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Friday, September 28, 2007
Hee Hee :D
Hello ppl!
I just got home from skewl and we were having a dance party called The Mixer it was sooooo fun! n.n
I danced like crazzzy and all the boys were watching me and this one kid named Mahad said,'Hey the lil white grl can dance!'
I was like o////o lol
And there was a jumpy thing and we tried knoking it down but it didnt work TT.TT
AND i am going to a birthday party tonite at 7:00 for a sleepover were going to walk to Fireside Pizza which is only a block away from her house and then were going to watch When A Stranger Calls is it really super scary? Cuz im just 11 so i get nightmares still XD and if u know what im getting for her PM me! I hope u guys have a good weekend too!!
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hey guys guess what i sprained my wrist DX
Can u guys PM me because i want 2 talk 2 u guys about sometin serious so yeah PM me the reason why im able 2 type is im typing very carfully and not as fast as i usually go.
Oh and i tried out for a play called Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen but 6th graders always get the crappy parts!! :( oh well
And its my friends sodapopgirl's b-day today so PM her and give her a happy birthday ppl!
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
Hey guys!
Hey do u like the new stuff? I know she blinks isn't that awesome!?! well i hope u like it!
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
Ok i went to my friend Phil's house and when Phil and his family were at their uncle's farm they found two 6 mounth old kittens that look like his cats Bagsy and Waco so we named the one that looked like Bagsy Oreo because he was black and the one that looked like Waco Caramel! They are so adorable!!! They live in the bath tub right now! XD Oreo nows how to lick the milk out of the saucer on his own without a seringe but Caramel's still learning so yeah oh and my other friend Doug wuz there and the kittens liked him best cuz they wud cuddle up next to him so yeah they're so cute!!!!!!!!
OK g2g,
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Monday, August 27, 2007
The pool n school
NO!!! the pool closed last night at 8:00 for the whole year!!!!! V.V i love to swim... but now we can only go to the indoor pools poo...
in other words school starts in a week and a day so yeah i hope u guys can still have ur pool open.
1.) When does school start for u?
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hey guys! I got a DA! so if anyone wants to talk to me or anything my username is DevilsAngel22!
PM me!
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New Art
 Night Goddess Hosted By
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New Theme n stuff
Hey guys i have a new theme!!! ^-^
pita-ten! w00t! i hope u like it ^-~
I just got back from a sleepover today and last night my friend Bunny and me put shaving creme in my friend Meghan's hand and some in my other friend Lizzie's hand so me and Bunny tickled Meghan's nose and she smeared it all on one side of her face,her blanket and the couch!XD
then I tried to tickle her with her hair but i cracked up to much so Bunny took me to the bathroom and we laughed and we got out and Lizzie already smeared on herself and her sleeping bag! Dang we missed it!!!DX
then I stayed up until 5:45!! >.< lol
oh and before the sleepover we went to Valleyfair and we stayed there until 10:00 thats when they closed so yeah and the power tower is really scary at night and when we went down it was super scary!! Oh and before that we had Amp a energy drink and Bunny had coffee! XD
i hate coffee XP
well i hope u guys had a fun weekend! :)
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Another Vacation!
well in a little bit me and my mom and brother are going to Utah to go see my Aunt Hannah,my Uncle George and my two cousins Leah and Georgo(GeorgeIIII) and we are going to go camp in the mountains and climb them too!!! its going to be so much fun seeing them! I cant wait so yeah in a few minutes we are going to go to the Minneapolis Airport and fly for about 2 hours atleast i have my drawing pad and iPod!XD
Kudos to Riri-chan(Kitten24) for taking care of Lucy i love u for that! And riri, she doesn't need to go in the crate at night when u guys go to sleep she wont have any accidents ^-^ But if she starts barking u can and tell her to shush up so yeah hope u guys have a fun rest of the week!! im going to be gone for a week so have fun u guys ^-^
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
New Art!!
 Slumber Party!! Hosted By
plz look!
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