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age 6 or 7 (My NeighborTotoro)
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
LMAO!! My dream is at the begining!!
I woke up in a dark room, “What the hell happened last night? I have a hangover the size of Roy’s ego.” I looked at the window it looked early morning.
“Hey I’m offended by that comment!” I heard a voice next to me say.
I looked over Roy was looking at me, “I didn’t!” I held my head.
“Yay you did.” Roy curled up into a ball and rolled over.
“No way! Crap! Crap! Crap!! How did I? But I was?” I panicked.
“You can’t deny it you did.” Roy said still rolled up in a little ball.
“You!! You got me drunk last night!” I remembered Roy holding a bottle of tequila.
“You’re the one that wanted to drink.” Roy yawned.
“You pervert!”
I woke up covered in sweat, “Oh god that was a bad dream!”
“What was a bad dream?” Ed looked at me I was going home again.
“You don’t want to know.” I was slouched in my seat.
“No I want to know.” Ed smirked.
“Fine. I had this weird ass dream where I got drunk and,” I paused and took a deep breath, “and woke up next to Roy.” I covered my face with my hand.
“God that is a bad dream!” Havoc looked at me in shock.
“I told you it was bad.”
We reached Central as the trained stopped my bag flew off the shelf and hit Havoc in the head. I laughed. He rubbed his head and threw it to me I smiled happily but I was really crying on the inside. My friends were all lined up waiting for me; Mercy walked up to me and cried, “He’s dead. Isn’t he?”
My eyes widened and closed a felt on warm tear rolling down my cheek, “Yes.”
“I’m so sorry.”
I continued to walk; I heard from behind me, “Why does she like him so much?”
“Well for one he’s the only person who noticed her eye color without her telling them.”
“It’s true he was the first.”
I was grabbed by the shoulder and spun around. Havoc was standing there leaning over me. I blushed, “Havoc.”
“Hey your eyes are blue!” Havoc looked at my eyes.
I said nothing. Instead I turned around and left. I looked at the cold ground a cold tear rolled onto my chin. I was touched on the shoulder again I turned around before I could speak I was held in a tight embrace. I did not say nor did anything. I closed my eyes and hoped to be freed.
His grip loosened. I walked backward to look at who it was. Havoc stood there looking sincerely at me. “Havoc.” I began to cry.
I turned I didn’t know what to say. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I began to walk away. I stopped and turned around again. I saw Havoc still standing there I walked over to him I got half way before I began to run. I clung to Havoc for dear life. I cried so hard my tears soaked Havoc’s shirt.
I sat there and did nothing. Havoc lifted my chin; I opened my eyes to look at him, our lips met. My eyes widened. I did nothing again. I could see Ed in the corner of my eye. Man out of all the times! I felt embarrassed I couldn’t tell but I think I was blushing. “Gezz you two get a room.” Ed said shamelessly.
Havoc pulled away, “God Ed ruin a moment why don’t ya.”
Ed pointed to me. I was crying still and looking at him through the corner of my eye. My head was down I was to embarrassed to look up. I walked away.
I walked into my bakery. I waked upstairs and cried not because of what happened but because of Justin I could only see him. I looked out the window. The moon was out it lit the room so brightly, “So can I come in?” I looked behind me Ed stood in the doorway. I nodded my head.
“You okay?”
I nodded my head another tear made its way down my cheek. I wiped it off as quickly as possible. Ed looked at me. “I can’t stop crying. I try but I can’t.”
“It’s okay to cry.”
I looked at him. “Thanks.”
“Hey can I come in?” Havoc was in the doorway now.
Ed looked at the clock, “Oh my god Al’s going to kill me! Sorry Aki I got to go!”
Ed ran out the door. Havoc sat next to me. “Hey want to go to the bar?”
“Take your mind off things I guess.”
I curled up on the other end of the bed, “Yay did you for get the dream I had or what?”
“No! No! Lot’s of people will be there! Cain, me, Roy.”
I woke up the next morning with a huge hangover. I looked next to me no one. I sighed and walked down stairs, “Any body know how to get rid of hangovers?” I looked at my friends.
