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myOtaku.com: animepyrogurl

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Yeah, nothing special. I usually watch Naruto, Inuyasha and FullMetal Alchemist, and some other sidetrack animes and mangas.Naruto is my all-time favorite anime ever! Haven't finished watching teh episodes yet, always delayed. I need to get a scanner, else I can't post any of my pictures. I warn you now they're usually on lined paper so don't flame me about it. Annnnd maybe later on when I get my account running I'll start up my site, MAYBEH. Not a life goal of mine JUUUST yet, but I'll get there. And also if you don't like any of the pictures I post, whether it's yaoi (which i intend to do alot, i'm sick that way XP), couples you don't like or just...being mean and bitching at me, sdon't because i'll bitch back! ^-^ ...So yeah..that's about it. =/