Dudes and dudets. I cannot even begin to tell you all how hard life is right now. It’s CRAZY!!! Well, my week of school was alright. Wasn’t the best. Some things went on between me and some of my friends, but I think we’re over it now. Uhh… I got a 64% on the last Physics test, but I ended up getting a B on my Algebra test, which I cannot even begin to tell you how happy I am for that!! I usually get C’s on all my Algebra tests, so yea… I was happy.
Other than that… this weekend has been more than crazy. It’s been HETIC!!! I got that baby. It’s a girl and I named her Hannah Lynn, Hannah for short, full name is Hannah Lynn Smith. I need one for the paper, and everyone seems to like it… so yea. Anyways… it is a pain so far, and I mean a PAIN!!! If you want more info, IM me. I don’t feel like going over the whole day today and yesterday with it.
Oh well… I’m just gonna end it here, because tomorrow (tonight at one in the morning… not sure yet) I’m gonna post, and I might even put my new theme up! See you all then! Take care!