AnimeGrl 101
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Hey guys.... Well I changed my them to Nadesico.... I hope you guys like it... I love this theme.... have a nice day guys! |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Friday, December 2, 2005
Hey Everyone.... It's been horrible for me.... But now I'm gonna try to start over... I know I'll always have good friends to help me.... I have one good friend that has always been there... Thank you so much Nikki (Brandon) or Akayo/Kaisen... I thought you left me but you always came back... You've always kept your promise... thankyou much for that.... I would also like to thank animeduelist91 and Vampiric Werewolf.... you guys rock *hugs and kisses vampiric werewolf on the cheek* thank you all as well... everyone on otaku is great... thanks again nikki (if anyone tries to steal the nickname i call kaisen/akayo you're dead lol) *smoochies nikki* love you all lots!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Hey Everyone! Today is a birthday of a special friend of mine. I would like to wish Vampiric Werewolf a Happy B-day! HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *big hugs* |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Hey Everyone,
I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was kinda sucky but I'm not complaining too much. I want to say Happy Almost B-day to Vampiric Werewolf. Well I don't have much to say. Have a nice day everyone!
~Mimi |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Hey Everyone!
I'm alive (for now).... My mother got back but she hasn't killed me yet.... yay me! But now I'm fearing for when she does kill me T.T..... well I guess I'll keep trying to stay alive... oh btw I hope you all have a great Thankgiving! ^_^ L8erz
~Mimi |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Monday, November 21, 2005
Hey everyone.... Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm probably gonna dissapear for a while.... Everything has been a mess lately... So many lies and crap... Me being blamed for everything... It's been pretty bad... A lot of shit has happend to me... My mother is coming back tomorrow and I'm seriously in trouble for some stupid reason.... I'm not sure what she's gonna do, but I know it's not good.... Wish me luck with her... If I'm not back within a week.... Well just know that I probably won't be back ever again...I'll never forget you guys... Bye...
~Mimi |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
BANG BANG BANG.... crash goes my world......... |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Hey Otakus I'm able to get on and post a little more these days... I still don't have time to visit everyone but maybe in a week or so, I will.... I hope you are all doing good ^_^ I miss talking to you guys... Well there's not much for me to say... I guess life's been kinda sucky... But I won't let that stop me... Kaisen if you are ever on PM me (annd tell me you didn't do something stupid)... well I hope you all have a great day *hugs and kisses*... Oh and be4 I forget... VampiricWerewolf, if you ever come to my site and read this... i just wanted to say Im sorry that you havn't been feeling so happy... I really wish I could cheer you up like before but I can only do that if you let me... and I'm willing to bet that you think you really don't need me to cheer you up cause you don't really want depend on others... well i'm not telling you to depend on me... I'm just saying let me help you if i can cause all I want to do is keep people happy and help you... I'll always be there for you *hugs*..... Laters everyone |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Dear Otakus,
I guess I'm back from hell.... My life has been really fucked up lately... A couple of people died... I found out my best friends are bitches... My mother won't let me have one moment of peace... My fucking step dad is a fucking jackass...And so much more... O takue used to be a retreat from all the mess... But now I don't have time to get on anymore... I want to thank all of my friends on here (for no reason)... you guys are great... I have special thanks to very special friends of mine...
~Kaisen/Akayo- thanks so much nikki... you could always put a smile on my face ^_^ although we don't talk often anymore i will still always love you lots *hugs and kissies* you were always there for me and i'll always be there for you too ^^ (and guess what, i've kept my promise to you so far ^^ I'm gonna try my best to keep all of my promises)
~VampiricWerewolf- hey bennyz... we've had some real tough times.. yet we always seem to pull through (for the most part) you've been there for me a lot, so thank you *hugs tight* "good things only last for a while, so let's enjoy them while we can", that's what you said the other day... I have a question for you about that but I'll ask you it later.. you're a great friend ben. only dumbasses would take you for granted... ^^ I'm glad you're my friend/idiot/pillow/jackass(lol u kno wht i mean) ... I love you very much *hugs and kisses*
Thankyou to everyone else as well ^_^ I'm gonna try my best to stand up to life...Before I go I also wanted to say this...~just because my site makes me seem like im a happy carefree girl with a great life, I'm not... to all you people that think I'm just saying all the crap to make my life seem bad, i'm not... i make my site cheery to help lighten the mood... so what if my site isn't dark like a lot of other people... it doesn't matter.. "don't judge a book by its cover"... don't judge my life by my site and its background...thanks~ I'll see you guys later
~Mimi (the sad lovely angel) |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Two days ago at 6:45 a boy of thirteen was walking around his block. A van came and hit this boy from behind. Then drove of to leave him to die. Less than an hour later police arested a man. It is said that he was drunk driving. This boy was either going to die or be brain dead. At around 10 he was declared dead.
This boy happened to be a friend of my. To show him we care, please pass this to all your friends or family.
In loving memory 1992-2005
(this wasnt My friend, but he was a friend of my friends' and this isnt a fake chain letter... it is all true and i would not lie about it) |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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