommorrow. |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
hi guys. welll so far my day has been good. sorry about not posting yesterday ^_^ i guess i spent all my time talking to akayo. o well. here is a question for u guys:
What are you willing to sacrifice for what you want the most?
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Chapter 2: Truth
~this scene starts off with the mystery servent going around looking for a soul~
Mystery person: ahhh. this looks like a good one Angel will be pleased *sneaks up on a man*
Man: hey! what are you doing!
Jen: taking your soul you fool *she uses this staff like the one Zare had to steal his soul* that was easy. humans are so pitiful. wasting their time with nothing else to do. *leaves the man souless*
~ changes scene to Mimi's bedroom~
Mimi: *waking up and groans* was that all a dream? *looks at her scratches* hmmm....i guess not. *thinks and cries* "why is this all happening? who was that guy and why is he stealing the souls of innocent people? why couldnt i protect that girls soul? its all my fault" *gets a little mad* im gonna find out more about this and ill make sure no one else loses their soul. *gets up and turns on the tv*
Man on television: and in other new strange things have been happening in Nagasaki, Japan. so far 2 people have seem to have gone blank. its like they lost their souls. witnesses say that their was a strange character around when this happend.
Mimi: *thinks* two people? but that guy we encountered only took one. maybe there are others. i have to go to akayo's house to ask his family more questions. only they can help me. my parents dont even realize i have mystical powers. *the phone rings and she picks it up* hello?
Emiko: *in a dissapointed tone* hey mimi. akayo just called and told us to meet at his house. its about the thing yesterday.
Mimi: ok ill be there in a minute *hangs up, gets dressed and goes to the kitchen* hey mom dad?
Ms. Minamura: yes mimi?
mimi: im gonna go to akayo's ok?
Mr. Minamura: is he your boyfriend now?
Mimi: dad....i told u he's just a friend
Ms. Minamura: oh stop teasing her. go ahead mimi
Mimi: kay....thanks *leaves*
Mimi:*rings doorbell* hello its me mimi
Akayo's grandpa: oh hey youngster come on in. its not so often we see akayo's girlfriend. i mean you are mostly what he always talks about. its mimi this and mimi that
Mimi: *blushes*
Akayo: Gramps! *hits him on the head* how many time to i have to tell you to not freak out the guests. come on in mimi *smiles*
Emiko: oh hey mimi! *smiles*
Akayo's Grandmother: ok everyone thats enough chit chat we must get to work.
*everyone gets quiet and serious*
Akayo's Grandma: now sit down *everyone sits on a couch* now tell me exactly what happend akayo
Akayo: well grams it was like this..... we were just talking for a minute then we felt this earthquake. it was strange. all of a sudden this weird guy comes along...i think his name was Zare
Akayo's Grandma: what? did u say Zare?
Emiko: yea that was it! do you know something?
Akayo's Grandma: *turns pale* yes i do. Zare was the name of one of Angel's servents
Mimi: he did say something about someone name Angel
Akayo's G: yes. Angel was an evil deamon that would steal the souls of people. in doing so she would fill her dark crystal with them until it was full. when that crystal was full it would turn into one of the keys to open the doors of Nirvana. Nirvana was the ancient lost paridise. it was guarded by the royal family but when the 100th generation of the royal family was born Nirvana was locked away with two keys. one of the keys is the dark crstl that Angel holds the other is the light crystal. im not sure where it is now. Angel must also find the lost princess of the royal family as well to open the doors if she wants to rule Nirvana and turn it into a frigid wastland
Mimi: so thats why *looks down* but why must people suffer. its not fair
Akayo: but thats why we are here to protect them *puts an arm around her* so we wont let it happen again
Emiko: thats right! we are shizuis!
Akayo's G: hold on youngsters. do not get in over your heads. Angel is a powerful deamon to deal with and so are her servents. you must get more power before you can face them
Mimi: she's right. remember how Zare eat us with that attack of his?
Akayo: that means more practice
Mimi: but i have a question. if emiko and akayo's family knows about shizuis then why doesnt mine?
Akayo's G: im not sure
Mimi: o well it doesnt matter *senses something* *gasps* somethings coming
Akayo: what?
Mimi: its him again
Emiko: then lets go
Akayo's G: wait! before you go take this *hands each of them a necklace with a small crystal* it'll help
All: thanks
*they leave and transform*
Zare: i see you have returned spiriters
Mimi: that's right and this time we are not letting you take any souls
Zare: i am sorry but i must *spots a little boy* his will do fine
Akayo: no you dont! leave him alone! *attacks with his sword*
Zare: *grunts* i see you have become stronger from our last encounter. well then i have no choice but to fight
Emiko: give us your best. we'll beat you. *shoots her arrow and hits him in the arm*
Zare: *groans in pain* ugh i am sorry about this *attacks with his staff* what? they are still standing
MiMI: thats right. like i said you wont beat us *attacks with her ninja stars aand hits him directly*
Zare: *is badly hurt* i see i must retreat. we will meet again *runs away*
Emiko: we won!!!!!!!!!!!!
Akayo: yes. we did. and the boy is safe
Mimi: he will be back so dont get to exited
Emiko: girl stop holding it back. you know you totally kicked his buut. lets celebrate
Mimi: kay *smiles*
Emiko: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Akayo: lets head back
Mimi: kay *looks back and thinks* "why did he keep appologizing?"
ok that was chapter 2. im kinda proud of myself. well have a nice day everyone. |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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