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ankoku ryuu
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The never-ending Vortex of my mind.
Member Since
student, Piano teacher.
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Anime Fan Since
Watching Saber Riders and Flower Angel which was as long as I can remember ago.
Favorite Anime
(may contain Manga)Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Wolfs Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, NOIR, Inu-Yasha,Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, 1st Season Digimon (yes.. Digimon), Card Captor Sakura, .Hack//sign, and a LOT more.
BE A GOOD ANIME ARTEST!!! and create a really popular anime website.
reading, Making graphics and web pages, sneaking into my friends room through her window and stealing her Anime. (did I say that out loud..?)
piano -_-; Some say I'm good at drawing. I tell them they're smoking something.
Monday, May 2, 2005
Hello. I live..... kinda.
I missed school again Today. My lymph nodes were swolen yesterday, but I took some Airborn and went to bed, fully expecting to be better in the morning. I woke up this morning, and it was unbelievably painful to swallow and talk, and it even minorly hurt to breath. So I had to wave my hands to get my mom's attention and motion to my throat. She got the Idea. And I fell back to sleep. Woke up 3 hours later and gargled with salt water (and swallowed some of it, and about died of pain and how discusting it tasted), and ate Chicken noodle soup. Felt a little better, then got worse, and back to better in a continueing pattern for a while.
Anyways, I was out working in the garden, pulling out weeds and turning up the dirt. I felt a bit like Sam. @.@. It was fun though. I havent got my hands that dirty for a while. I need to work out in the garden more. And if you're wondering, I am purpously avoiding the term 'gardening', because it has some hidden meaning to My sister, her friend, and I. X.X
What is the Funnest & strangest (at the same time) rhing that you've ever done? I think that Mine was getting into a shaving cream fight with my two older sisters and their two friends (both male). One of the guys was coming over, so we decided to go to the dollar store and get shaving cream to supprise him with when he came over. After we attacked him, he somehow got a can and we were having fun putting it in our hair and all over us. After about an hour of this, my sister and I went in the shower with our cloths on to clean off. Everyone else was using the freezing cold water from the hose (We can tell who's smarter). We all decided we were wet anyways, so we got in a water fight. ^.^ It was WAY fun. This was about 2 years ago, and one of the friends is a big perverted jerk, and the other one is in Brazil. But it was fun.
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