“That’s what you get for drinking last night.” Said Julia in the kitchen.
“I don’t know about that Roy and Havoc did kiss her afterwards though!”
“Whoa wait! They what?” I looked at her in confusion holding onto the side of the counter.
I remembered it now. “Oh god.”
I could remember the argument all over again. The whole thing replayed in my head as if it were on video. Roy and Havoc where arguing about who would kiss me good night. Of course me being drunk I said, “Why don’t you both kiss me?”
I shivered, “You guys never! Let me drink again!”
“What ever.”
“Ya know if I were evil enough I would just let you but, it’s a waste of time.”
“I hate you.”
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Heh heh..
okay so dudes or dudettes My new chapter is in the making and should be up sometime today! Also at the begining of the chapter, it's based off a dream I had! It scared me! but I enjoyed it! If you want to hear the rest of the dream after you read it ask!
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Your 2005 Song Is

Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating"
In 2005, you bummed everyone out. Like you care.
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more chapters!! Woot!! good luck reading them all!
I pulled up a chair by the window when everyone left the room. I pushed the window up to the ceiling. I let the warm breeze hit my face. I looked out into the open-air white clouds spotted the sky. A knock on the door caught my attention, “Come in” I still looked outside a smile on my face.
“Your new uniform.” My ears perked at his voice by now it was all too familiar.
“I don’t need a new uniform. I’m sure I can get out the blood. Some how.” I turned to look at the all too familiar face of Roy.
He smiled the way he always does, “Well that might be, but your pants are still ripped to shreds.”
I looked at my pants again. “Oh yay I forgot about that.”
“Well any way once we replace your bandages and you change your uniform you’ll be able to leave.” He looked at me as he began to walk out the door.
“Thanks.” I looked out the window one more time, “for what you did yesterday.”
“Your welcome.” I wasn’t sure what he did after that I was caught in a daze of wind.
The door shut and I turned around to look at my new uniform. I slowly got up and walked over to were it lay. I picked up the bottom half. I sighed in relief it wasn’t a mini skirt. I closed the window and began to change into my new uniform.
My bandages were replaced and I was free to go. I slowly walked out the door. I kept close to the outside wall I stopped to look at the falling blossoms. It was already late spring, “Hey Aki!” I looked down the hall Ed stood there with a smile.
“Hey short stuff!” I knew he was going to kill me but I didn’t care it was funny to watch!
“WHO YOU CALLING SMALLER THEN A SPECK OF DUST ON AN ANT???” Ed raced toward me I hit him on the head with my hand. He was out of arms reach now.
“Ed your short get over it, face the facts, blah blah blah.” I looked down at Ed.
Ed stopped trying to hit me and looked at me. “I’m I really that short?”
I looked at Ed again, “Well no I’ve seen shorter.” I’m SO lying!
“Really?” Ed looked at me in a weird manner.
“Well ya” I looked out a window.
I dropped my hand to my side and began to walk. I felt depressed I don’t know why but I did. I felt out of place like my heart is trying to tell me something but the message won’t go through. I continued to walk. I felt like I was about to cry.
I remembered that this was the time of year when my parents were killed. Mental pictures of the blooded bodies filled my head. The image of the falling bodies made my mouth dry. I remember so clearly how it looked when they were shot. My mother’s long black hair flying in front of her face, and my father’s eyes filled with shock and terror. I stopped.
I was almost crying if I did I would feel embarrassed. I find crying in front of others shameful to myself thinking others will think I’m to weak. I looked out the window I walked faster this time in case I do start to cry no one will see or hear me.
I started to cry warm tears crept down my cheek.
Don’t cry you stupid idiot! I kept thinking to myself trying to make the tears stop. I continued to look down at the ground for a long time until I heard Havoc shout my name. I stopped in the hallway Havoc walked up to me from behind, “Hey you passed right by me with out a word are you okay?” Havoc sounded happy I refused to move my head.
“I’m” I paused trying to breath, “okay. Why?”
“Well you usually say ‘Hi’ or something when you pass me.” I looked up at Havoc.
