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Quiz Results
The Grand Line!!!LOL!!!
Member Since
Pirate/Writer...same diff.
Real Name
Ashton..>Call me Michiyo
umm...i have started a colection of One Piece graphic novels...?
Anime Fan Since
begining of this year (2005)....a really good friend got me hooked on it!.....U know who you are!^_^
Favorite Anime
One Piece, Ouran High School Host Club, Code Lyoko, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon,
to become a better anime artist. i also want to strive to be a writer or a teacher....
Drawing, writing, video games, etc...
Writing, Drawing, etc...
| animekitkatzzzz
Image Rollover Effect
Monday, November 19, 2007
That's right! After giving up here awhile ago, I decided to make a new account!
YEPPERS! I am no and forever known as AshGreenArtist!
So give me an add!!!!!!
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
OOOOK I am making a random post because....I haven't for awhile! How is everyone!?!?!?!? I'm finally a freshman! AND IT ROCKS!!!! lol, I've made a lot of friends, a lot of which love anime and what
um.....I'm kinda not supposed to be online so I had better hurry and log off.....I just wanted to say hey!
So TTYL LUVS!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Meh Hair!!!! SHE IS GOOONE!!!!
I used to have waist long, brown hair....but now.....I have sholder length hair!!!! T.T
But truth be told....I love it! *swings hair around carelessly* I am!

So what else is up you ask? well I've been drawing more pics and might post them here i'm not quite sure.... oh, and I'm ABSOLUTELY addicted to a new anime! *gasps*
Ouran High School Host Club!!!! ^-^
I LOVE Kyuoya!!!!!!!
oh! and did you guys here about 4kids loosing the rights to onepiece!?!?!?!
LOL how awesome is that!?!?!?!
XDXD They're bringing back the old theme sings and everything! NO MORE RAP CRAP!!!!! AND they're getting new voice actors!!! HEEHEE!!!!
*clears throat* so yea......
well that's what's up in my world! how bout you all??
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Monday, May 14, 2007
HI! Yay!
Hey guys! I know I know...I haven't been on 4 ever! lol! I wanted to post some of my art so please check it out if you can! ^_^
But I'm in a weird mood....I'm happy because I got accepted into this early college thing that I applied for! so yayz! And we only have like less than 2 weeks of school left! but that's kinda sad...which brings me to my other mood...
I feel kinda Emo because Theres this REALLY REALLY nice sweet cute guy who likes me! I know you're all WTFrazzle?! But I really like him and he likes me...but I dont want a boyfriend right now....or for awhile...and I want to let him down easy....T.T
AND there are other guy related issues going on that are sad.... one of my friends who likes this guy told him she hated him and cussed him out. But she had to. It was for the best. they could never get togethrt no matter what so she fixed the problem..... sounds dumb...but trust me. It's really sweet, ecspeially with his circumstances.....
so yea....i have another school dance this friday....and my eighth grade graduation comming up too....I keep talling people I'm going into college (which is true) and it's really coool!!!
So um yea,....check out my piccys! *goes to post pics*
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Friday, March 9, 2007
Wow, i feel like i've totally dropped off the edge of the earth! XP i miss you all! I've been stressing a lot lately about school and such. They're presuring all of us to find a highschool soon and i'm terrified! i know that's stupid but i am actually scared! i dont like the thought of going from a small charter school with 28 or so other kids in each class, to a giant public shool of 4000!! with 40 in each cllass! i'm so worried! T.T
But on a brighter hmmmmmm well, i can't think of much. Well I got a cool t shirt that says "I heart anime" and i got to taste my first bit of pocky! I LOVE it!!!!!!! LOL! yea, Yumi is commin over in a few hours which is good and bad cause i got A LOT of homework to do! right now we're having a "Pre spring break" so we got half a day wed. and thurs. and fri. offf. so on wed, i was out with my mom all day "Bonding" and yesterday i cleaned the house! XP I'm going out of town for the weekend so i cant do it then! that leaves today only!! I have to read this retarded book called "the lord of the Flies" it's gross, stupid, and pointless! and i'm supossed to fill out two worksheet things for EACH chapter! I'm on chapter eight and haven't done but half the work. then i have TONS of Algebra!!! all this homework pling up on to of me stressing what school i'm doing next year! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
so yea...if anyone know's how to make me feel better and not stress....... let me know! XD
well right now, i should get off and do my homework! XXPP but i dont wanna so
well i'll try to be online more ok guys? I really miss this site A LOT! i've made great friends on here! ones i've known longest are VenusKitty and Dream Love! I love all my friends but you two are the ones i think of when i think of theotaku! but you all rock! *hugs*
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