Time: 11:11am
Listening To: Titanic Techno Remix
Hey!!! Yea… I feel so bad for not updating! A lot of things were going on and plus, I was trying to fix that blog still. I never worked out and when I woke up this morning my buttons were down. I’m guessing it’s because I’ve been organizing my images on Photobucket so the link got cut off. I guess the theme didn’t work out for so long because I gave up and started working on this one this morning. Yes… my site is still under construction as of now, but this is what it is so far! Ed is my favorite from Cowboy Bebop! I wish I could hack into things like she can :P The theme should be completely up by tonight!
Yesterday was my first day of school. I guess it was okay, except that I was having hot flashes all day. I had blood work done on Thursday, so yea… I could have nasty side effects the next day so yea… that’s why. I’m really scared about some of my classes. They just seem so hard and I had anxiety last night because of it. Not cool…
In a few minuets, I am leaving for Amber’s Birthday party. Her Birthday is actually next Tuesday, but yea… we’re gonna hang out and all. I get to see Sierra which I’m excited about since she doesn’t go to the school anymore. I bet we’re gonna have fun! I’m getting picked up at seven, so I should be back by 7:30 if you want to talk to me online. I’ll probably be here with Jen, Bethany, and Jacquelyn (They come back today! Thanks Jacquelyn for all those phone calls :P)
Better get ready to go! I’ll have my phone on me so you can message me on there around seven as well! Later!