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being a awesome anime drawer!!!
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Since uh 4 or 5 when i first saw Sailor Moon
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TMM, Spirited Away,Naruto,MMPPP,Chobits,Princess Mononoke
to have 1000 visits and 100 guestbook signituers!!^^
drawing anime and reading manga,swimming
drawing anime and being me no dar! :b
| AnimeKitty23
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
My boyfriend broke up with me.........*sobs*
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Two days ago i was riding on my bike and i had to cross an intersection well i cudnt because there was construction going on there so i tried to get up on the curb but insted i crashed but i didnt get hurt so i had to push my bike all the way to the top of the hill when i was pushing it the fender scraped my leg and clear fat juice came out of it and then blood and i screamed. Unfortuatly i didnt have my cell phone so i had to push my bike all the way home (which was a few blocks). When i got inside i started to cry because it hurt like hell. My mom is a doc and she told me i had to get STITCHES!!! my first time because ive never been to the ER. So i went there i had sit on the bench outside to let my mom park the car and then we went inside. oh and the cut looked like a tadpole lol. i sat down and the minute my mom sat down we were called in to the ER. I layed down on the bed and the doctor numbed my wound and he left then this nurse came in and cleaned up then the precesor(sp?) starts while im watching Family Guy! XD lol. it actually didnt hurt at all and i got a slushie yay! well now its a little soar but ill get over it.
Have you ever had stitches?
Hows your week going?
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
Hey sorry guys i haven't been on lately!!! i was grounded from the comp. V.V did ya miss me? well i was just at a sleepover with my friend SPG(sodapopgirl) we watched Signs and drew and ate and stayed up until 1:00 AM! it was fun! well i hope you had a nice weekend! well coming up on Wed we are having our poetry recitle here are my poems: The ABC by Spike Milligan and The Owl and the Pussycat(im the pussycat!) they're two great poems.then on friday schools out and the whole grade goes to Grande Rios!! :D OMG i just realized something.... i get to see my crush with his top off!! *sqeels* *blushes* heh heh heh heh...... well see you guys soon!!
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
At 10:30 we are going to leave to go to.................................. Pirates of the Carribean at worlds end!!!! yay!
Two of my friends went there at 9:00 on Thursday and they stayed there until midnight! they are soooooooooooo lucky!
And also on Thursday we had our spring concert! ^-^ it was really fun! i play the trumpet. u have to pucker up ur face and buzz ur lips to make a sound XD lol. and u have to change the pitch of ur VOICE!to get the really high notes. ^-^ we did soooooooo awesome! and the orchestra played first like they always do >_> well best for last!! lol. well i hope u are having a nice weekend!
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Friday, May 25, 2007
I don't know..................
I don't know if i shud be telling you this or not with all the goons out there to get us girls but my REAL name is Amelia not Rachel.... i just i dont know........... do u think it was the right thing to do?
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
This is how it is....
well yesterday i was sooooooo excited to go to MOA when my mom says 'its going to be a big day tomorrow!' and then i say 'i know MOA.' and she goes 'what? you have to get ur teeth removed tomorrow.u cant go to MOA.' and i was realllllllllllllllllllllllllllly upset so now i can only go for 3 of the 5 hours......but at least i get to skip school for the rest of the day! ^-^
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Monday, May 14, 2007
So much is happening! On Wendsday the whole grade from my school is going to MOA(Mall of America) because we were doing so well with patrol,a patrol is someone who helps someone cross the street and they stop cars when they're there with their flags. Then on June 6th we're having this really big poetry recitle and on June 8th we are going to Grand Rios for a field trip!! ^-^ so its going to be sooooooooooo supery dupery fun!!!! you didn't see say that <_<=>_> lol well i hope u are doing well too! ^-^
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hey guys
hey guys im just about to take my dog Lucy on a walk but i just wanted to tell u im going to a birthday party for my friend Bella! ^-^ were going to a Chef's Academy to cook stuff and then were going to her house until 9:00! awesome... i still gotta wrap her present. she loves puppies so i got her a stuffed animal dog,the game Life and a little candy! well i hope u are having a good weekend too! ^_________^ im going to have sooooooooooooooo much fun! well c ya soon!
Mew Sugar
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This is a super fun game!
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Monday, May 7, 2007
You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat

You are a nice blend of cat and dog.
You're playful but not too needy. And you're friendly but careful.
And while you have your moody moments, you're too happy to stay upset for long.
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