Tears were flowing down my cheeks like rivers. I wanted to say something but I couldn’t I felt too sad. “What’s wrong?” Havoc was concerned I could tell by the sound of his voice.
“It’s just that,” I paused, “this is the time of year when my parents were killed.”
Havoc looked at me sympathetic, “I,” he looked almost stumped, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know!!”
“It’s okay. I’ve never told anyone. You’re the first.” I looked at the ground so he couldn’t see my eyes.
“I’m sorry I need to leave now.” I began to walk forward.
I continued to cry as I walked down the halls. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked up ahead I was so close to the door. I ran outside to cry some more. I ran to the bakery down town that’s where I lived.
I finally got to the bakery when I got inside I cried more then ever. “What’s wrong?” Michael, one of my customers, asked.
“It’s nothing.” I looked at him with a smile.
I headed towards the stairs behind the counter. I looked up into the darkness and headed up the stairs. I turned on the light in the corner of my room. I sat on my bed and cried.
“Hey Aki!! Some totally hot guy wants to see you!” Chelsea, one of the girls in my bakery, told me.
I changed out of my uniform into more casual clothing. I headed down stairs into the bakery, “AKI!!!” some guy in a white work shirt said gladly.
He leaped over the counter and picked me up by the waist and spun me around in a circle. He hugged me and looked at me gladly, “You look just like you did two years ago!!” he looked at me again smiling again.
“Who are you?” I was yelled panicked.
“You don’t remember?” He looked down at the ground.
“Wait. Your,” I paused realizing who he was, “Justin!”
“Oh my god Justin is that you?” I said happily.
I hugged him and he hugged back, “I can’t believe it’s you!” we both said at the exact same time.
“Where have you been? It’s been forever!” I was so happy to see my old friend again.
“Well traveling you know.” He looked at me with one eye.
“Hey let’s go to diner and catch up!” I suggested happily.
“Lets go!”
I woke up the next day to my own room. I looked up at the clock “It’s 9:47,” I rolled over in my bed, “Oh crap. I’m going to be late.” I closed my eyes, “OH CRAP!!”
I jumped out of bed and threw on my uniform. I grabbed my brush and combed my hair vigorously I ran down stairs into the bakery, “Mercy!!!” I yelled for one of my friends in the bakery, “why didn’t any one walk me up?” I was losing my patience.
“Well you were out so late last night we all decided to let you sleep.” Mercy looked down at me I was still shorter then her.
“I have a meeting with the colonel today!”
“You never told us that.”
“Sorry! I need to go!!” I headed to the door.
“Don’t-“ I feel as soon as I got out the door, “trip.” Mercy looked at me.
“Who the hell put a box by the door?” I looked at the small box by the door I’ll worry about it later!
I got up and started to run, I’m going to be late!! I almost fell again “Crap! Crap! CRAP!!! I’m so going to be late!” I continued to run.
My stomach growled I hadn’t eaten anything yet, “Oh shut up!” I whispered to myself.
I finally got to central. I ran inside and up to Roy’s office. I swung open the door.
“Your late.” Roy looked at me.
“Bite me!” I continued to walk forward.
“Why did you want to talk to me?” Roy looked at the stack of papers on his desk.
“I need to take a vacation.” I looked at the ground I don’t know why but I did.
“A vacation?” Roy sat up strait in his chair.
“I need pay my respects.”
“Well okay. How long do you think you’ll be gone?”
“A month.”
“That long?”
“I haven’t been there in five years.”
“Okay see you in a month.”
I walked out the door into the hall. I started to run. I never stopped I kept running to the bakery. I ran up stairs and packed my stuff. “Hey everyone! I’m going to my old town!”
“Your what?”
“I said ‘I’m visiting my old town!”
I walked out the door. With a bag in my hand I continued to walk to the train station. “Hey wait!” I looked behind me.
I was attacked by Justin he hugged me. I stood there doing nothing. “What are you doing?”
“Hugging you.”
“Well I know that but why?”
“Well your leaving aren’t you?”
“Yes but.”
“Never mind!” I pushed him off and picked up my bag.
