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out of my mind... I don't know when I'll be back
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If I told you, I'd have to kill you. ^_^
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Hime (which means "princess" in Japanese)
Lot's of 'em, just can't remember them now!
Anime Fan Since
forever! I've liked it since I was born!
Favorite Anime
I'll have to say... Fruist basket, yu yu hakusho, ummm D N Angel, Princess Ai, Juvenile Orion, Pita Ten, Digi Charat, The Miyazaki Movies, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, Hikaru No Go, Inuyasha, Orphan and anything made by Clamp
I hope to learn Japanese, and move to Japan! I am also making my very own graphic novel, so I hope to become famous! Look for the graphic novel "Split" in a whole lot of years
Latchhooking, swimming, skating, sewing, drawing, playing my Clarinet, and the piano, and shopping ^_^
I'm good at everything ^_^
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
there's these really funny sites that my friend kitsu gave me! Check them out! They're, and
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I'm bored (AGAIN) does anyone have any requests for me?
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Friday, May 7, 2004
It's kind of scary that whever I click on the "random member" that I always get someone who I've already signed their guestbook, and/or they have me as a friend!
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Monday, May 3, 2004
uhh... I'm bored... anyone want to chat?
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Saturday, May 1, 2004
Here's an old fanfic:
Recap of the otaku mafia...
aku oni (evil demon) Description: "Hiei is my snuggle bunny"
baka neko (stupid cat) Description: She really is a stupid human (cat) Ashley: Hey! I really am smart Jen: Yeah right, like your alter ego
hime (name changed from "noisy" to "princess") Description: sweet but clueless
mizu (cold water) Description: Super computer, but has no short-term memory "who am I again?"
kobaka (I think that you know what that means) Description: just like Ashley but smaller/quieter
kitsu (fox(y)) Description: Hime: HAHAHAHA I GOT FIRST CHAIR!!! Kitsu: I'm gonna beat your butt next time.
*Mizu and Hime have a big argument that gets violent about who's going to type. Mizu ends up winning.*
*Mizu is visiting makai from heaven, she's taking a sightseeing tour. She meets up with Aku Oni, Hime, Baka Neko, and Kobaka.*
*Aku Oni is stuck in an eternal pit chained to the bottom with a really kawaii picture of Hiei that is always just out of her reach*
Mizu: So what violent thing did you do this time, oni?
Oni: Got suspension at least 20 times a day *I set a world record!* , killed all the preps at the school, went into the next school and killed all their preps, went to the high school and killed all THOSE preps, put Kobaka in another coma, *list goes on and on for infinity* *Mizu falls asleep at 490,444,118 things wrong* *Oni stops*
*Hime is currently in makai by accident, she took a wrong turn at the heavenly crossroads and got lost. (Of course.)*
Hime: Wow, your list isn't quite as long as last time, Oni!!
Oni: I've been good. I'll just have to try harder next time.
*Kobaka finally wakes up from her previous coma (don't worry, there will be more-Oni will take care of that)*
*Baka neko is in makai because she died of an extreme sugar high from eating too much cake before redeeming herself*
Baka neko: CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!
*Kitsu is in makai because she was the lawyer for Oni when Oni was charged with her *infintesimal* crimes. Not that she would have ended up in heaven anyway.*
Kitsu: Oni, I'm trying to get a picture of Hiei for you!! But I found one! But then I left it in my pants pocket....and I left it in my fire pit.........
Oni: &^$#(&*$@^@@@@###$$%@@%$#
*Baka neko, being on her extreme sugar high, from eating too much cake (could you have guessed?), decides to free Oni from her chains, and us, because we are Baka neko's friends, join in the flee from the Makai police*
*While we are fleeing, Oni sees Hiei (remember, her snuggle bunny) with another really kawaii girl. (I bet you can guess how it ends.) *censored for extreme violence*
Kurama: Nerd violence.
Mizu: How'd you get in this insane fantasy?
Kurama: Hime willed me to with her electromagnetic powers that she borrowed from Hanajima.
* in the background* Hime: Yay!! It worked!!
Mizu: You learn something new every day.
Hime: In your case, you learn ten things every day.
*censored for nerd violence*
*As for the results of Oni vs. Kawaii Girl, there is a pile of ashes left on the ground where Kawaii Girl was standing*
Mizu: You know Oni, you really didn't have to demolish her to a pile of ashes. A corpse would have been just fine.
*Hiei runs in fear away from Oni* * And Mizu gets hit by Oni for writing that*
*Kobaka waddles over (she can't handle all these comas without feeling a little woozy) and since Oni is still in a rage after Hiei running away, Kobaka also becomes a little pile of ashes.*
Mizu: Bye!! Stay tuned for our adventures in Makai on the next e-mail of: the Otaku Mafia!!
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
It's our fanfic! PLease read! It's really funny!!!
