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myOtaku.com: AnimeGuy 101

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Guestbook Entries:

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Naraku19 (05/07/05)

Cool site. Later,

animefan821 (04/26/05)

wats up,kool site.i like the inuyasha picx.sign my gb.i will add u as a friend,later.

X CaNNoN (04/26/05)

The background? I'm not quite sure. My friend gave me the link. ^^ sorry! but I got my music at fusionanime.com I like you site! INUYASHA!! I'll add you as a friend. cyaz! XD


monoksan (04/23/05)

sweet avatar

inuyashaworshiper (04/23/05)

Konnichiwa! I luv Inuyasha! ^_^! I like ur site 2! Cum by mine anytime, I'll ad u, k. Tootles!

inusamurai (04/22/05)

kool pix and site, and avi!

kome ova here kay?



Shadow 94 (04/22/05)

tite pix....i shal ad u as a frind

Mina, sophia (04/17/05)

konnchiwa umm..inuyamarru!love ur site!
come to mines anytime k!well later!

JuliasPeach (04/17/05)

hi there, ^^ nice site you have, :) you did some nice work one. ^^ well I hope you stop by my site some time too. laters! :)


Marik2112 (04/16/05)

Nice site!!! Love the background, I'll add you too^^ And awesome song!!!



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