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Being a student.. and a total dumbass.
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sitting on my butt all day. I call that an achievment
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age 6 or 7 (My NeighborTotoro)
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Full Metal Alchemist, and Get Backers!!
Seeing Jack in Michigan*tear drop*
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Saturday, July 7, 2007
Birthday is coming up on the 15th!! and on the 13th i'm going to a convention to meet Crispen Freeman (tsume from wolf's rain, Halen from Eureka seven) and Chris Patton (greed from FMA, Sousake Sagura from Fullmetal Panic! and fullmetal Panic Fumofuu?) I can't wait! then on the 23rd we're going to Monteray Bay to see the aquirium!! SUN FISH!!!!!!!! They have Fred the sun fish!! They have a new fred every 2 years because you can't have an adult Sun fish (they get up to 500 lbs or something like that they get HELLA BIG YO!!)
They also have an Anchovey dome!! OMG ANCHOVEYS!! I can't wait!
Omg Shark week is coming up on the 27th and they're going to show the worst Shark attack in history! I can't wait for that either! Gah so much shit happening this month! it's effen GREAT!
Sorry i am hyper... my dad bought 3 boxes of Vanilla Wafers.. I effen love those things. and for useless information you won't want or need to know: I got pirate panites! I better not wear Ninja pants over them... Other wise there could be blood shed... ._.'
yet again... Vanilla wafers... blame them. They make me effen hyper yo...
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Friday, June 15, 2007
Omg I started playing it at 1 pm and stopped at midnight. I've only completed 3 worlds though (///-) <--- emo
I squeed like hell when Axel popped up and started talking. Oh yes. I'm one of them fangirls. It made me and my sister squee when him and Roxas were talking and Roxas is all "no one would care if i left" and Axel is like, "not true! ...... i would...." and my sister is like, "oh ya he is SO gay for Roxas!" (no offense to any of you out there who find that offensive) My dad came home and he was like, "how far have you gotten?" (he gets home at 8 pm) i replied with, "well i beat three worlds and am currently working on the Land of the Dragons, and The Collesium." my dad just stared at me like i was being robbed by squrrel ninja.
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
I'm going to High School next year!!! X3 ninth grade here i come!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
It's roy mustang!
 Make your own awesome doll at!
Forum Code Paste
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day Fair! =D
Today was the annual carnival. Including all of my childhood nightmares such as the Drop Zone(you go up and done REALLY fast ish scawy), Gravitation(you go around in circles VERY VERY FAST), The Zillerator (you come out of your seat on the first drop and go under a low beam while doing so), The Scrambler ( you spin while you're upside down for oh I'd say a good minute), Ring of Fire (you keep going around in a huge loop... and you stop at the very top of it for 10 seconds), and worst of all The Zipper. Let me explain it to you in full detail. You go around in a giant oval starting from the bottom and going around the top. Sounds fun right? Especially when the oval part starts going around in a circle. So the oval part is going around in a circle while you're seated in a lil' cage. Still sound fun? Well the cages are free moving. Meaning they spin in any direction they want. So the giant oval is moving while your spinning around in crazy lil' circles and half circles while the person one cage above you is throwing up that funnel cake they had 2 minutes ago plus the fact that after 2 minutes of being on that ride it goes backwards. Ya it's fucking scary to watch. And guess what? I WENT ON IT!! HOLY FUCKING DONKEY KONG IT WAS SCARY!!! My sister some how managed to guilt trip me onto it. Within the first 10 seconds of riding it we had already been spun in circles twice. I was crying my sister felt sick (she didn't throw up though) I kept screaming because I didn't want to be on in the first place so after the ride was over and we're waiting at the top to so we could get off of it, I start cussing her out over how much I hate her and hope she dies on the Zipper. I hope she doesn't though. She's a good sister. So yes after that I was shaking. But I got food so I was a bit happier.
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Friday, May 25, 2007
My parents are getting married in Las Vegas... leaving me and my sister here. *sigh* They'll probably get a Star Trek Themed wedding. I know something was going on... my mom was looking at wedding stuff and well... rings... Oh well... They got together 25 years ago... but never really married. GAH!!! I'm so pissed! They didn't tell me until now and I'm not going to be here for their wedding!
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
girl type ranma! if anyone has seen ranma 1/2 then you get it.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac!
(if it doesn't work then'll do it again) (actual johnny!)
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 How evil are you?
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Friday, May 11, 2007
You dance if you want to!
Oh my god! Did I dance! They played actual good songs at a school dance. One of the D.J.'s said "who is the crappiest dancer??!!" I yelled out "ME!!! I SUCK!!!" he pulled me up on stage and said to the rest of the dancers, "You guys have to do whatever she does!" so I did the whitest girl dance ever!! Best of all they actually did it! I want to make a video and put it up on youtube! My friend Cameron asked me what else I could do after that song ended I showed him the Sprinkler and that knee and head movement. I'm not sure what it's called. And I was so happy! They played "Numa Numa" by o-zone, by the end of that song I had legs of steel!! I sang to it the whole time. And so proud of it! I requested "ziggy stardust" and "Here in your arms" but they didn't play them. Not that it mattered. PEOPLE ACTUALLY DANCED TO MY WHITE GIRLNESS!!! And I did the sprinkler. That's all that really matters.
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