E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger nsane_but_gorgeous00
Birthday 1991-07-28 Gender
Female Location thailand Member Since 2005-05-21 Occupation bein me Real Name TAHSIYN A.K.A TAH
Achievements Making it this far in life with no falirures Anime Fan Since I 'd say about a week now.... yeeea about a week Favorite Anime Yu Yu Hakasho,Naruto,teen titans,death note,Inuyasha(who doesn't) Goals To learn how to actually draw anime. To get a book published to b famous and many many more Hobbies shopping running surfing the net, writing,passing notes,playing on my n*gage,going anywhere but home Talents making people laugh ,impersonations,being really good at playing my saxophone during band,being s
myOtaku.com: animeloser
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Here is a little about me leave a commet about me please