Birthday 1993-06-24 Gender
Female Location The Grand Line!!!LOL!!! Member Since 2006-03-25 Occupation Pirate/Writer...same diff. Real Name Ashton..>Call me Michiyo
Achievements umm...i have started a colection of One Piece graphic novels...? Anime Fan Since begining of this year (2005)....a really good friend got me hooked on it!.....U know who you are!^_^ Favorite Anime One Piece, Ouran High School Host Club, Code Lyoko, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Goals to become a better anime artist. i also want to strive to be a writer or a teacher.... Hobbies Drawing, writing, video games, etc... Talents Writing, Drawing, etc... animekitkatzzzz
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hey peeps...
i think dolphin934 is back today...i'm waiting for her to call me first...besides dat...i'm REALLY bored...i want to go swiming today, but it might be too cold and boring....yea like i said, today is sooo boring! i never thought i would get into the bands Fall out Boy or Panic! at the disco....but i love their music now!^^ my fave songs are: "our lawyer made us change the name of theis song so we wouldn't get sued." and "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage" i'll post some vids of it l8r! (in order)WAIT!! so weird! dolphin934 just called me!!! she says hi! well i'm gonna go and talk 2 i 'll ttyl! Comments (2) |
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
yea, i changed my theme again...i caint help it! i have so many cool BG, that i can never make up my mind! but i swear i will keep this one for awhile.....i like it 'cause it's full of chibi-ness. is that a word?? LOL! well i gots 2 go so i guess i will try to visit everyone rather now, or l8r 2-day...TTYL! Comments (1) |
Monday, July 3, 2006
Nami's B-day!!!!
today is Nami from one piece's birthday...i jst thought dat wuz cool....i dnt have time for a long post today...i'll try to visit everyone l8rs.....ummm so for now, here is a nami vid.!!!!
uhhh...bye peoples!
my computer is probably going to be off line for a few days....i'm supossedly getting my moms computer which is hopefully faster. i need to transfer all my piccys to it and stuff. were moving a few of our computers around, so the internet will be off for a few days. i'm going to be working for my parents part time as a secretary or something. hey i'm 13, but i'm getting 25$ bucks a week (or month...i can't remember.) so i'lll still try to post regularly...even if it's during my coffee break...LOL JK!!^^
so for now i bid you fairwell! and leave you all these cool piccys of Zoro!!!! (from movie 5?) Comments (1) |
Thursday, June 29, 2006
ok...i know by the title, i sound very hyper...well actually it's quite the opposite. any way, I'm really excited because there is going to be an anime class at our library! i have been wishing that we had an anime "something" for awhile... so i'm going to that, and i'm going to see if there are any fellow Otaku peoples there....yep. so i'm REALLY happy! ^^ besides that, i've been obsessing over Pokemon for no reason what so ever...and i've even started some fan fiction. on my One Piece story, well actually, i've finished it, and its' sequal, and now i'm working on the third book. *sweat drops* hehe...even after the third one...i have an idea for at least 1 more book....once again *sweat drop* hehe.
i'm thinking about changing my theme soon...should i stay wit one piece...*thinks* hmm... Also, dolphin934 has been outa town for over a week, and for about a month now, we've been trying to get her site to work. every time she logs in, it just wont let her! we even tried on my computer...still nothing. her site is still intact though... i can visit it every day if i wanted to. she just can't get to her backroom. someone on another site said that they couldn't log in to otaku either. so if anyone knows what's wrong, or what to do...please tell me so i can pass it along to her.
~thanx~ Comments (2) |
Monday, June 26, 2006
Usopp & Chopper
mmk peoples! Well, i'm back! and to celebrate my hereness, i will post chopper and Usopp's info!^^
Usopp is 17 years old, 5'9 1/2" and born on April 1st (April Fool's day), and is an Aries.
Usopp uses a slingshot as his weapon and shoots Pachinko, small steel balls used in gambling. He also has a variety of special attacks, including rotten eggs, lead, exploding stars, caltrops and many others (including Skypiean dials). Recently in the manga, in Usopp's role as Sogeking, he is seen armed with a combination slingshot/staff called the Kabuto.
According to a recent Japanese fan poll, Usopp is currently the sixth most popular character.
The back of Usopp's head can be seen on Luffy's wanted poster.
According to Oda, Usopp is most like an armadillo.
Also according to Oda, Usopp's nose is nine inches long.
Usopp increases his sight with special goggles. He purchased an upgraded pair in Logue Town, but the actual scene of him purchasing them was cut out in the 4Kids Entertainment dub.