I kept walking to the station. I looked around all the buildings looked so tall like the were bigger then the world it’s self. “You can’t go,” Justin said from behind me.
“You’ll see if you go.”
“I’m going okay.”
“If you do then I’m going to.”
“Why do want to go?”
“It’s dangerous.”
“What? Why?”
“The people who killed your parents are looking for you.”
I didn’t speak I didn’t want to die I had to live to keep my family line. “You better have some people from the military come with you.”
I began to walk in the other direction “I will don’t worry.”
I got to central and walked inside. I ran up to Roy’s office again. I opened the door to his office, “Roy I need some one to come with me to my home town.” I looked at Roy.
“Wait I thought you left.” He looked at me dumbfounded “I’ll grant you what you want but I’ll need to know why.”
“The people who” I paused trying not to cry, “who killed my parents are trying to kill me.”
Roy looked at me, “Of course I’ll get Ed he’ll make sure you don’t die.”
“Wow that helps.”
“Glad to help!”
“Riza can you get Fullmetal for me?”
Riza nodded and left the room. “So that’s why you’re going to pay your respects”
“Yes. Half my family was killed. That’s why I need someone there.”
“We should probably have a few other people go with you to be on the safe side.” Roy looked behind me, “hey Havoc how ‘bout you?”
I looked behind me Havoc, Cain and two people who’s names I could never remember sat or stood looking at me, “Sure why not.”
“Thanks Havoc.” I smiled at him.
“What did you want me for colonel?” Ed walked threw the door.
“Well Frost here needs a body guard to make sure some guys don’t kill her.”
I almost forgot my assigned name I rarely ever hear some one say ‘Hey frost Alchemist!’
“Fine I’ll go with her.” Ed sighed.
“Thank you Ed.”
“I need to get going Colonel.”
I walked out the door into the hall. “Hey Aki,”
I turned around to look at Ed, “Why do I have to protect you from some guys. Your strong and you have a gun. Why can’t you protect yourself?”
“Because Ed they’ve killed all my family.” I almost cried but I couldn’t.
Ed said nothing I walked out of central. I didn’t go home but to a park instead, “Hey I thought I’d find you here!”
I looked up it was Justin, “God are you stalking me?”
“No I just remember when ever you were upset you went to a park.”
Justin sat down next to me, “So now you know.”
“What do I know?”
“That I,” he paused and looked at me, “like you.”
I looked at him. “You do?”
“Well I got to go!” I got up and began to walk away.
I didn’t look back I kept walking. I liked him and all but that scared me a little. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I stopped I felt almost happy. I looked back to see if he was there still. He was gone I continued to walk. I looked at all the stores my raven black hair kept getting in my face. I finally got home and fell asleep.
I woke up, got dressed and walked down stairs. I swung my bag of clothes over my shoulder, “Where are you going?” Mercy looked at me in anger.
I opened a pair of sunglasses and pushed it on my nose in one swift motion, “Home.”
I continued to walk my hair whipped in the wind. I reached the train station I saw Ed and the others. I walked up to them slowly. I looked at them, “Let’s go.”
“Something wrong?” Havoc asked politely.
“Someone will die. I don’t know who or when. But they will.”
“How are you so sure?” Ed looked at me angry.
“I have this feeling.”
No one talked we all walked onto the train. Ed and I took the window seats. Justin sat next to me. I looked out the window; “So any one of us could die at any time,” I said.
I looked at them all, “I’m sorry for everything you guys.”
“No need to be sorry.” Justin laughed.
We got to my old hometown of Daner, “Well this is my home town!” I faced them and laughed.
I looked at the open plains and laughed. Havoc looked at me in a “what the hell?” look “I can’t believe I came back home again!”
“What do you mean?” Havoc looked at me confused.
“I swore I’d never come back here again. It brings back to many memories.”
I began to run in the direction of my old house. I looked around remembering all the times I ran in this direction. I could hear my mothers voice playing in my head. I slowed down seeing my old house. I heard the gunshots as my mother screamed the images and sounds played in my head once again. Fell to my knees and began to cry.
My trench coat glinted with small tears. Ed finally caught up and stopped when he saw me on the ground, “What’s your problem.”