*Recorded by Mizu and Hime*
A recap of our previous cast:
Mizu: Supercomputer with no short term memory (my brain and my fingers are not working together)
Hime: Has an brain in her foot because when the one in her head doesn't work, the one in the foot works 24/7
Baka Neko: *Happy Birthday to Baka Neko* (We're having a sleepover at her house....there will be a graveyard tomorrow morning freshly dug in her backyard)
Kitsu is not here. We are all very sad. Except for the bakayaros who are non-otakus who shun us. (not the ones at the party, tho'.)
Oni: Exceedingly violent. Has already been sent to a mental hospital, but was sent back because even they could not cure her. But we like her as she is! She adds excitement to our otherwise boring and useless lives, now we spend our time covering up her many many crimes. (And she kills our enemies! How great of a deal is that!)
Chibi-san: She was here this time, very very short (in height)
Kobaka: Currently in another coma
And now to add some new members to our already insane mafia:
Kichigai: her name means insanity. The name says it all.
Ichigo: Yes, her name means Strawberry. Hey! It was off the tops of our heads. Give us some credit.
Hime: I got to curl my hair today! I feel so proud of myself! *off in her own little world*
Mizu: I got my bangs cut today! I can see again! *sees Oni killing somebody* I WANT MY BANGS BACK!
*Hime gets hit by Oni because she is still in her own world*
Hime: There goes the rest of my brain cells! At least I still have some in my foot. *looks lovingly at her foot*
Oni: *stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp*
Hime: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY PRECIOUS SECOND BRAIN'S CELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oni: *laughs manicially*
Mizu: *sighs* I can't spell today....*suddenly stops* Okay! You can ignore me again!
Oni: *tries to cut off Hime's head with Hiei's katana* Why does she need her head then anyway?
Hime: I need to see, don't I? And what about my mouth? I need to talk!
Oni: All the better reason to cut off your head. Then you can't sing.
Mizu: *in the background yelling* But if you want to stop her from singing, you could have a less violent way, like getting a BIG roll of duct tape or performing a laryngetcomy.
Kichigai: Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together.
Ichigo: That was random.
Baka Neko: *cries* You're all ruining my party!! *cries some more*
*Everyone runs to comfort her. Except Oni: typically, continues to stomp on Hime's second brain* *Mizu gets Baka Neko a piece of cake*
Baka Neko: *stops crying* CAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts demolishing cake*
Hime: Ooohhhh...pretty *looking at Baka Neko's revolving lamp*
Mizu: She's easily amused. *shoves Hime* Shut up baka. Now....please ignore us. AGAIN.
*Hime still staring at the lamp with drool coming out of her mouth.* I wonder what makes it revolve? Duct tape!
Oni: Baka.
*Nobody has noticed Chibi-san because she is so short*
Chibi-san: Hey! I'm not that short!
Everyone: yeah, you are
*Suddenly Mizu and Hime, who are upstairs typing this e-mail, hear Oni screaming in the basement incomprehendably*
Mizu: What was that?
Hime: Ooooohhh! What's this? *starts reading a book of Oni's quotes* *starts reading out loud* "If I wore a tie, it wouldn't change who I am, even if I had no piercings, it wouldn't mean I'm nice, and if my hair was black, it wouldn't stop me from kicking your a$$." Hahtsiharu Sohma.
Oni: Yeah! You swore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*starts spelling* A-$-$, A-$-$, A-$-$.......etc. Why the hell did you use dollar signs?
Mizu: Because we feel like it.
*gets pounded by Oni*
We've got to go! Baka Neko's opening presents! Fun Fun!
*Baka Neko gets a figurine of Aoshi-sama (for Mizu, anyway)
*baka neko and Mizu get in a very violent brawl, well, not violent to Oni*
Kurama: Nerd Violence
Mizu: How did you get in this fantasy again? I thought I had a restraining order for you!
*Mizu gets mutilated and destroyed by Hime*
Hime: KURAMA DOESN'T NEED A RESTRAINING ORDER!!!!!!!! *to Kurama: I still love you, Kurama....*
Kurama: I thought that you loved Haru...
Haru: You really love me that much?
Hime: starts fawning over Haru and utterly ignores Kurama
*If Kitsu was here, she would go away with Kurama and comfort him*
*Kurama feels Kitsu calling him, and leaves*
Mizu: Yay!! I'm back in control of the keyboard! *apologizes to Kurama, even though he's not here.* Gomen nasigh!
Everyone is now in the room, including the non-otakus, and the dog.
Everyone is reading over Hime's and Mizu's shoulders and they are really uncomfortable. (DO YOU GET THE HINT?)
*Mizu plans to steal Aoshi in the middle of the night when everyone's sleeping. But like we're going to sleep anyway. SLEEP IS OVERRATED!!! INUYASHA AND COWBOY BEBOP ROCKS!!!*
Kichigai: If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
Kichigai: You're all picking on me!!!
