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myOtaku.com: AnimeGuy 101

Saturday, May 21, 2005

  I am so mad right now i was on aim and me AnimeGrl 101 and Anime4vietgrls24 were on i got cut off somehow and wen i got back on they thought it was an imposter so they started asking me questions and trying to figure out if it waz the real me so they finaly got though and they beleive me so now I think they wont trust me anymore and we are best friends

You're Bass.EXE. Created by humans and wrongfully
accused of destroying a prototype network, you
were hunted down, scarred by those who made
you. Fueled by revenge, you strive to make
yourself more powerful, having become known as
the SuperNavi. With your impenetrable
LifeAura, you will one day destroy the vile
humans that wronged you.

Which MegaMan Battle Network 1 NetNavi are you?
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