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Monday, October 30, 2006
i was sick! =D
yippy freakin' doo!! (pardon my english!) i was sick! speakin' of sick.. narutards... make the narutards go away... i'm SO tired of them! I wish i could make that STUPID show go away!!!!!! i've watched it.... and i hated it... worst of all everytime i do watch it i end up doing 300 sit ups.... 300!!!!!! (broken into 3 parts mind you) and WTF DOES NARUTO WEAR A BRIGHT ORANGE JUMPSUIT!? Ninja are to be stealthy, NOT orange and loud... geez....
now a change in subject i'm gonna be a fangirl for halloween! what i'll be wearing!
-jean havoc costume
-cat ears
-star next to my right eye
-carring an Ed plushie, camera, autograph book
to give it that special touch i'll randomly be yelling "KAWAII!!!" "SUGOI!!" "baka!" "Hai!" and other japanese words along with fangirl squeals! i guess being to 3 cons does pay off! =D oh yes i be fangirl... give me schwag... buahahahahah... HAAHAHAH ahem... now... to go work on that ^^
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Monday, October 2, 2006
please go to http://www.freehugs.org/
I cried while watching the video! Its so true though and i quote from the site:
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER (me: a friend would be better)! After all, If you can reach just one person...
I've had days where all I wanted is a hug and no one was there to support me. I felt like that today too. So please help a friend in need and hug them.
P.S. i'm watching it right now and i'm STILL crying.
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Friday, September 29, 2006
lol i love these!! =D

Havoc is unloved love
Made by @ 
The Hughes family is indestructable love
Made by @ 
Roy x Riza pwns your OTP is love
Made by @ 
Scar is tempted to hold your head love
Made by @ 
Barry is going to chop you up love
Made by @ 
Havoc is everyone's favorite smoker love
Made by @ 
Hawkeye x Barry pwns your OTP is love
Made by @
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
land ho!
DisneyLand that is! I'll be gone after tuesday back by saturday (i think) anyway i'm SO sorry to those who read my first story! It takes me some time to plan right now i have ALL these ideas but i can't get to them! But fear not i'm already working on one of the ideas! it SHOULD be up by today... should... maybe tomarrow... hopefully tomarrow if not today i'll work UBER hard on it tomarrow!! But about D-land i'm so ancious i want to go now!!! *yawn* god i'm tired gonna sign off now byes peoples....
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
its a megatokyo thing! yeah shirt guy dom! anyway.... my friend and i got in a fight... AGAIN... we're friends AGAIN. i garantee you though that we'll be fighting again next week. she's the only friend i can beat on without actually getting beat on back. (its all in good fun though just like all the boys do)
so last period of the day was PE i was changing back into my clothes and my other friend steph was in the row next to me (there are two mirrors by the way one in front of her row and one in front of mine we can see eachother from where we are you'll need to know this) i take off my PE top just like i always do and steph out of nowhere shouts, "take it off kelsey!" i'm sitting there going 'WTF?' i cover myself with my shirt and say, "shut up steph!" totally embarassed i toss my shirt in my locker and steph whistles and is now behind me she says, "nice hooters kels!" i'm blushing like all hell and i push her away. so tomarrow i must be wary of random outbursts from friends.
Yesterday in PE whilst playing volley ball i hit the lights! note the lights are about 30 feet from the ground... in other words HOLY HELL WHY DIDN'T THEY BREAK?!
I found a nice way to get rid of my anger! its called "molding clay" cuz first you have to slam it against the table. which is SO much fun!!
Another Day Another Genocide... (in other words this er... thing? is over)
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
fma movie
so whilst watching FMACOS me and friends (internet friends) noticed that random people that died in FMA (cept Al) were in Munich. The list that we came up along with my comments when i say them! []=movie or episode pref. ()=thoughts
Al (he's not as cute as the original), Ed[in the episodes not movie](not as hot as real Ed...OR HAVOC!! *guitly sinking feeling*), Dorochet (YEAH!!!), Law (why is he blonde?), we all think Greed (...is that...greed?*shiny eyes*), Lust (WHORE), Scar (YEAH SEXY-HOBO!! ^^), Archer (ler gasp), Lyra(why won't she die!?), Rose (wtf?), Hughes (OMG HUGHES!! *a few minutes later* ... i hate this hughes!), Bradley (lol XD)
thats everyone we found... if you can't tell i have a real grudge against Lust... *mutters under breath* that she-bitch... uh, er anyway! read manga 10 (which isn't out yet just go online and read it) and you'll know why... or just PM me and i'll save you valuble time so you can watch more anime.
