Birthday 1993-06-24 Gender
Female Location The Grand Line!!!LOL!!! Member Since 2006-03-25 Occupation Pirate/Writer...same diff. Real Name Ashton..>Call me Michiyo
Achievements umm...i have started a colection of One Piece graphic novels...? Anime Fan Since begining of this year (2005)....a really good friend got me hooked on it!.....U know who you are!^_^ Favorite Anime One Piece, Ouran High School Host Club, Code Lyoko, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, Goals to become a better anime artist. i also want to strive to be a writer or a teacher.... Hobbies Drawing, writing, video games, etc... Talents Writing, Drawing, etc... animekitkatzzzz
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hi N srrY!!!
yes i am actually posting! OMG!!!! yea i have been so frazling busy wit school it's not funny.....yea so the problem @ school has....simmered down it's cool......i was supossed to get a guitar but i think i have to wait till tomarrow............OH! i am doing this project for school where i have to make a map of something and bring it in and i am going to draw a map of the Merry Go! i was gonna do the grandline but i like the ship more....i am even gonna dress as Luffy!!! scar N all!!! i just need to find a beter hat....yea i haven't started and it's due me post the night before "O MY GOSH!! HOW WILL I EVER FINISH!!??" so if i do...tell me i diserve it.....^^ yea well, i am gonna go play HM! yes again!!!! i wanna keeeep playin!!! oh, i have also been workin on my Fan Fic....i wanna post it here...wat do yall think???? i will tell you all more tomarrow if i can get on sok?? i will visit every one i can!!! TTYL Comments (1) |
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sorry for being Lazy/.....i refused to update the last few days......first, because bri is here! has been playing video games........yea so.....i'm also really TICKED OFF at theis so calledFRIEND of mine @ school. she's been sore @ me for the last 2 days. so i have been letting her have her space...then, when ever i am nice to her, (a friendly smile a funny comment, etc..) she gets all mad!!! so i just ignore her until she approaches me and says "you've been toying with my feelings and ignoring me for the past 2 days!!!" so i'm like WTC?! she then insults me by saying im too my op, that has nothing to do with the fact that she's acting like an idiot!!! it really made me mad so i started crying. (just to note, i NEVER cry but i couldn't think of a comeback soo i was mad!!!) so a few minutes later, she acts like she's my BFF adn that everythings cool!!! URRGG!G!G!G!G yea so hows everyone else??? LOL besides that....i've just been playin video games and hangin wit in luv wit Sanji (AKA bri) and such so......i will visit every one and in luv wit Sanji will update right after i finish posting so....yep....hee is a quick video bri found...the song "concrete angle" makes mecry anyway.....but the video makes it even worse!!!!!
Yes.....i am sooooooooooo sorry for not posting and or visiting other peoples sites!!! school is major streeeeeeesssss!!!!!!! but as the week draws to an end....i grow happy! today, i had my guitar lesson! i go in thinking "oh lord....30 minutes in a room of struggling kids...." but i walk in and there is one it was a PERSONAL i am HAPPPY!!!!! YAY! i am getting my own guitar this instuctor is REALLY nice and works at a local music store, so i have to call tomarrow and ask for him so he can tell me about gettign a guitar or something.....yea so besides that....IN LUC WIT SANJI IS COMING OVER!!!! yes again..........but she rox!!!!!!! i am meeting her directly after school!!! so i am happy.....i am trying to make school better, but between all the homework and a "FRIEND" (please note the "") who keeps acting weird! i am trying to focus on my work and it's kinda hard when certain people are nice to me one minute, then are all ticked for no i am confused.......yea well i gotta quickly eat dinner and such so i will visit everyone and TTYL!!!!! also, too lazy to post a pic...... Comments (0) |
Monday, September 4, 2006
Memorial monday!!!
yea, this is gonna be a REALLY short post....i'm playin Harvest moon Mgical melody and am on the phone wit "in luv wit Sanji" she's playing Harvest moon another wonderful life that i lent her.......i will try to visit every one really quick so i can get back 2 da game. how is everyones break??? Comments (2) |
Saturday, September 2, 2006
well, yesterday, i did NOT get my asian food! I also did not get my book i wanted....but i got somthing better! we were heading to the bookstore (my mom and me) and i was talking about games. i mentioned how i have been dying to get Harvest moon, Magical she said "where would they have it?" i said gamestop so she automatically turned into the mall! (the mall is right next to the bookstore adn GameStop is in the mall) she bought it right there! so i am happy! i wanna play it right now, but my dad wants to take a 2 hour drive!!! now, i usually dnt mind car long as i'm going soemwhere adn have music to listen to.....BUT! we are going on a 2 hour drive to NOWHERE adn my CD player has like, no battery life in it! so my mom said i MIGHT be able to stay behind....i REALLY wanna visit everyone right now, but i haven't got to play my video game since yesterday so....sorry also if i did not visit you yesterday! i will visit everyone today though....jst not now...LOL! JK!! i will visit half the people now, half later!!! or i might do all now.....ignore me, i'm rambling 'cause i wanna go play my video game!!!! Comments (3) |
Friday, September 1, 2006
hello! TGI freakin F!!!
