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Saturday, January 12, 2008
went to a party....
omg for the past week i've been taking finals and most of them were ok. history was easier than i thought and my essay for english was ok too. i still have more next week but than i finally get a break. FINALLY!! lol.
so today i went to my friends birthday party and it was fun. omg we were playing truth or dare for a while but than we stopped since no one could think of a good truth question to ask so we just played dare. My friend got dared to be given a makeover so we all put eyeliner and eyeshadow and stuff on her and i thought it came out good but she took it off. And my other friend got dared to go next door and ring their doorbell and than run away so she had to do that too. lol it was so funny. This other girl that was there got dared to tell the pizza deliverly guy that he was hot when he came. It would have been funny but he never came. :( lol. omg two of my friends kept on poking me cause they knew it was tickling me. So im like trying to run away and one of them grabs me and i almost fall on her. it was really really funny. yea well i g2g now. so tired and still have to study for more finals on monday.
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Monday, January 7, 2008
omg this really sucks! i cant even begin to explain how much this sucks! ok i'll tell u what sucks now, lol. For the next two weeks, yes 9 school days i have a final exam every single day. In each possible class i have a final exam with a part 1 and a part 2. As if that wasnt bad enough, theres more! So after that i get off from school for like a week in a half but i have to come in one day to take this stupid test called the regents. You probaby havent even heard of it unless u live in new york cause its the only fukin state that does this. Its a stupid three hour test that we have to take for every class and i gotta take the math one. Great way to start off the new year right...just kill us with tests. *sarcasm*
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Its 2008 and i hope all of u have a good year. ^_^
Yea i know i havent posted in a very very long time, but im back. *waits for applause* jk, lol. ugh, i gotta go to school tomorrow. its not fair that they make us go back so early. well i gotta go and start my homework. i waited until the last possible minute, lol.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
O.O I got an award!!

YAY!! yea be jealous! JK! lol
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Well i finally finished my stupid project. i did a damn good job on it. lol thats a lie! But I shouldnt be getting another one for a while now. Thats good. today something happened in gym. Ok usually we just sit there and do nothing but today my teacher was like "Were gonna start playing actually volleyball games." *groans from everyone* And so we did, i played too unfortunatly. Well the volleyball is coming to me and i put my arms up to hit it but its coming really fast so i use my wrist to keep it from hitting me in the face. That thing was coming at like 90 mph. lol. But it hit against my wrist really hard so now my wrist hurts! its been hurting all day. this is why we shouldn't have gym. i could die!! ok maybe im exaggerating a bit. lol. omg today my chemistry teacher told us that were not gonna have lab on friday so i'll probably cut class. I wouldnt be able to do that if it was lab, cause if i miss one im gonna have to stay after school to make one up. come on, its bad enough going to school, i definatly dont wanna stay any longer than i have to. ....theres a thousand more things i can say but i gotta go to sleep now. lol. byebye.
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Omg i am so stressed out right now. The tests and projects are not ending!!! i have this history project to do and its due on wednesday, and i havent even started yet. ugh i am soooo good at procrastinating, lol. And i have tests the rest of this week. omg i cant wait until friday!! WINTER BREAK!!!! oh yea and today in my computer class my teacher took away my friends headphones. She was just listening to her ipod while were suppose to be reading this thing and he saw the wire. So he came over to her and grabbed her headphones, not her ipod...just the headphones. what an idiot! She was like so shocked and asked me to come with her after class to get them back. And so i went and he yelled at her saying that if this happened again her parents are gonna have to come get it...blah blah blah. lol. Thats pretty much it! byes!
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Friday, December 14, 2007
went to the mall!
Today i went to the mall after school to buy christmas presents for my friend. It took me like 30 minutes which was surprising, lol. Ok so were in claires which is this makeup/jewerly store and i keep on knocking things down. Not on purpose, but even thing i touch falls down. Me and my friend just start laughing. lol. Omg while i was waiting for my mom to pick me up, there was this really annoying kid that kept crying and screaming. i wanted to tell him to shut up, lol. oh yea something else funny happened! after my mom picks me up we go to some store and when were coming back she forgot where she parked her car. So she spends like 10 minutes looking for her car and im just laughing at her! LOL!!
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
im sick!
well this whole week i've been really busy cause i had a test like every single day. And today i didn't go to school cause i felt sick, so i missed my chemistry test. And now im gonna have to make it up which sucks.
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Saturday, December 8, 2007
ok so nothing much happened today. i was suppose to go to the mall with my friend to look for christmas presents but idk what happened and we couldnt go. So were gonna do that next weekend. uh...yestetrday me and my friend skipped chem tutoring and went to burger king. (yea i go there a lot, lol) And after i was taking the bus home by myself and this lady comes up to me and starts talking to me. Im just like "um....ok" she stars talking about how cold it is and complaining about her job. Theres a lot of weird people out there. lol.
Oh, today i was watching the episode of Naruto where naruto, sasuke and sakura try to find out what kakashi's face actually looks like, and they follow him everywhere. Its SOOOOO funny! i love the part at the end where kakashi says "under this mask there is sometimes another mask" LOL!!!
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
about today!
Well today was really boring. Nothing interesting happened! But i did get my report card, my overall average went down three points which i guess isnt that bad. It went from a 95.13 to a 92.77 stupid chemistry. lol. i didnt do as bad as i expected considering i did fail most of my tests in math, but somehow managed an 89 average. LMFAO i sound like such a nerd! i had to take two tests today. Math and history, not sure how i did on either one. well i guess i'll find out in a few days. lol. omg it was snowing all day today, but the thing that sucks is that it was wet snow so it melts as soon as it hits the ground. AWWW! is it too much to ask for a little blizzard so i can get outta school. lol,
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