Time: 7:27pm
Listening To: Ouverture by Daft Punk
Hey! I told ya all I was gonna be posting a lot this week! I’m on my 4 day weekend now! So happy!!! I’ve been bored out of my mind though, but who cares?! No going to classes! :P I do have homework but I’ve divided it all up into the 4 days so yeah… that’s giving me a little something to do each day. I also have a video to work on for my sister’s soccer team. It’s due next Saturday, so yeah… got tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday to work on it. Wish me luck!!!
Finally Halloween’s over and November’s here. Catarina’s Birthday is Monday and Jen’s is on the 18th (Yup… I know you’ll forget mine but I’m never going to forget yours so too bed! :P). I got finals in 17 days (AHHHHH!!!), and then a 5 day break for Thanksgiving (BRIAN’S COMING!) before the 2nd term starts on the 27th (YAY!!! WEB DESIGN HERE I COME!!! :D). You know what else is great about November?
You: It’s written all over your site! DUH!!
Hehe… oh yeah, huh? Almost forgot (TOTALLY didn’t!!! :P). Yeah… as you can tell, I totally can’t wait for this movie to come out on DVD that I HAD to make a site theme based on it for my own amusement (yeah… a little of yours too ^^;;). So, the DVD comes out on the 20th. Sadly, I have finals the next day so I can’t watch it THAT night like I would LOVE to. I have to wait ‘til the next night when finals are complete and I don’t care what my folks say. I’ll watch it without them if I have too!!! ^___^ *is now wanting to watch one of other Die Hard movies* (DANG IT!!).
Well, I got a head ach so I’m gonna head off and watch some anime. Be here tomorrow!
Ps. Welcome to my site, Tito! Love ya! =)