Usopp will often tell enemies that he is "The Great Captain Usopp" and commands 8,000 men or some other absurdly high number that changes every time.
Ironically, most of the tall tales he told Kaya have came true at some point during the Straw Hats voyage. These include meeting a Giant Goldfish (as the crew was leaving Little Garden) and fighting against a giant mole (against Ms. Merry Christmas during the climax in Alabasta).
Perhaps one day he will actually get 8,000 followers and become a captain.
By Bon Clay's standards, Usopp possesses the world's weirdest/funniest nose.
Chopper is currently about 15 years old, although he looks much younger in his Brain Point form.
In Japanese Fan Polls, Chopper is constantly the fourth most popular character.
Sanji refers to Chopper as the "Emergency Food Supply" to tease him.
Chopper can understand and speak to other animals, which comes in handy at various points during the story.
The name "Tony Tony Chopper" is partly a play on "Tonakai" ("Reindeer"), and partly on the idea that his horns look like they could chop down trees.
Chopper's left antler has a metal plate wrapped around it at all times. He originally broke it while retrieving the mushroom for Doctor Hiriluk.
Chopper's reindeer appearance often comes in handy. Enemies will usually assume he is just a pet when they haven't actually interacted with him. This was especially useful in Alabasta, when he played an instrumental role in Sanji breaking the others out of Rain Dinners.
Most people call him Chopper, however Nefertari Vivi calls him "Tony-kun", and Nico Robin refers to him as "Doctor-san" (Mr. Doctor).
One of Chopper's habits is his reverse cartoon peek where he's standing behind a wall or doorway and peeks at people, trying not to be seen by them. Unfortunately he's not hiding his body behind the wall, as a result his body is visible and only one half of his face is hidden.
Chopper tends to overreact a bit when someone is in need of help. He is prone to freak out and yell for a doctor just to realize that he is one.
Chopper, who spent a great deal of time distrusting humans, still pretends to not appreciate anything they think about him. However, this farce extends only as far as words, as any compliment sends Chopper into a little happy dance.
Chopper's birthday is December 24th (Christmas Eve).
His tail was never seen due to the shorts he is wearing
Chopper's pajamas, according to the ending animation Free will, are star patterned much like Ussop's.
Although Chopper shouldn't eat three Rumble Balls within 6 hours, in the filler part of the Davy Back Fight he took two right after another in the "Hit or Dodgeball" game. Thus this is one of the major plotholes Toei created. However because this was done before Oda got to that part in the manga, they had no way of knowing.
Chopper's dream is to expand his horizons and become a doctor that can cure any disease, thus he joins Luffy to travel the world. are some vids.
um...hi peoples! i'm bored today...i just wanted to post these awesome videos!!! they are all about Zoro...^^
yea so any way..does anyone know where i can get my own button for my site? i guess that's all...
k!TTYL!!! OH! also, what's the song for the last video?
yay! Anime!...*cough*
i have been haveing the best anime weekend! compared to my usual weekends, it's awesome. i finished my one piece story! (well, one of then anyway.) but now i have to work on the sequal. I also got the next two one piece books! sadly though, i'm only on book 8. i finished 7 today...i'm still on da baratie arc!! urg...well, the third great thing that happened, was i just now completed my pokemon XD game!!! yay! it took forever, but i finally beat the big boss. i'm still playing it though. even after the big battle you can still go back and continue to train pokemon. has anyone heard of harvest moon?...and actually played it. that's my next video game goal. i have the girls version, which i only have 1 chap. left to go. i also have the boy's version, but i'm waiting to finish mine first. i dnt have the new one though...i dnt really care. yea, i'm a video game nerd! @_@ so any way! i hope yall have a great week! please message! TTYL!!! Comments (2) |
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Nami and Sanji facts
ok, back by popular demand! (ok not really) here is Nami and Sanji...
According to the author (in response to a fan's
question), Nami's dress size was 34-22-34.
Nami means "Wave" in Japanese.
She is 18 years old and is 5’6 1/2”.
In the pilot version of the chapter Romance Dawn there was a character named "Annie" who looked very similar to Nami.
Nami's two favorite things are money and mikan (mandarin oranges) often translated to tangerines.
Nami has a tattoo on her left shoulder which represents mikan and pinwheels (a homage to her past), where she used to have a tattoo for being the chief mapmaker for Arlong's Crew.
According to Oda, Nami resembles a cat.
