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Lees Summit/Osceola
Member Since
7th grade
Real Name
Stephani, or any of my nicknames... (see Greedsdoll for those)
Singing in the High School Choir, and getting all A's for one whole quarter.
Anime Fan Since
Sailor Moon, so since I was like 6 or so...
Favorite Anime
FMA, Black Cat, DN Angel, Chrono Crusade, Kanpai, Samurai Champloo, Inuyasha, Bleach, in no particular order... i think thats it...
to become a famous singer, artist, writer, and shopper!!
all of the above.
all of the above.
Blair Family History
Our branch of the Blair Family Tree dates back to the 1700s and originates in Stirlingshire Scotland. Robert Blair was the first of our line of Blairs to come to America.
If you are interested in any family history, or would like to find out about YOUR family history, visit, and click the link that leads to your last name.
The japanese word for
nerd: otaku
volleyball: bare-bo-ru
earth: tsuchi
song: songu
art: jutsu
Stephani: Sutefanii
friend: kaonajimi
love: ai
visit again soon: Raiyuu mou yagate!
add me: Kasan Touhou!
1) Please do not PM me chain letters. They take forever to resend and im just too lazy.
2) Please comment something about the post. Don’t just say “Hi good to see you.” (Unless of course you have a hand injury. Then you’re a ok.
3) Enjoy what you see, and have a good time. Don’t be afraid to PM me if you think there is something that could use some improvement. Im always open for ideas and suggestions.
4) If you are new here to my site, sign my guestbook. DO NOT just come and comment and expect me to come and sign your guestbook. You have to sign mine first!
5) I DO NOT like it when anyone talks bad about my friends. Occasionally I will say that im
mad at them and why, but if I receive an email or PM saying that someone has been mean to one of them, I am not afraid to hunt you down and give you a good stern talking to.
6) I do allow language on my site, but overuse of such language will bug me. If you say, “Oh
so fucking mad at the fucking world because of my stupid, lame ass friend you called me a bitch” I will delete you off my friends list. Such use of this language bugs me. I hate it when its used too much. If you must use this language like this, open up wordpad and let your feeling out on it, not my site.
7) I support yaoi and yuri(sp?) completely. The only thing I cant stand is when people ask me if I know anyone single. It bugs me sooooo much. If you are looking for someone, find one yourself and do not ask me.
If you believe these rules are unfair in anyway, PM me.
Then, we’ll talk.
And be sure to read the rules over sometime because I may add some in the future.
Some stuffz...
-Silence is golden... but its no fun :D
-Why do they call it "a pair of pants" if its only one? Some people would say that its because it has two legs. In that case, if there was a person with one leg, would it be called a "pant?"
-When life gives you lemons, use the lemon juice to squirt into the eyes of life.
-Let all problems be solved by letteg a bear eat them!
-Ok, we get pimples and zits because of the oil on our skin right? Well, wouldnt that mean that we would get alot of money because so many countries are looking for it?
-This guy created a time machine, and his theory was that you could go so fast that you would go forward in time. So, while flying on his time machine if you got up and walked backwards, would that mean you would go back in time?
-You know that one pair of 3D glasses is 3D right? Would it become 6D if you put two pairs on?

Thursday, May 31, 2007
I am so sry that i havent been on in almost a month! I hit myself for it! -hits self- but so much has been going on and i havent been to my moms lately! Ill tell you all i remember!
Ok, last friday was our last day of skool. It was awesome, all we did was play games all day, and we had a feast for lunch... lol the cooks cleaned out the freezers! We had so much i was too full to eat dinner! lolzez. OH ya! the saturday before the last day of skool, we went to Silver Dollar City. Yayzez!! It was sooo much fun! So anywayz, the day after skool was out, my sis had a birthday party, and i invited Jessica, (Emikio Fire wolf or something like that) and we stayed up till 5 something, watching FMA! YAYZEZ!! It was really funny cause in the morning she wouldnt get out of bed, so i picked the matress up, and litterally flipped her out of bed! XD It was sooo funny! So then, came yesterday...
MY FIRST DANCE!! ^-^ -squee!- It was a blast! The theme was Teen Choice Awards! My dress was black with pink flowers around the chest and side area, then it had a pink under layer. My stepmom straightned my hair until it looked like silk! So it went from wool (poofy) to silk! (straight)(i mean like line straight... like this! |u| Thats what my head looked like. lol) -sigh- and my dad bought me a crosage (sp?) It was soo pretty! It had yellow roses, and small baby's breath flowers, and black and blue ribbons. (they screwed up the color. It was supposed to be pink and black.) but i almost cried. He seemed so... happy... Then he took some pics of me, and then we left. So we got there and i had to wait for jessica. When she got there, i made her dance with me. lol she didnt like it, but i was making her have a good time. So then they announced the awards... and guess what? I won 7th grade girl, Best Musician, because i play violin, french horn, and i sing. Then later that night, Jessica had to leave because she got sick, but i had a good time anyway. They had karoke(sp?) and i sang that song from titanic... everybody thought it was the person that sang it. They had no idea it was me. lol Everybody even the boys all told me that i did great. -sigh- maybe i really can become a singer... my dream... yay! So then we came home, but since i had so much punch, i didnt go to sleep till 2 and my sis stayed up with me. I slept till 11 and came back to my moms.
so thats pretty much all that happened since ive been gone. I gotta go visit everybodys sites now, so i will talk to yall later!! ^^
By the way, I will be going back to Greedsdoll again, sry! Dont ever let me change sites again!
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