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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
*yawn* omg i am so tired right now. i had to stay up until 1:00 am last night reading this 200 page book for english that i waited until last minute to do. No big surprise there. lol. For breakfast i was drinking soda to keep me awake and than my mom yelled at me. It was actually funny, i pretended i didnt hear her and kept on drinking it. YAY FOR CAFFEINE!! um... the only good thing that happened today was my spanish teacher was apsent but we had a sub that made us actually do work. I was just like screw this and i just copied it off of someone. lol. i have a chemistry quiz. I am so not looking forward to that. i got a 20 out of a 100 on the last quiz. ugh... stupid chem. Does he actually think i give a damn how many protons helium has. I could care less. lmao. well thats it fot now. bye!!
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Friday, November 9, 2007
omg i am so happy that the weekend is here. Even though i didnt go to school on monday and tuesday this week feels so long. Glad that tomorrow is saturday so i can sleep late. lol. omg today at lunch something funny happened!! ok so im just sitting there talking to my friend and across from me jeffrey is sitting. He thinks its funny to throw stuff at me. So he throws this piece of candy at me and since im talking my mouth is open so it goes inside my mouth. Im just like "WTF was that?" and i spit it out. Than i start laughing hysterically. I dont know why, i just laugh at every little thing. LOL. It may not have sounded funny the way i explained it but it was just one of those moments where u had to be there to get it. lmao. Omg i took a math test today and it was so hard!! i think i did bad on it. Math is like my worst subject, and what sucks is that there is like no way to cheat unless i wanna cheat off of someone. Sucks that theres no one smart that sits near to me. :( My history teacher fell asleep again. ugh...while were copying her 5 page notes shes sleeping. lol. i could just leave that class and she wouldnt even notice. i should do that one day. LOL!!
OH YEA!! i changed the song in my intro. This one is called Cold by Crossfade. I am so obssesed with it. lol.
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
About my day!!!
ok so i got my glasses today. There actually pretty comfortable and im starting to like them. lol. Well now i can see things clearer!! YAY!! Maybe in a few months i will be able to get contacts. I hope... a few things happened at school today. Well first of all my friend fell off of her chair at lunch. It was pretty funny, but being the nice person that i am i didn't laugh at her. lol. I was just like "...r u ok??" Another thing that happened was that during gym in the locker room these two girls were arguing over some guy. LOL. I wasnt actually there, i heard it from a girl in my class. But man i wish i could have been there to LAUGH AT THEM!! That's really pathetic!! lmao. omg i cant wait for this weekend!! I have monday off cause its Veterans Day. I dont even know whats the point of that holiday but as long as we have off im happy. lol. That might be a good time to start the three projects i have to do, plus the speech i have to write for english. is such a pain in the neck!! Only 7 more months until summer. yea im counting, its sad. LOL!!
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hi, im bored so i decided to put this up. Put an X in all the ones that apply. lol.
Would you...
[ ] Push me into a wall and kiss me?
[ ] Come To My House To Do Nothing But Chill?
[ ] Slap Me?
[ ] Slap me if I asked you to?
[ ] Hold me in your arms?
[ ] Let me hold you in my arms?
[ ] Hug Me?
[ ] Let Me Hug You?
[ ] Kiss Me?
[ ] Let Me Kiss You?
[ ] Watch A Movie With Me?
[ ] Take Me Out To Dinner?
[ ] Take A Shower With Me?
[ ] Take Me Home For The Night?
[ ] Let Me Sleep In Your Bed?
[ ] Let Me Sleep In Your Bed (With You)?
[ ] Take Me Anywhere With You?
[ ] Lock Me In Your room And Take Advantage Of Me?
[ ] Let me lock you in your room and Take Advantage of you?
[ ] Let Me Make You Breakfast?
[ ] Make me breakfast?
[ ] Tickle Me?
[ ] Let Me Tickle You?
[ ] Stick Up For Me if I Was Being Put Down?
[ ] Instant Message Me?
[ ] Greet Me In Public?
[ ] Hang Out With Me?
[ ] Let Me Hold Your waist from behind while we are out?
[ ] Bring Me around Your Friends?
Do You...
[ ] Miss Me?
[ ] Think I'm Sexy?
[ ] Think I'm cute?
[ ] Think I'm Hot?
[ ] Think I'm Ok?
[ ] Think I'm Ugly?
[ ] Want To Kiss Me?
[ ] Want To Cuddle With Me?
[ ] Want To Date Me?
Am I...
[ ] Smart?
[ ] Funny?
[ ] Cool?
[ ] Lovable?
[ ] Fun?