“Ed, I can still hear everything.”
“I can still hear the gunshots, my mothers screams everything.”
Ed said nothing, “I still see can see it too.”
“Hey what did we stop for?” Havoc caught his breath.
I got up again and wiped the tears from my eyes. I began to walk to my house, “This is it.” I opened the door.
I looked at the bloodstain on the floor I never bothered to clean. I sighed and walked inside, “Here’s the death trap!” I turned to look at them all.
Justin examined the bloodstain, “That was my mother, and that over there was my father.” I pointed to a bloodstain by Havoc.
Later that night I sat by my parent’s grave. I began to cry. Someone suddenly grabbed me “Help me!” I screamed in horror.
“Aki!” I heard someone yell.
“Help!” I was hoisted over the man’s shoulder.
I heard a gunshot. I was dropped on the ground. I was trembling with fear, “Are you okay?” Havoc ran over to me with a gun in his hand.
“Havoc,” I began to cry, “thank you.” I was speaking in a small whisper.
I cried for the longest time and I couldn’t stop. We heard a gun shot from inside. I ran in to see what it was, Ed was tied and bound in a corner and Justin was held from behind my some guy in a mask. A man grabbed me from behind he had a smirk on his face I looked at Havoc he was in the same position. A gun pointed at Ed I tare away from the man and run in front of Ed, “No!”
I got shot the bullet went across my check, “We’re not going to kill you yet. We want to make you suffer through the pain of your friends being killed.”
He pointed the gun at Havoc I ran to him too. This time he moved the gun down and shot me in the side. I winced and moaned. “Aki!” Havoc looked at me in concern.
“I’m fine don’t die on me guys.”
I was punched in the stomach and the cheek. This time the man holding my arms was strong he held my hands so tight they hurt. He pointed the gun at Justin his eyes widened the gun fired, “Justin!” my voice cracked with desperation.
His body fell to the floor, the man holding me let go. I ran to the body lying on the floor. I cried so hard and pulled my gloves from my pocket. I clapped my hands and raced to the man with the gun. I push my hands on his chest he froze. I ran to the others the shot at me but missed I hit every one of them.
I fell to the ground next to Justin I cried for what seemed forever Ed came over and rested his hand on my shoulder. I stood up and walked to the phone, I called Roy, “Hello” Roy said sleepily
“Roy? It’s me Aki. I caught some fugitives.”
“Working over time now aren’t you?”
“I guess you can say that.”
“Any way I need some people to come over to pick them up in Daner”
I hung up the phone. I sat next to the body again. I was still crying. Havoc and Ed left the room 2 hours later Roy came into the room glove on ready for anything, “Aki where are they?” Roy looked around for some guys sitting around doing nothing.
I pointed to a one of the frozen men, “You did this?”
I nodded my head still crying, “I’m impressed.” Roy looked at the statues.
He noticed the body lying on the ground. I sat there doing nothing “I see you took a few for the team.”
I looked at my bloody side and wiped the blood from my cheek, “That’s not all I got punched a few times too,” I touched my cheek.
Roy stood next to me, “I’m sorry.”
I looked at him morning the death of Justin, “It’s not your fault.”
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Monday, January 30, 2006
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
get to know me.
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
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“God my side!” I whispered to myself holding the pain that continued to grow.
A few blocks later I hit something hard. I look at what it was. Havoc stood there with a smile. I looked up at him he stood there still just smiling. “Why did you help me back there?” I looked up at him a little confused.
“Well. Your like a distant cousin!” He looked down at me again and smiled.
I blinked and looked at him again, “Distant” I paused “cousin?” I felt confused.
“Yay like I know you, but not that well.” He looked at me with his eyes open.
“That’s confusing.”
“It is not!”
“Yay it is!!”
“NO IT’S NOT!!!!”
“I have no time for this!!” I yelled in anger.
“If you want to follow you can!” I shouted behind me as I ran away.
“Fine I will!” Havoc looked at my back as I continued to run.
“God I swear Roy can be an ass sometime!” I looked ahead with a smirk.