*Hime and Mizu comfort Kichigai. Everyone else ignores them.*
(Hime thinks: "I wonder if my sister took a bath today")
*Oni borrows Hiei's Jagan powers and reads Hime's thoughts. At first it was elevator music, but then she hears the few and far between thoughts of Hime.*
Oni: No! No! IT'S TOO RANDOM FOR ME!!!!!!
Hime: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *Oni hears more elevator music while twitching and writhing on the floor*
Chibi-san: Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone around you can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
*Mizu senses the impending doom eminating from Oni and starts to herd all the IMPORTANT people out of the room. Then Hime and Oni are the only ones left in the room.*
Introducing Megami: the only stable element in the entire room.
*Hime protests strongly to the nickname* I thought I was the highest one here! I mean, I am a princess after all!
Megami: Too bad. I can steal books from you!
Megami: Put that in there! Put that in there!
*Mizu keeps typing on autopilot*
*and Hime begins to wack her on the head with a book*
Mizu: Hey! I actually have brain cells I have to protect! Unlike someone *points at Hime* I know!
Megami:Hey lady, we're going to have to get you a restraining order from Mizu there.
Hime: Too bad we're at a party together. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
*Hime begins swinging the Cardcaptors staff around, trying to hit people and actually hitting people.*
*Oni gives her a "full nelson?" Hime cannot breathe.*
Mizu: Are you okay Hime?
*So currently, Hime has gone off the deep end (of the bed), and is now attacking Megami, and Oni, Kichigai, Baka Neko, and everyone else except Mizu are listening to a story. And now Megami is trying to kill Hime. So Mizu is left alone. Listening to Oni's story. Which actually is kind of interesting. *sighs* Bored bored bored bored. When there is no chaos, things do get a little boring.*
*Now, to Mizu's eternal amazement, Hime and Megami actually seem to be getting along.*
*They come back from wherever they were, and Hime goes into a long-winded story*
*censored b/c of what Hime said next*
Megami comes back*
*And the chaos has been calmed. For the moment.* *Hime greets her, and then yells at Baka Neko to turn the fan up. Relevant or not, it must be typed. Mizu is still on autopilot.*
Mizu: Hey Baka Neko! You've got mail!!!
*Hime begs to type. And Mizu refuses.*
Hime: But you've typed all this time......*whines for a long time*
Mizu: No....
Hime: How about I get to type for my songs (Mizu: we're listening to anime songs on Baka Neko's computer and we're alternating the songs) and you get to type during yours and Chibi-san's songs.
Mizu: Okay. That's fair.
Hime: So move before I get jipped.
*Hime is happy to be typing again*
Hime: La la La chao chao
chibi-san: pffft.. Haha you can't type
chibi-san: a monkey could do this
Chibi-san: what the.... that doesn't make sense.. (just like everything that Hime says)
Mizu: Keep typing, remember, when your song's over, you're done.
Mizu: Yay!! Tactics!! My song!!
*Everyone starts talking about Cowboy Bebop who can*
Hime: Yay!! The lamp!
Oni: She's the one who belongs in the mental hospital, not me!
*Hime becomes transfixed with the shadows of the fan blades*
*To remind us: We must go downstairs by 10:30 to Gundam Seed, then Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, whatever's on at 12:00 to 1:00, and then Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.*
Hime: We don't need to see Trigun.
Mizu: *pouts* I don't care.
Mizu: Here, Hime, you can type. I'm tired. *falls over in the chair, half asleep.*
Hime: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! (they had to hit me a few times to my attention)
*everyone beings to sing along to Freckles*
*everyone begins to writhe on the floor because of Hime's *beautiful* voice*
Megami: I really like your voice!
Hime: Really? You're the only one!
*BAKA Neko reaches across Hime, who gets really mad and thinks of biting her*
*Oni reads her mind because whe still has Hiei's Jaganshi eye*
Oni: Finally! Something besides elivator music!!!!!
**** story of oni's eye:
Hiei gave her a necklace with it on it, for her to use it whenever she wants to wreck havoc***
*everyone sings along to Freckles again, except Hime, who is expanding too much thought typing*
*now everyone is singing along to Smile bomb*
Well, since now that everyone is listening and/or singing along to songs, so there's no more to type! (gasp!)
BYE!!!!!! -Hime, Megami, chibi-san, Mizu, oni, Baka Neko, Kitchegai, Ichigo, that stupid dog, and all of the non otakus THAT'S ALL FOLKS!!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME!!!!!
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
What's your sign?
What's you chinese zodiac sign (in honor of Fruits Basket), or your astroligal (Zodiac) sign (in honor of Zodiac P.I.)? Mines the horse and virgo ^_^ They both mean that I'm intelligent!
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
 Hatsuharu (Year of the Ox)
Which Fruits Basket character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You're Hatsuharu!
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are Hatsuharu! You have a split personality, and just about any problem can trigger your black side. You also are a fuzzy cow O_O Congradulations!
What Fruits Basket Character Are You??? brought to you by Quizilla
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