Hey there everyone. It is 8am, and yeah… I haven’t had anything to eat yet. I think we’re going out to eat since my siblings and I don’t have school but I don’t know yet. Oh well… I’m just going to hang out here until I find out. I already finished Death Note Vol. 9 and read like a forth of Bleach Vol. 14 all in an hour. Oh well… I’m bored and depressed now so I’m just going to mess around with graphic designing and html until we go/I feel better. Oh yeah… it was funny, yesterday my mom came into my room while I was working on yet another new site and I didn’t know until she had to yell my name. I was not in reality but more like the world of html. It was funny
Well, yesterday (after updating) was a really icky and depressing day. I strained my neck after updating, so I had to lie in bed and I finished the Naruto Uncut Box Set 3. I started Saturday evening after dinner and finished yesterday morning! Less than 24 hours to watch 13 Naruto episodes! Well, once my neck felt better I did some html working on here, then had lunch, went to math tutoring for an hour and got my homework done, came home and water colored a manga picture of Kakashi, and went out to dinner with family. I didn’t get sick this time! I think it was the spinach dip because this time I stuck with the squid appetizer and my tuna dinner. It was good, but the ride home was hell. My sister (Cailyn) misplaced a game for her DS or whatever and was having a melt down (like normal autistic children), but my other sister (Christen) was NOT helping! I was trying to calm everyone down and I get yelled at after Christen gets slapped by my dad. I was so depressed I was about to run away since my dad said he could kill himself because of me. I guess I’m unloved by my family too…
Today, after breakfast, I’ll be here typing out my formal outline that’s due Thursday for term paper and study for vocab. After, I’ll be working on my new site again then at 4 I have to go to the dentist for a cavity filling. So not looking forward to that so I’m going to try to eat like a pig all afternoon (without getting sick hopefully) and just not eat tonight.
No, I haven’t graphic designed all weekend, just html-ing (weird word… lol). Been too depressed and I can’t come up with any ideas. However, I did make a cover for my school’s ring ceremony that’s coming up. Students can make the cover for it and I want to win, so I worked really hard on it Saturday. I can place it at the bottom for all of you to see. Yeah… other than that, neither my counseling people just won’t call back nor the physiologist. I feel as if my depression is getting worse everyday and I want help. Plus, I won’t be able to take karate until my depression settles so I would like to start now. I guess I have to wait longer…
Oh well, I’m going to end it here for now. Take care and I’ll try to update next weekend
Courtney (yamisgirl)