Birthday 1993-06-24 Gender
Female Location The Grand Line!!!LOL!!! Member Since 2006-03-25 Occupation Pirate/Writer...same diff. Real Name Ashton..>Call me Michiyo
Achievements umm...i have started a colection of One Piece graphic novels...? Anime Fan Since begining of this year (2005)....a really good friend got me hooked on it!.....U know who you are!^_^ Favorite Anime One Piece, Ouran High School Host Club, Code Lyoko, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Goals to become a better anime artist. i also want to strive to be a writer or a teacher.... Hobbies Drawing, writing, video games, etc... Talents Writing, Drawing, etc... animekitkatzzzz
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
yay!today is my first official day of school! i am sooo freaking happy! not about the school thing, moer about my friends being in my class. i guess i'll have to do this more often. wakeing up early, posting early. i promise i'll post tonight also and if i dont visit you now, i'll visit you later this evening. i have arounfd 30 minutes to kill so i guess i'll go play harvest moon......but beore i go, here is a video on bobobo.........
today, i gotta go and meeet our teacher and junk. i'm slightly not that excited. probably because i set an alarm on my phone by accedent and it woke me up at midnight! so...........yep. bri and i talked last night for an hour. mostly 'bout video games and anime. yep.... well i gots to go take a shower and get ready for tonight...... here's a video since i'm too lazy to post a pic.
hello....and goodbye?
well i am going to the "meet the teacher" thing tomarow, then i start school the next day...where the heck did the excitement go? also, yesterday, my mom, dad, and me spent most of the day, making my room, literally spotless. they wouldn't let ONE thing slide! i had to make sure it was perfect! well anyway, today, suposedly, my mom is taking me out to get a book or two, and MAYBE a video game i've been wanting. i want to get harvest moon magical melody. i also wanna get this "how to draw manga book". i'm getting the one on how to draw clothing and such.......then i'm buying Bobobo bo bobobobo, yep. i watched it last night and i decided i wanted to get all of hem. LOL i'm still ticked at tunami for changing One Piece AGAIN!! i was so far into the stupid series, and they changed the order AGAIN!!!!!!! *sigh* i'm tired of watching Chopper's arc. yeah well i guess arabasta can wait....for now *anger*............i guess that's all i can post for the moment. i will visit every one who posted today. k TTYL!
here are some REALLY REALLY cute comics: Comments (1) |
Saturday, August 12, 2006
uh.....hi. this is my last weekend before school!!! i can't wait. i'm going into 8th grade. at our school, the 8th graders get to go on a camping trip towards the end of the year. they also get some sort of graduation party. i know, i'm getting excited for something that's at the end of the year. but i'm just trying to get Bri (in luv wit Sanji) off my mind, she is visiting family....again. she said we needed to do somethig together before school starts.....but i start next well anyway, i'm gonna visit every one who updated today! not so do ya like my new BG? i'm trying something differant....just to let you know, i'm not dark or anything....i just like this BG......well, here's my pic of the's my two FAVE things! StarWars and One Piece! i call him, Zorikan!!!!!or something...... Comments (2) |
Thursday, August 10, 2006
well, hi again. today is gonna be a short post 'cause i got to go to the dentist. yeah i know i was suposssed to go last wek, but my mom moved it to today. yea so any way. i'm also waaaay totired to post @ the moment. i guess i'll have to get used to it.LOL! i'll try to visit everyone l8r....k TTYL
here is a little comic i found off photo bucket Comments (1) |
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
hi again. yes i'm still sressing over the con. that's next year. there are two in our are (ones 4 hrs away, the othe 8) so i dont know which one to go to. i think i got the cotume thingy figured.........gosh i'm way too tired to post. i'm gonna go back to bed. yes i know it's only 10am i'm just tired. so here is a quick video. i will try again l8r-_-zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
well hi again