The first map Nami plotted was the island Cocoyashi village is on.
Nami's birthday is July 3rd, which is a pun of her name. "Na" is short for the Japanese word "nana", meaning seven, and "mi" is one of the Japanese words meaning three. So, 7-3, or July 3rd.
She often holds Luffy's hat during a battle where it may be damaged, this trend started at the Arlong arc. She's also the one to repair Luffy's hat whenever it does get damaged in a fight, this trend started in the Buggy the Clown Arc.
The author has also replied to a fan's question to saying that right now Nami's measurements are as follows: Height 169 B 95 W 55 H 85, though her breasts seem to grow and then "reset" throughout the arcs (this is much more obvious in the manga).
Nami's dream is to draw a map of the entire world.
He has a tendency to rename himself when fighting, such as Mr. Prince or Hunter.
Sanji often fights with Zoro, and the two have developed quite a rivalry. They often compete when fighting enemies.
Sanji originally wanted to cook Chopper, and continues to refer to him as their "emergency food supply" to tease him.
Because of his ordeal at sea, Sanji will never ever refuse giving food to anyone that is hungry, regardless of their reputation, lack of funds or social standing. From that same incident, he also becomes enraged when someone throws away or wastes food.
Sanji's left eye is rarely seen, always covered by his hair. This is speculated because Oda didn't want to have to mirror Sanji's trademark curly eyebrow on the other side, but fans have suggested that his eye is sewn shut, there is no eye, and that it is permanently heart-shaped just in case. On one occasion in the manga, when Sanji was turned upside down, his eye was covered by a speech balloon. Although they are all just speculations, it's not known what or why his left eye is covered. There are rare times when Sanji's left eye was shown: see anime episodes 21, 27, 82, and 128 (although extremely briefly in 128, only 1 frame, 09:18).
According to Oda, Sanji most resembles a duck.
Sanji is 19 years old and 5'9 1/2" tall. Even though he is officially the third tallest member of the crew, he's consistently drawn taller than Zoro in the anime.
He is born March 2nd, a Pisces. His birthday comes from "San", which can mean the third or three, and "Ji" which means the second. The second day of the third month.
Unlike the other four Straw Hats that are from East Blue, Sanji was actually born in North Blue and moved to East Blue later.
Sanji's 'all kicks' fighting style is a fictional alteration of the Brazillian martial art Capoeira.
Sanji is referred to as an "ero-cook" in the anime, which means "perverted cook" because of his constant flirting
Sanji uses the word Mellorine to express his happiness over Nami, Vivi, and Nico Robin.
He will not allow insult or injury to any woman in his presence while he can still stand. One exeption happened during the Alabasta Arc when Luffy hit Vivi in front of Sanji and the others, although Sanji complained, he allowed it because he understood Luffy's purpose.
A running gag with Sanji would be about how he wants a bounty, but never got one. Some fans speculate that after their raid on Enies Lobby, he might either get a small bounty or no bounty at all.
"Sanji" is a way of saying "three'o'clock" in Japanese.
Sanji's dream is to find All Blue, a legendary ocean which contains all the fish in the world.
Sanji is a playable character in Jump Superstars.
Sanji also seem to run into a lot of opponents who think him too weak to protect anybody. However no sooner then they state this, he proceeds to beat the living daylight out of them.
In the anime series, in addition to women, Sanji also gets along quite well with children.
Both Sanji and Mugen from Samurai Champloo have the same personality. Both have the fighting style of Capoeira, both Trash-talk a lot, and both are womanizers.
Sanji's left eye is seen in the Doctor Stop card in the One Piece CCG Set 2, Passage to the Grand Line.
Sanji's relation's with Nami seem to have become a more mature one, as he doesn't appear to attempt a "direct approach" anymore, much in the Naruto series how Naruto's relationship with Sakura becomes more mature.
mmk...enjoy peoples! next is Chopper and Usopp! (tomarow, i'll do a regular post!^^
hahaha! AwEsOmE VIDEOS!!...
YAY! tanx 2 Eriol Aries for helping me w/ my piccy problem!
~also tanx 2 U GeorgieEviHarri!!^^~SEE POST BELOW
Well, i'm not up to much...kinda bored. i will add more of those trivia thingys. sorry they are so long. i think it makes it easier to read when they are spaced out. anyway..hey...i found some awesome new videos! i'm curently obsessing over the first video: "Elvis vs Anime". but i also like Weird Al. the second one is one of his anime videos: "I Think I'm A Clone Now" LOL! enjoy!