YAY! it ish friday and i am happy! letme fill ya in on...well why....first i already mentioned i'm taking guitar starting next week....i also have ta join this "girls on the move"'s kinda like track, only they dont care if ya suck so, was a half day and i am happy! in just a few min. my mom is taking me to get som japanese for lunch! then we're gonna get some new books! i know i'm a nerd! i just REALLY want this anime book!!! we're also gonna get coffee and Godiva cheesecake!!! it ish yummyfuL!!!!!!!!!!! oh! i forgot to mention....for my dance class, we have to make up our own dance thing and preform 4 da class...... @ first i as really excited and offered to do it on my own.....but now i wish i hadn't! there is no one in my class who i want to dance with or would want to dance with me so.>.>!!!! urg! i really wanted to do salsa but i can't w/out a partner!!!!!! so i'm screwed!!!
yea well i'm gonna visit updated peeps now and visit the rest 2night! so here is a quick pic! i found it on photo bucket and edited it so it would look like me and "in luv wit Sanji".......can you guess who is who??? (sorry for taking your idea Sanjiiscool!) Comments (3) |
Thursday, August 31, 2006
yea, well i am shtill mpm thought it'd be cool to sign me up for guitar in my if i'm not stressed enough! i really wanna take dance after school when it gets here in the fall.....the teacher is soo nice! i'm just egsausted and such that i cant spell rite.....bad joke...sorry.....yea well i'm gonna try to visit everyone right now or after i eat adn unwind....but i WILL get to you all today.........well i gotta go fall asleep for 1000000000000 hrs! TTYL!
AK out! Comments (2) |
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
i am so sorry i didn't post yeterday!!! i have been so busy! but i always make timeto visit my fellow O members! yea well let me catch ya up. i have ben stressing in school, somewhat getting in trouble occasionally, i have a test tomarow, which is based on all the info we learned while i was out sick, and i just don't feel good!*deep breath* do i sound stressed??? that's why i dont have any time for the computer! but this weekend, my dad wants to do something really be honest...i dnt have the energy to do squat! ahhhh!!!! it's times like these i tend to hallucinate...right Zoro?
Zoro: uh...why am i here?
me: 'cause i wanna prove i'm overworked, overstressed and over...dumb,,,
Zoro: and where do i fit in????
me: you are just an inigma of my mind...or something...
Zoro: no i'm not....
me: *eyes widen* then it IS you! *jumps into arms*
Zoro: uhh......*sweatdrop*
Me: come on Zoro! my mom ish a maken shloppy joes!
Zoro: does sound tempting....
me: weee! well i gots to go eat wit Zoro!!!!! Comments (4) |
Monday, August 28, 2006
well i'm back in school......yea i'm feelin much better. everyone really missed me. well i should tell ya hat i did wit in luv wit Sanji over the weekend. we played the ending of Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life. it was sho shaD!!!! i cryed so hard. you die and yer son yells "no mom!!" and your husband screams "nooo!" it was sooooooo freakin sad!!! we then unlocked every character adn stage on one piece grand battle....yea, well i wanna invite her over this weekend...but i doubt she can....well oday kinda sucked 'cause everyone is worrying about this soap opera issue! as in some one dating someone even though they weren't...does that make sense?? well i just hope it all straightens out soon......well i gotta go eat and...not do home work...JK i have to to some other crud here is a video 'cause i'm too lazy to post a pic! this is my fave opening
AK: i ish happy 'cause i gots in luv wit Sanji right here wit me!!!!
INLSanji: Sup homes...i'm gonna update my site really soon!!!!!!!
Ak: whotever.....
ILWSanji: Sanji ish Haaaaawt!!!!
AK: ......Poor dear...excuse her......she thinks Sanji-kun iis hawter than Zoro-chan......
ILWSanji: *sigh*.....oh look!!! hey Zoro!!!!
AK: WHERER!!!!!! *Looks*
ILWSanji: *hits AK wit chair* who's hawtter????
AK: oh no you didn't!?
ILWSanji: *sweat drop* -_-'
AK: FeAr My AwEsOmE pOwEr!!!!!!!! *whistles*
Zoro: yes my love!!!
ILWSanji: *sigh* did you hypnotize him AGAIN!?!?
AK: ......maybe....
ILWSanji: Zoro! get yo hawt butt outta here!
Zoro: master....
AK: Dagnabit!!!!....*shad face*
AK: you SHUCK!!!!
ILWSanji: yea well.........who's da boss now??!?
AK: fine!....but now you won't get my gift i made for ya!!!
ILWSanji: A gift?!??! for me!!!??? ...wait....are ya gonna punch me???
AK:. no.....(to self: dangnabit!)....i made this thing 4 ya a while ago and i want to post it....
ILWSanji: ummmmm.....ok! i'm sorry!!!!!
Ak: *sigh* it ish.....