Birthday 1993-06-24 Gender
Female Location The Grand Line!!!LOL!!! Member Since 2006-03-25 Occupation Pirate/Writer...same diff. Real Name Ashton..>Call me Michiyo
Achievements umm...i have started a colection of One Piece graphic novels...? Anime Fan Since begining of this year (2005)....a really good friend got me hooked on it!.....U know who you are!^_^ Favorite Anime One Piece, Ouran High School Host Club, Code Lyoko, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Goals to become a better anime artist. i also want to strive to be a writer or a teacher.... Hobbies Drawing, writing, video games, etc... Talents Writing, Drawing, etc... animekitkatzzzz
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
my weekend has sucked so hard!! it started out awesome cause i got to go over to a friends house. but when we went to go see a movie, our car broke down before we could leave. so we had to sit through another movie. when the tow truck came, it started to pour. of course, only me and my mom got soaking wet! then we head back to my friends house to pick up my stuff. we go in her room, to find her dog was stuck in her room ever since we left. i found one of my One piece graphic novels torn to shreds! not only that but my one piece video game was ruined! to top it all, i wanted to watch one piece on tv. i waited 2 frazling weeks to watch it! only to find they messed the schedual up, and instead of the Arabasta arc that i'm in...i had to watch Chopper's arc!!! i've seen that one 3 times!!!!!! i am so ready to scream! i just needed to vent......don't get me wrong...i had fun @ my friends's just how everything went wrong. but today should get better 'cause my mom is takin me to get a new book.......oh, by the way, "in luv wit Sanji" won't be able to go on her computer! lightning fried their computer so they have no internet.....yea she says she's sorry she cant update....well i hope you all had a better day then i had!^^
OH! and here is my photobucket pic of the day!
hi going away!
ok...i'm not leaving for long. "in luv wit Sanji" invited me over so i wont be on until Sunday i will try and visit everyone today!^^ so i want to post this's one piece movie 6 part 8. this is so sad! I hope no one minds me posting it! if you were planning on watching the whole thing, i advise you not watch this clip....even though it's really sad. the first time i watched it, i cried!T.T
and here is my photo bucket pic of the day! it's a small clip from the graphic novles....
k, well i hope you all have a great weekend! c ya soon! Comments (2) |
Thursday, July 20, 2006
New pics!!!!!!
From now on i will try to post daily so i can post what i am calling my "photo bucket pic. of the day" i went on photo bucket last night and found many many awesome one piece pics. so once a day, i will post one of my pics. some posts i might leave up so that people who missed it, can see it..... so here is my first pic:
Shanks!@!!!!*sigh* Comments (1) |
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
OK peoples! listen up! dolphin934's site is still if you want to talk to her, go to her new site. her username is now "in luv wit Sanji" so if you are wondering why she won't message you's because she can't log anyway! TTYL! Comments (1) |
Sunday, July 16, 2006
i have been sick all day wit a sore throat and it's still no better...urg.....Well thanx to all your helpful comments...Sarcasim people....i am changing my can still vote on the one you like below and i might change it again....also, watch my video below and tell me what ya think.....k well i am tired so i think i will head to bed in a couple of hours.....(it's almost midnight now!^^) well i guess i'll TTYL! OH!!!! SHOOT!!!! i CAINT change it! dangit!!!!! the pic is way to big!! AAAAAGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............................ok...noe that tha's over i will just change my pic to a one piece thingy... Comments (1) |
display piccy....whch one????
Read the post below first...........i have a few avatarsi want to use...which one should i use guys???????
1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Comments (0) |
YAY! Chrono Cross!!
I have gone Chrono Crazy! i'm thinking about changing my Avatar to match my BG....what do yall think? i found the opening montage for Chrono Cross on Youtube! YAY!!!! i love this vid! i can't get my music off my site though.....the BG music. i deleted the URL but it still is playing. so if the music is playing and you want to see the video....check back l8r....hopefully i will figure out how to delete it!LOL!!! oh! also, to anyone who plays this game, how do you get the stupid Parlor key to Vipor Manor?! i got in the stupid mansion, got disguises, but i can't get the key to the parlor if anyone knows, tell me! if you need to know, my party consists of Serge, Kid, and Nikkie. i dnt know if that has to do wit anything, but it might have to do wit da story line....i dnt know! help if ya can! (wit da game or wit my music problem! -_-')
New anime!
i found a new anime that i love!!well i already talked about Kare Kano...but i found thiss awesome new video game! has any one heard of Chrono Cross??? i absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!even though it's for PS1, the intermission sequances are awesome! i wanted to post a video i found about it, but i just started the game and i don't want to spoil the ending yet....OH! a friend of mine wants to know if there is a final fantasy game that isn't "extremely" violent....i don't know much about it, but one of my friends wants to get the game, but she thinks violent games are boring so....plz tell me so i can tell her!^^ well, i gatta go clean my room. my mom said i won't be able to play my PS2 or go on the computer until my room is clean....*sigh* well, i guess i will TTYL! OH!!!! Also, do you peeps think i should put a music BG on here? i mean music playing in the back ground. i like to post videos so it's kinda hard to watch wit da music too...what do yall think? Comments (2) |
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
For Venus-Chan!
me and dolphin934 were surfing you tube and it's midnight...but oh well.....we found this video for Venus Kitty....we know ya got a BF but this is so you wont forget Shadow.
Shadow: NO! she's moved on! please no!
me: shut up.....
Shadow: curse whoever made this video!!!
me: yea, well...we is off to torture Zoro and Sanji!!!
Dolphin: I Love you Sanji!
Sanji: uhhh i'v never had a girl fall for me...this is weird...
Zoro: well this other girl wont leave me alone!
me: you rock! *hugs*
Zoro: uhh...*moves away*
me and dolphin: we caint help if anime guys are ALOT cuter than real guys!
me: sorry 4 all ya cute REAL guys...we aren't counting you....
Me:enough stupidity! on with the video!
Shadow: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
me and dolphin: *giggle*
um hi peoples...i am bored.
well i'm kinda shad cause dolphin934 was supossed to come over today, but she caint so....T.T ye well i did get a PS2 last night! finally...i got One Piece Grand Battle, and some game called Romancing Saga. if anyone knows any (anime)games that dont envolve violence, magic, demons, etc...plz tell me! yea right now i'm listening to Fall out Boy....i usually listen to a song until it gets annoying. first i liked Groove coverage and the Rasmus, then it was Folder5, now it's Fall out Boy and Panic! at the disco...yea their cool...what else?? oh! as soon as my dad hooks up our scanner...(which i think it's today) i'm gonna finally post my GOOD artwork...the only one i posted so far sucks hard. so look out for that...well i'm bored so i'll leave youall with this funny Sanji video: