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Drawing,and some knowlegde of web graphics.^^
Anime Fan Since
umm...about seven or eight.
Favorite Anime
Well...Fruits basket ,Pretear ,Inuyasha ,Rave master ,Pita ten ,Card Captor Sakura ,Tokyo mew mew ,Ranma 1/2 ,Mink ,DNAngel ,yugioh,pokemon,case closed,and many more...
anime/manga design,or wherever life leads me.^_^Oh...and I know this sounds kinda wierd but...I want to fall in they do in all those love stories....*dream*....*blush*
Drawing,reading manga,watching anime,daydreaming about some of my favorite anime/manga couples*blush*,also sleeping,and web surfing.
Drawing,surfing(both water and web),and...web grapics(some).
| animeseeker417
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
NEW LAYOUT!!!!!!!!*giggles*
Hiya everybody,
I hope that you all like the new layout!!!I want to give a special thanks to my friend animegirl4ever fo helping me out sooo much.Of course I love all ,my friends though!!!^_^Also...*squeals*my birthday is this weekend on the 17th!!!*yay!!!,jumps around*I am sooo excited!!!Anyway,I hope that you all have a great week,and also Ihope that you all love the new layout!!!*huggles you all then hums "happy birthday* ^_~
pic of the day:

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Monday, April 4, 2005
hey everybody!!!^_^guess what....
OMG...I just read the first 2 books(manga)of Fruits Basket...and it is...just SOOO GOOOD!!!Anyway,I went to the mall on Saturday,and I got some clothes,but then I saw it...the 2nd book of Fruits Basket!!!It just seemed to call out to me...I picked it up and said..."I have't to have this manga book!!!" least I said that in my head.*blush*They are so good...two thumbs up...all the way!!!Also,I just want to say I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH!!!You all are just incredible...I don't know what I would do w/out GREAT friends like you all.*huggles you all then huggles you again* =^.^= ~nya~
-oh and here's the pic of the day,and Iam going to change the layout soon...I and my WONDERFUL help(animegirl4ever) we are both working on it...please be patient.Thankies!!!^_^
*pic of the day:

*I love you all*
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Hiya Everybody I decided...
Hiyas everbody..I am sooo sorry that I have not been able to get to all of your sites...*tears*Also,
I decided on a on a layout...YAY!!!Here it case you forgot!!!!

I hope that you all like it!!!Here is the pic of the day,and a little qiuiz for you all!!!^_^*huggles you then wishes you a Happy Easter!!!*
*Pic of the day:

I am her!!!I love this pic sooo much!!!
1)do you like the new idea for the layout?
2)do you like the pic of the day?
3)what's your favorite color?
4)What are you doing for Easter?
5)what's the name of one of your best friends?
6)when's your birthday?
7)what's your favorite animal?
~My Answers~
1)yes..I do!!!
2)yeah!!!I heart this pic!!!
4)Going with my little sister(5 years old) to go easter egg hunting.
5)Rachel B.,...she's actually one of my friends online as well!!!
6)April 17th...*whoop-whoop*
7)umm...probally a kitty cat or a flamingo.^_^
Well,I hope you all like the quiz!!!*huggles you then gives you a big colorful Easter egg*~smiles.then blushes*
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
hey are some more ideas for my....
ok hiya are some new pictures to make my layout on...*YAY!!!*OH...But I might just end up doing which ever one I like or the one that gets the most "votes" VOTE AWAY!!!*Oh,and happy St.Patrick's Day!!!^_^




thanks guys(and girls^^)and here is the pic of the day!!!*GO ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!*

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Monday, March 14, 2005
Hiya ALL!!!
Well,I am sooo sorry that I haven't posted in a while!!!*_*(tears)Anyway,I've had alot on my plate lately.Like this past weekend,my aunt Leslie past away,and we had to go to her funeral...which was in Gorgia...and by the way...I live in North Carolina,which makes it a 10 hour drive from where I'm at.Anyway,but I went shopping while I was there!!!^_^* love shopping*^_~And I bought this shirt with hawaiian flowers on it,and I bought a little HOT PINK tank top,and...(my favorite clothing I got) little pink and dark pink "chinese"looking has like the chinese dress cut...and it is sooo cute!!!*takes a deep breath*I also bought some pocky.It was overall ok...except the whole funeralpart...*sigh*OHH!!!And have any of you ever been to Kanki???It's like a japanese resturant...and it's REALLY exspensive!!!Anyway,well we had to fill up our table,so we had this like complete stranger come and sit with us,well before we ate,my friend asked if he would like to hold hands with us while we prayed,and he said sure.Well we talked to him and ate with him and well...ya know...anyway then he got up,and we thought he was going to go and pay for his bill...well he came back,and told us good bye,then when we(me and my friends) went up to pay our bill...the lady there said it had been taken care of by the guy who was sitting with us...she said that we had blessed him and he wanted to bless us back!!!So he payed for our whole entire bill!!!And the bill was like OVER 2 hundred bucks!!! 0.o Anyway,just goes to show that there are still some great people out there!!!^_^I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!oh, are the chocies for my next layout...please vote for one!!!
*layout #1:

