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Being a student.. and a total dumbass.
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sitting on my butt all day. I call that an achievment
Anime Fan Since
age 6 or 7 (My NeighborTotoro)
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist, and Get Backers!!
Seeing Jack in Michigan*tear drop*
Video games, drawing, and talking to Jack
Drawing, writing and video games!!
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
X3 Envy J. Havoc's suggestion.

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Friday, July 27, 2007
i've had an incident that can only be said through a crappy comic strip

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Thursday, July 26, 2007
dudes i'm back
what's up meh beyotches!? I'm back with bling! My mom bought me a ruby ring that was apparently hella expensive. anyway as you can tell i'm back from monterey! >:D buhahaha! i saw a sun fish that was huuuuge. okay it was only 5 feet in diameter which is half of what they can get up to. any hoo i'm back and blah blah blaaaah. how's everyone been? ... that's good... I'm making kind of like a teken or mortal combat character selection screen. but with my characters. I picked ten of them. Pheonix, Kelly, Blood, Sherise, Me, Keen, Nutty, Zev, Nuri, and Samara. It's gonna be fun! X3
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
Poking Fun
I've been poking fun at my O.C. pheonix lately! X3 you have no idea how fun that is. Below is an example of dressing him up like a pretty mermaid princess
I couldn't stop giggling while drawing this one. But alas I need more outfits to put him in. I already have a wedding dress but i need more dammit! So start thinking up some of ideas and i'll draw them if i really like them! (then i'll put 'em up)
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Friday, July 20, 2007
Instant Messager, Fanfiction and Fanart
I've become this weird role play freak! 4 of the 5 people I talk to I role play with... I think I need to start playing D&D. Eh oh well. bottom line is I need more people to talk too. Please gather what courage you have and talk to me. Pwease?(am i honestly that scary?) *bats my eyes* Besides, if you like non boring people I'm the one to talk to. I'll debore you so fast your heart will burst with joy~! Indeed. so if you like rp or just want to talk to someone please message me. I have the aol link on the side under "aol messenger" or whatever it says... and my msn (please if you have msn talk to me on it. i have no friends on msn) it's (there are 5 'e's!!) so pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!! talk to meh!
Also for those of you who are familiar with my Aki story... I'm restarting it... ya.... sorry... there are just so many things i hate about the original... to many OC's mostly. MUST CORRECT!!! plus my character isn't angsty enough to be dubed a Mary-Sue. There must be more tragidy!! More I say!!! Mo~re!! any suggestions on how emo I can make my character before everyone around her commits suicide?
Also! I want to draw and (if you have seen any of my fanart which is probably not) I will draw something for you! Just PM me any information regaurding what character and what show, clothes, astablishing shot (AKA background), and what expressions... It's up to you pal's!! (all 2 of you)
Plus... I turned 14 on sunday. ISN'T THAT SPECIAL!? no... i thought so *sob*
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
some stuff about me
-the Basics-
*I'm a Girl~!
*I'm 14
*Name: Kelsey Deeanne
*sexuality- Straight
*born July 15 1993
*Joined: no clue!
*Location: California! beyotches!
*Hair color: Dark Brown
*eye color: greenish brown (but not hazel)
*Height: 5'4"
*interests: Anime, Balloons, Candy, drawing,
manga, comics, shiney things, Jean havoc... *coughs*
*Food: Pizza, Hello Pandas, Pork Buns
*Drink: Dr.pepper, water, Ramune
*Music style: Punk, Rock
*Music artist/band: Greenday, Gorillaz, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Papa roach, Pink, The All American Rejects, The Killers, Motion City Soundtrack, Mindless Self Indulgence, Voltaire, P.L.I.D.
*tv show: Dirty Job, Mythbusters, FMA, Hellsing, and other such shows.
*Movie: Fma movie, Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle
*thing to do: listen to music and surf the net, or draw
*Ice cream: Phish food
*Color: Blue, black, purple, green (like a bruise)
*Song: Vindicated, Faggot, Panty Shot, Best Prom Ever
*Book: Coraline
*Computer Game: anything i can find on
*Board game: ....tic tac toe? majhong
*dessert: CAKE! and ice cream
*quote: "when life gives you lemons, aim for the eyes."
*animal: wolves, kittens, puppies, birds, headgehogs!
*Hoilday: Chirstmas and Halloween.
*number: 13
*got a crush/bf: nope
*how far have you gone: a hug
*the last person you kissed: *sobs* no one!! i'm a sad, sad person...
*the last person you hugged: my mom... *sobs*
*The last person you wanted to kiss: Eric... *sobs more*
*Dream Date: To the Beach. Or a dinner seeing as how i live miles away from any ocean.
*Dream Honeymoon: *cough*
*Age you want to get married: 23-26
*number of kids you want: 2
-This or That-
*rap or rock: Rock
*Pop or country: no
*movie or tv show: Depends
*fire or water: water
*Death or life: Life
*cheerleader or punk: Punk
*Prep or Jock: Jock
*Walmart or Target: walmart
*avril or Jay z: hell no
*Pink or Black: Black
*Cheese it or Cheese nip: Cheese Nip
*Cat or dog: Cat
*Tape or glue: tape
*msn or aim: both
*mall or movies: Mall
*writing or typing: typing
*Phone or computer: computer
*Baseball or football: Baseball
*P.e. or health: PE
*High school or middle school: High school
*dunkin doughnuts or starbucks: starbucks
*Brownies or cookies: cookies
*Kill or be killed: Kill
* Eat or be Eaten: Eat
*Hate or be Hated: Be Hated
*Ocean or Pool: depends on my mood
*Singing or dancing: both!
*Heart or peace sign: heart
* Halloween or christmas: both. halloween i get to dress up (like a cosplayer) and christmas i get free shit!
*Question or answer: Question
*fear factor or the o.c.: blech
*The simpsons or who's line is it anyways: Both
*pancakes or waffles: WAFFLES
*Blueberries or Strawberries: starberries <3
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Monday, July 16, 2007
for those who are interested in the offer I put in the last post.

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I'm baaack
I'm back from the con and i'm now 14~! woot! For my birthday I got an airsoft gun! Oh ya you can see where my future is going. and we went to chevy's. mmm... mexican food. I had gone to the bathroom to wash my hands since i felt dirty and while in the bathroom the waitress must've asked how we were doing and my mom must've told her my birthday was today. Because when i came back and sat down for a few minutes someone put a hat on my head and started singing. I was 15 shades of red. and omg my sister got Spike Spencer, Crispin Freeman, and Chris Patton to sing Happy birthday to me! <3 yet again i was 15 shades of red. I think it's on youtube somewhere. Go look for it and if you find it I'll love you forever and even draw a picture of you and a favorite character!
Speaking of would anyone be interested in drawing something for me? as a kind of late birthday present? *big shojo manga eyes* I kind of want a Havoc and me picture. if you want to know how to draw me I'll put up a picture after this. And if you do I'll draw something for you! Kind of like and art trade. Only stranger. But if anyone wants to I'll love you forever and ever, and ever, and ever!! I'll even give you a cookie! *on my knees* pwease? *holds up Nina Tucker* do it for Nina?
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Alrighty then. Con is coming up! *squee* only problem my dad is going. He'll bitch about everything which is why I don't want him to go. Oh well... They have cosplay chess which is the best kind of chess! Well anyway you guys we'll get to hear what happens on monday... or tuesday.. not sure.
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
My emo boy
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