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Monday, November 26, 2007
Something terrible has happened...
We lost all our money...and now we have to hand over our royal titles to the bank plus our castle now we live in an apartment building and I don't have many stuff.I also had to get rid of all my royal clothes...and now I go to a public school!
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
I have to sign 80 Ballroom invitations.I hate being a princess.I have to do most of the work.But at least unlike my parents,I don't have to listen to complaints,right?So being a princess isn't as much work as being a king or qween.
 [ - *Glitter Photos*]
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Ni hao!I'm new here so I don't have much understanding of this site,so if some one could help me out,that'd be great!!Anyway my name is Bri.I live in Canada and I'm in 6th gradeI love drawing.My favourite movie is ummm...Cinderella.I love the Disney Princesses.I don't have many friends,actually...some of the characters I draw I believe are my friends.But I hope I can make some friends.
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