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I have many, but making people smile is my best ^_^
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To find that special someone thats out there waiting for me...
Singing, dancing, and so much more
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| AnimeGrl 101
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Dear Otakus,
I guess I'm back from hell.... My life has been really fucked up lately... A couple of people died... I found out my best friends are bitches... My mother won't let me have one moment of peace... My fucking step dad is a fucking jackass...And so much more... O takue used to be a retreat from all the mess... But now I don't have time to get on anymore... I want to thank all of my friends on here (for no reason)... you guys are great... I have special thanks to very special friends of mine...
~Kaisen/Akayo- thanks so much nikki... you could always put a smile on my face ^_^ although we don't talk often anymore i will still always love you lots *hugs and kissies* you were always there for me and i'll always be there for you too ^^ (and guess what, i've kept my promise to you so far ^^ I'm gonna try my best to keep all of my promises)
~VampiricWerewolf- hey bennyz... we've had some real tough times.. yet we always seem to pull through (for the most part) you've been there for me a lot, so thank you *hugs tight* "good things only last for a while, so let's enjoy them while we can", that's what you said the other day... I have a question for you about that but I'll ask you it later.. you're a great friend ben. only dumbasses would take you for granted... ^^ I'm glad you're my friend/idiot/pillow/jackass(lol u kno wht i mean) ... I love you very much *hugs and kisses*
Thankyou to everyone else as well ^_^ I'm gonna try my best to stand up to life...Before I go I also wanted to say this...~just because my site makes me seem like im a happy carefree girl with a great life, I'm not... to all you people that think I'm just saying all the crap to make my life seem bad, i'm not... i make my site cheery to help lighten the mood... so what if my site isn't dark like a lot of other people... it doesn't matter.. "don't judge a book by its cover"... don't judge my life by my site and its background...thanks~ I'll see you guys later
~Mimi (the sad lovely angel) |
Wish upon an angel... and let her show you love...
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