What REALLY disapointed me in the movie was that
1. (MAJOR SPOILERS) Izumi died
2. no izumi altar!
3. dude why didn't envy die!?
4. hohenheim died (i hated him at first but just like greed i was like no don't die i like you now!)
5. Wrath died
6. KATHERINE!!!! *flames*
Things i was happy with
1. wrath's lil fight
2. Wrath's hair when its wet (i'm sorry he was teh hot)
3. Al with long hair
4. scar
5. HAVOC!!!! OMG *melt*
6. Roy being emo (i laughed... hard)
7. roy being covered in snow (i didn't laugh as hard)
You can guess why i hate katherine... if i were to give the movie a score of 1-10 10 being OMG *dies* and 1 being OMG *shoots self from total suckage* i'd give it a 12.9 why 12.9? cuz... you didn't see havoc a lot! then again thats unfair... so i give it a 13!
Anyway... i watched the last episode of fma 3 times in a row... I CRIED SO HARD... each time! the tears usually start when Riza goes up to Roy after shooting him! And then they stop once Al is putting his hand up to the sky... and then it starts AGAIN!! so yes *has a stamp mark that says "loser" on it* *sigh* another day another massacre..
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
shit on a pogo stick...
my friend gave me the flu! *shakes fist* *cough* so since yesterday i've been curled up in a ball watching FMA 49-51 with my ed plushie...i feel like i wanna DIE!! but i can't! they don't give out NRA licenses to kids... *cough* stupid NRA... the lodge was having a picnic with FREE food!! FREE!!!! and i have to miss it due to my stupid ass friend who decides its a good idea to go to school with a flu! at least i have an alibi thats not "i didn't want to come to school" like my friend (same one that gave me the flu) i should eat... my stomach is going to eat itself... EFFEN AMUNE SYSTEM!! *hits head on desk* gonna DIE!! *sniff* one more day of my life OVA!!
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
ler sigh....
my dad wants to get the "special edition" FMA movie... which i don't mind but i just really want to see the movie! so i'll probably have to wait an extra month to watch the movie!! *sob* so on other buisness... news... whatever you wish to call it... i've been doodling a little to much just random splurge (yes splurge) comes out. oh and i made a new and improved cuss word! but is it new or improved? who cares! anyway the new cuss word is duckle... now i bet "wtf is a duckle?" easy another saying for crap, crud, etc. i was snorkeling and my mask filled with water when i broke the surface i was trying to say "oh crud!" instead it came out "oh duckle" i have no clue how i got duckle... in other news i found teh best Kingdom Hearts comic EVA envolving Xemmy (cuz i don't remember how to spell his name) buying tampons and Roxas having to buy condoms.. at the end of the comic he's messing up his hair and saying "THEY COMES IN FLAVORS!?" i fell out of my chair i was laughing so hard! So thats just one more day in my sad life...
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Monday, September 4, 2006
i can't wait any longer!!!! i need the fma movie! i've already seen some of it but i still can't wait!! *hitting head on wall* i NEED it!! i need it or i will explode! it happens sometimes...but seriously!! i SO totally need it!! DVD 12 will not quench my thirst for FMA bishies!! well there's Roy and Ed being totaly Emo kids but other then that it will not help... unless it was havoc... then i'd be fine but its not so... ya...
lately my catch phrase is "Ya sure!" and at the end of everyother sentence... "meow" why meow? because... cats are great! but anyway whenever i say "ya sure!" i sound just like alphonse... minus the bowl... and the giantic suit of armor going "clung clung clung" when ever i walk... so now i improvise...
to tell this story i'll have to start from the begining me and my friend have nicknames for eachother i call her envy and she calls me al (since i love cats and say "ya sure" a lot) so when we're walking around the basketball courts and theres a period of awkard silence i just start doing sound affects to make it sound like i'm a giant suit of armor... weird thing is its pretty damn conveincing... i also make little scratching sounds to make it sound like i have a cat... also pretty conveincing. my friend will look at me and say, "stop it al..." i'll stop for maybe a second and say, "your a jerk envy..." she hits me like always and we continue on our merry little way... until i say, "kimbley's a homo" then we start feud...
thats a day in my life! and i forgot what i was talking about! so remember kiddies! TATER!!
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Friday, September 1, 2006
about me ((cuz i was teh bored))
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