[ ] Adorable?
[ ] Great To Be With?
[ ] Attractive?
[ ] Mean?
[ ] Ugly?
Have You Ever...
[ ] Thought About Hooking Up With Me?
[ ] Found Yourself Wanting To Kiss Me Non Stop?
[ ] Wished I Were There?
[ ] Had A Crush On Me?
[ ] Wanted My Number?
[ ] Had A Dream About Me?
[ ] Been Distracted By Me?
Are You...
[ ] Happy You Know Me?
[ ] Thinking About Me
[ ] My Friend?
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Monday, November 5, 2007
Today i wasnt feeling well so i didnt go to school and stayed home watching tv all day. But OMG my eye doctor called saying that i failed my vision test and i need to get glasses. Apparently i cant see words from far away. It sucks!! So my dad took me to pick out the frames. I actually like the frames but i still dont wanna wear glasses. And the worst part is that i have to wear them all the time. UGH!! Im thinking about getting contacts but i am really afraid of putting them on. lol. The weird thing is that i didnt even notice that my vision was bad. I sit in the back in most of my classes and im still able to see the board. UGH!! This really sucks!!
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Saturday, November 3, 2007
my friend sonic made a slideshow of some pics that we took the day we went to manhattan. ugh...that day was a nightmare. It was only a week ago but it feels like so much longer. I'm the one with the black hair, and sonic is the one in the sweatshirt standing next to me. We were like freezing that day cause it was cold. lol. The girl in the black sweatshirt is our other friend Ashley. lol.
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Friday, November 2, 2007
cheated on my enlgish test!!
Omg a lot of stuff happened today. well the first thing is that i cheated on my english vocabulary test. I completly forgot to study for it so i wrote the answers on a piece of paper and put that in my lap and during the test i just looked at the answers. I felt guilty afterwards but at least thats one test i wont have to worry about. lol. omg me and my friend got to lunch late and there was only one more chair left so we had to share it, and i just had to sit next to jeffrey. gonna stab that guy one of these days. Throughout the whole period he kept on hugging me and kissing my shoulder. weird... My friends just kept on laughing at me. Well i had to go to tutoring and i learned nothing, oh and after tutoring i punched jeffrey. HARD!! that bastard deserved it. Omg my mom made me go to the mall with her today cause she had to buy high heels for this thing. And we stayed there for 3 hours looking for shoes, i was bored to death. Finally she bought six pairs of heels. Not one, not two but SIX. Thats a lot. lol. um.. thats it for now.
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
Boring Day... was a boring day. I woke up, went to school. Not a lot of people came to school cause it was the day after halloween. Omg in gym class we played volleyball with a beach ball and for the first time i actually played and cause of me my team won. YAY!!GO ME!! lol. My math teacher was apsent and these guys were throwing around papers and one of them actually hit the substitute teacher. Pretty funny. lol. I found out that i got a 72 on my chemistry test but im happy with that grade cause i didnt study at all. At least i passed right. Thats all that matters. lol. oh yea HAPPY FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER!!! lol.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
omg HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!! My halloween was ok, i wanted to go out with my friends but im still grounded for the whole manhattan thing. So i stayed home giving out candy to these annoying kids who kept on ringing my doorbell. ugh...i just wanted to throw the candy at them but no im not that mean. lol. omg i had the greatest costume... I was EMO!! ( thanks to jj who gave me that idea lol) I wore all black, straightened my hair, and wore really dark eyeliner. I was your typical emo. lol. omg the best part was that i had a silly string fight with my brother and his friends in our backyard. It was fun but unfortunatly i lost!! it was 3 aganist one...unfair!! lol OMG!! at school stupid jeffery threw a bannana peel at me and it went in my hair. I was like EWWWWW so i threw it back at him and it hit his face. HAHA. But than he threw it at me again and before i got the chance to hit him again this girl threw it away. lol Ummm....thats if for now.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
ugh....i failed my tests!!!
Omg i had two tests today. Chemistry and History and i honestly think i failed both of them. I thought it was really hard probably cause i didnt study at all. lol. Well something funny happened during my history test. MY TEACHER FELL ASLEEP!! lmao. She was sitting at her desk and had her eyes closed. I was about to start laughing. damn i missed my chance to cheat on that test. lol. ugh... and tomorrow i have spanish and math test. *sigh* Will the tests ever end!
OMG!!! i drew sasuke. its not very good cause i didnt spend a lot of time on it but w/e.

My scanner kind of cut it off a bit but it doesnt really matter. Im gonna draw orochimaru next...hopefully it will come out better than sasuke.
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