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Monday, December 3, 2007
*sigh* im at school right now and im bored. I have two tests/quizzes today. My stupid english teacher is giving us a grammer/spelling test. I am gonna do so bad on that since im horrible at spelling. lol. And i got a chem quiz which i tried to study for but i had no idea what the hell i should study. He told us but no one was paying attention. lol. oh yea i got a 100 on the chemistry test that i was freaking out about a few days ago. i was so happy. YAY! Anyway all the snow melted from yesterday...i didnt even have time to make a snowman. And now its all icy and wet. that sucks. omg i gotta do a history project which is due next week. i havent even started yet. oh well i'll just do it the night before its due. lol. Thats it for now.
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Sunday, December 2, 2007
Omg IT'S SNOWING!! YAY!!!! first snow of the season. lol. This is the main reason why i love winter cause of the SNOWWWWWW!!!!
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
funny thing happened!
omg something really funny happened at school today. Ok so me and my friends are going upstairs to lunch and the bell already rang so theres like no people in the hallways. And my friend decides that it would be fun to slide down the railing. She does and it seems like fun until the last minute when she loses her balance and falls to the ground. OMG!! me and my other friend were laughing so hard cause it was hilarious. We seriously couldn't stop laughing and we had to walk into the library. So were like "oh shit, we cant come into the librbary laughing like this." It took us a while to stop. And someone told me that sometimes they put video cameras in the staricases to see if kids are cutting class or not. It would be so funny if that got video taped. LMAO!
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
today sucked!
*sigh* Today sucked at school. I found out that i got a 70 my math quiz and we have this stupid chemistry test tomorrow. I hate my chemistry teacher so much. He's such a bastard. Omg yesterday he gave us this quiz on stuff that more than half the class didn't even learn about. It was the day before the thanksgiving break when most of the class cut but he still taught a lesson with like 5 people there. And when this girl told him that he was just like "ur all gonna fail then" He said it with a smile on his face, like it was a joke or something. ugh...i hate him! And now we have this test tomorrow and im probably gonna do bad on that too. So in general my chemistry teacher sucks and school sucks. 24 more days until winter break!! YAY!! thats the only thing im looking forward to.
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
um...i was really really bored today so i drew itachi. i messed up a bit on the hands, im not good at drawing hands. lol. well here it is:

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Friday, November 23, 2007
sasuke pics!
ok i know its a little late to say this but Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone had a good thanksgivng cause i did. lol. But i have to go back to school in 2 days NOOO! i was just getting used to waking up at 12 pm, lol.
Well if u haven't noticed yet i put up more sasuke pics. I love these cause he looks so emo. lol. And i changed my song, Shut up by Simple plan! YAY for SIMPLE PLAN!!
oh btw i drew orochimaru! yea i know i messed up in a few places. lol.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
today was my last day. no school for 4 days. yay!! At school i pretty much did nothing, we had to watch this really boring documentary in english and answer questions about it but it was easy. Omg at lunch my friend makes fun of me cause im drinking apple juice. Is there something wrong with apple juice cause i like it. lmao. after that i cut some classes and went to Burger King. omg at burger king this lady comes up to me and asks me "hablar espanol" meaning "u speak spanish?" i was so confused cause i didnt know what she was saying at first, and its just like WTF...i dont even know u! Why the hell are u asking me this? So i just gave her a weird look and didnt say anything. while this is happening my friend is like laughing at me. lol. So than we went to carvel and bought ICECREAM!! it was AWESOME!! today was a fun day! ^_^
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Good day...
Today something kinda funny happened during lunch. Ok my friend was eating his sandwich in the library and than the mean librarian comes up to him and starts yelling at him saying "Why are u eating in here, u know that ur not suppose to..." Meanwhile im just like laughing at him. Its funny cause i always eat something too and she never catches me. She's yelled at everyone besides me. LOL. OMG i had a pop quiz in math. It was pretty hard but she graded them during class and i got a 100. i dont know how but YAY!! lol. and my history teacher told me that i got a 95 on the 4 page report that i wrote. ^_^ Tomorrow is the last day of school and than we have off. thank god! Im probably gonna cut class and go to manhattan. JUST KIDDING. i will cut class but its too soon to go back to manhattan. lol. well thats it for now.
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
about my day
ummm...not a lot happened at school. I took a history test and it was so hard. The reason: i didnt study. We had to write three essays. I didnt even finish the last essay which sucks. Omg today i was suppose to present my dialogue for spanish but as soon as she called on me to go up, the bell rang. I was like "YESSS SAVED BY THE BELL" lol. well thats it for now. How was everyones day?
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
omg its almost 12 am and i just finished studying for my english test tomorrow. Yea for the first time i did study. I am so nervous about this test cause it counts for like 40% of my grade. I really hope i dont screw up. Nothing much has been happening lately. Just busy with school and stuff. I recently gave in a 4 page history project that i finished in an hour. That was my record, i have never finished a report so fast before. lol. i cant wait for the thanksgiving break. 4 days of no school!! i'll be devastated. JUST KIDDING!! lol. omg something happened today. ok me and my friends were up in the library during lunch. My friend was putting on hand sanitizer. And theres this really annoying librarian who always yells at people. So she comes by or table and tells him "Put that away!! Im allergic too it. I dont wanna see u using hand sanitizer" THATS BULLSHIT!!! I have never heard of anyone being allergic to hand sanitizer. And even if it were possible i know that shes lying. *sigh* what freedom do we have if we cant even use HAND SANITIZER!! But i hate that librarian. She wont even let us eat, so everytime she walks by we have to hide our food. Who ever made that rule about no eating in the library is an idiot. lol.
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