*layout #2:

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Friday, March 4, 2005
Yay,it's finally Friday!!!!This week has seemed to go on forever!!!Anyway,tonight "Avatar:the last airbeander" comes on tonight...*yahh!!!*It comes on at 8:00.I'm soo excited...YAY!!!^_^Also,I get to go shoppping this
weekend...which is always fun.I am hoping to get somegood manga or anime DVD,so if any of you know a really good one please post,so I can keep an eye out for it.^_^
oh,and I took this little quiz..I like the piccy.I hope you all have thwe most wonderful weekend.And don't forget to watch "Avatar"tonight on Nickelodeon...did I spell that right...OH WELL!!!I must go but here's the pic and quote of the day!!!
(this quote is dedicated to animegirl4ever's layout...I thought of it as soon as I saw it.)
Quote:"It is better to love and have your heart broken,then to never have love at all..."

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Monday, February 28, 2005
Alice 19th is SOOO good....
Hiya's everyone,
I was very diappionted,I only got like 4-5 comments...are you all starting not to like me???*cries*I hope that is not what it is....Anyway!!!I just finished reading the 1st and 2nd,book of Alice 19th,and I fully recommend!!!It's sooo good,and the art is really cute!!!It's about a girl who finds a rabbit(who turns into a girl),and they have the girl(alice)has the power to use these magical words.She uses the words to save the people she loves,or to destroy the people she hates.She is torn into,when her "perfect" sister starts dating her crush,when alice uses the words on her sister,she diappears into a differant world,and now Alice has to save her but how?Read the book to find out.(that's my little summery of the first book)It's by the same artist/creator of Fushigi Yugi,another one of my FAV. MANGA/ANIME!!!!!Her name is...Yu Watase.And,she is really good.I got you all some pics,and I hope that you will go read this manga...and I will say's SOOOO GOOOOD!!!!!^_^
Anyway,I hope you all had a wonderful weekend,I know I did.And I will leave you with a picture,a question,and a quote.
*1)Did you all have a good weekend?If yes,then what did you do?
*2)What's the latest manga you have read?
"The great thing about a dream,is that is a fanasty.Some that you spend hours thinking about,yet knowing it might never happen.But,when that dream comes true,it's as if it were never a dream."
-From a episode of FMA.
(revised by:animeseeker)
*Alice 19th:

*huggles you* ^_~
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
*YAY!!!!!!!!*I'm finally back!!!!!!!!!!!
Well,as you saw on the Title...I'm finally back...*YAY!!!!*Anyway,I just wantes to say that I am SOOOO SORRY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!I just had alot on my plate...if you know what I mean.^^(man...speaking of a plate...I'm STARVING!!!)Also,I have had a very good vacation..but I must say I missed you all,and I'm glad to be back!!!And,I saw a new show this weekend called..."Avatar:the last airbender",and...(this is the exciting part)Tokyo Mew Mew,comes on every Saturday,on Fox at 8:00 a.m.I got to go know,but I would like to leave you all,with a question and a picture.^_^
1)Did you miss me?
2)What was the best food you ever ate?(Can you tell I'm hungry?)
Avatar:the last airbender pic:

Chobits pic:

Cute pic:

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Monday, February 14, 2005
Hiya everyone!!!! I hope that you are all having a WONGERFUL V-DAY!!!
This little sign is from chibicreator...THANKIES SOOO MUCH!!!!

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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Lookies at what chibicreator made me~
Hiya's everybody!!!Lookies at what my friend chibicreator gave me today...thankies again chibicreator.*huggles her*You guys are FREE to make me any little banner...if you want too!!!I promise that if you do...I'll put it up A.S.A.P. Also,I get to go on my SKI TRIP TOMORROW!!!!*YAY!!!*^_^
~Byes everybody~*huggles you all then,packs for ski trip...yay!!!*
~here's the banner from chibicreator....

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