“Wait what did you do to get him so pissed off?” Havoc looked at me again
“Well I called him a-“ I tripped before I could finish what I was saying.
“AKI!” Havoc skidded to a stop “are you okay?”
“I’ll meet you up at the bakery down town!” I winced at the pain in my legs and hands.
Havoc looked at me in concern and began to run. I got up again and began to walk. I held my side again it hurt and the pain lingered. I looked at my hands I was bleeding. My knees were bloody. All the blood showed up black on my uniform. I looked up at the sky again. And felt something going down my neck. I touch it with two ungloved fingers. It was blood I held my chin it was soaked in blood. I touched my chin and put a little pressure on it. I winced at the pain.
I must have gotten a block away before I heard Roy. “You gave me quite a work I must admit.” He caught his breath.
I turned around to look at Roy. Roy’s eyes widened. I continued to look at him. I winced as I put my hand into my pocket were my gloves were. I pulled one out and dropped it. I stared at the person who stood so seriously behind Roy. It was Havoc he rested his hand on Roy’s shoulder. I winced again and fell to the ground.
I moaned as I propped myself up. I looked ahead of me I was in a white room I looked around me. Ed, Al, Havoc, Riza and Roy were all around me. Roy looked at me pitifully “Sorry.” Riza calked her gun.
“I mean sorry for the way I acted.” Roy looked at Riza a drop of sweat running down his cheek. Riza put away her gun.
I looked at Roy with a smile, “That’s okay! I needed the exercise any way!” Roy looked at me in relief.
I winced I as I moved my hands to help prop myself up better. I looked at my hands. Bloody bandages where wrapped around my hands. I looked at the side of my bed. A bouquet of yellow roses, which the tips of petals looked, dipped in red paint. A tag hung off a rose I could read it clearly. “For: Aki From: Colonel Roy Mustang” I looked over at Havoc and Ed. I smiled I noticed tension in my chin. I touched it with the tip of my fingers. A bandage sat lonesome on my chin covered with blood.
Roy got up from his seat. “I’m sorry but I must be going.”
He walked out the door and Riza stayed where she sat. “So. What did you do to get him so mad as to pursue you?” Riza asked in curiosity
“Well I called him a ‘Calky Womanizing self-centered ass’” I looked at Riza she was astonished.
Silence filled the room, “Go you!” Ed said happily.
I looked over at him and smiled. Havoc looked pretty happy too. “Finally someone says it!” Riza looked at me with a kind smile on her face.
“Wow that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile.” I looked at Riza stunned.
I looked over at Al and smiled. I got up from where I lay. I was wearing the same thing I feel unconscious in except for the fact that my pants were ripped up “I did that.” Havoc looked at me, “I had to stop the bleeding some how.”
“Thanks” I looked at him happily.
I thought to myself for a few seconds. “Wait weren’t we like a mile away?” I felt confused.
“I carried you.” Havoc looked up at me “Well for about half of the mile any way.”
I looked at him “What does that mean?”
“Roy insisted on taking you the rest of the mile,”
“Yay he felt pretty guilty”
We all looked at Havoc. He jumped a little. “Hey Al your pretty quite.” I looked at him happily.
“Well” I looked into Al’s red eyes that seemed to go on forever, “It’s nothing really.”
“Okay” I replied.
“It’s just…” Al paused and looked at me, “You made me worried”
“Al I”
“Yesterday. You made me worried. Something was wrong by the tone of your voice. It was filled with panic”
“Wait yesterday?”
“Yay Aki you’ve been unconscious for a whole day.” Havoc looked at me, “Did I forget to tell you?”
“Yes you did.” I felt a little frustrated.
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I've taken the same quiz over and over and over!! It was the "Who's your anime boyfriend?" I got Ryouga 9 times!! And that dude from Sailor Moon 3 times!! I don't like Ryouga!! He turns into a pig! *takes quiz again* ... SOME DUDE NAMED CLEF??? God I never heard of this person! OMG WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!!!??? If anyone got an FMA chartacter tell me!! Or someone else who's not that dude from Sailor Moon or Ryouga! OR CLEF who ever the hell he is!
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Friday, January 27, 2006
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