i have only one week from today until school starts. but i'm not as happy as befoer. i mean, i got a cool book bag my mom said i could get anime buttons to put on it and everything....i guess 'cause one of my best friends from last year wont be here....that means i don't have any GOOD friends who are girls. last year we usually hung out in little groups. my group had (including me) 3 girls and 2 guys. one of the guys (whos a total jerk now!!!) wont be comming here....yay! and you already know bout my other friend. but what about the other girl? we had a little fight and i told her we couldn't be friends 'cause the way she always put people down and cuss them out, disrespectful to teachers i guess i hope there are going to be some new anime fans in my class......hehe sorry for going on about it...i just need to vent every thing out. anyway, i guess i'm gonna go nothinmg as usual....*sigh* oh! before i go....i might be thinking about changing my theme....i really like it now but....what do you all think???? Comments (1) |
Monday, August 7, 2006
AHHH!! i worked my butt off trying to get these stupid pics on my computer!! all day i have been fooling with the scanner!!! but after i work really hard on them....otaku won't let me post it!!! it keeps saying "you have not selected a file" and i freaking did!!!!!!!!*deep breth* any way, besides that...i have to go to the dentist to get my teeth clean today...*sigh* i guess it doesn't suck too bad...any way, i'm still trying to raise money for the anime con. i think i can get ticket money no prb, but it's cosplay i'm worried about...hmm, maybe since i have around a year to plan....i can use my report card!! dont know what that means?? well when i get a good report card, i get to go out and pick a few books. (Sounds boring, but that's how i get one piece!) so i'm gonna ask if instead of books, i can go to consignment shops and look for parts of my costume.....any way...its past midnight so i'll hit the hay...l8rs!! here's a comic i found on photobucket Comments (4) |
Sunday, August 6, 2006
ok, well i am totally stressing out! yesterday we went shopping for school and i got everythinh on my list. i also got a japanese mickey mouse shirt, two other cool tops and a denim vest. i wanted to go to old Navy....but we didn't have time. so why am i stressed? i dnt know. school starts a week aftr tuesday. well what else??? my mom agreed to let me buy some one piece swag off the internet. i'm buying some pins for my back back.(which rox by the way!)besides that, i have been looking for places to buy cosplay....i'm planning on dressing as Vivi, Sanji(in the orangeish outfit from water 7) and Zoro. (read yesterdays post.) if anyone knows any sites that have anime-ish clothes...please tell me! also tell me if there is a site that sells t-shirts and stuff with one piece logo on it. i think yesterdays post wa my longest yet! but yet...i only got 1 comment...thanx Hiei1350!!......well i gotta go and ...... do nothing^^ here's a video i found about Zoro
anime con?
i'm really excited 'cause i found an anime convention that's going o be held close to us! (if you think 4 hours is close-_-') but it's not for a long time.....(sometime in 2007.) we missed the one in may so i have ta wait till next year. but that's ok 'cause i gotta raise mney to get in and come up with some awesome cosplay. in luv wit Sanji wants to go too, so including myself, her and my mom, it'll cost $135 for a three day pass. my mom said she doesn't mind driving us all that way and getting a hotell room. she rox! all i have to do id get money for the tickets and make a costume. i REALLY wanna be Zoro and in luv wit Sanji REALLY wants to be Sanji, but i think we decided to be Vivi and Nami. i have really long hair so i'm gonna be Vivi. in the out fit with the white shorts, and striped spaghetti strap with the lime green fluffy coat and boots! i'm even gonna make her little pecock feather spinny things...ILWSanji doesn't know which of Nami's outfits she wants to wear so we're working on that. but GOSH! i wanna be zoro!! i have an old shirt in my closet that looks like his! i even have black jeans! all i need is a sash and bandana! (and earings and swords...but...) who knows...maybe we'll bring 3 costumes and wear them each day!
besides the anime thing....hmmm what else to i have ta report....well last night, we had "family night". that's where we sit around and play games and watch movies ti'll midnight. we played Nerds 4 times. my mom won 3, my dad 1. then we played Bull. i won every time!!!^^ we were watching a movie when ILWSanji called. i had been waiting to call her for days so i ran upstairs and we gossiped(no really gossip...but you get the idea) she told me about this HUGE sail that she went to yesterday, so i'm going there to go school clothe shopping....who knows....maybe i'll find some items for my cosplay^^....k my pic today is Vivi in the outfit i'm looking for! the last outfit, not the first two.... Comments (1) |