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ankoku ryuu
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The never-ending Vortex of my mind.
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student, Piano teacher.
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Anime Fan Since
Watching Saber Riders and Flower Angel which was as long as I can remember ago.
Favorite Anime
(may contain Manga)Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, DNAngel, Wolfs Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Princess Mononoke, NOIR, Inu-Yasha,Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, 1st Season Digimon (yes.. Digimon), Card Captor Sakura, .Hack//sign, and a LOT more.
BE A GOOD ANIME ARTEST!!! and create a really popular anime website.
reading, Making graphics and web pages, sneaking into my friends room through her window and stealing her Anime. (did I say that out loud..?)
piano -_-; Some say I'm good at drawing. I tell them they're smoking something.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Mood: HAPPY!!!
Listening to: Iceman - Caution (Psychedelic Mix)
Ah! I'm still here! I Promise! And a new theme will be on the way, as soon as I stop being so lazy and actually get my practicing done instead of putting it off. So did everyone have a good holiday? I did! I got a Mp3/Video/image player, and have quite a few songs, almost all of which are japanese. ^_^; mainly because I haven't gone through and redone all of the english ones (ya know, put in the data for them?). And I REALLY don't want to. Its just to.. monotonous -If thats spelled right. And another reason I've been gone since Christmas instead of updating with all the time I've had, is because we got a Wii, and Zelda. So... Thats been taking up most of my time. Its my older sister's, but I've been playing it more and am farther than her *Crazy poze*. Thats a Big thing for me, because she always finishes games before me (there's only 1 game I finished before her, and its KHII. And its one of the only two games that I've actually finished), although she really wants to beat this one before me. And its her game, so I may as well let her. She said that I can get to the final boss, I just can't beat him before her. *sigh* Alls well. So, I'll juggle my time.
So, the next theme. With all thats going on with Zelda, It just may be a Zelda layout. But it may not. I was thinking about doing a winter scene, but I'm still not sure. So, its gunna be a suprise!
School's started up again, and I must say that I. am. darn. happy. I'm back on the computer for aoubt 3 hours a day without my mother nagging me. *sigh* It makes me happy. And all the people who are school-only friends I've really missed. *hearts*
So, my sister came home for a while. But now she's gone and its so NICE! I love her dearly, but she's just so... Her. All she talkes about it how she hates things or about her and things that only concern her. Like the guy she's in love, or another guy who likes her and she doesn't know what to do because whenever I'm with him all I can think about is this other guy and I'm so much in love with him I can't wait to get back to school! *gasp* Its so nice to get a break from. Its fun to see her every once and a while, but she needs to grow up and get a clue. Which is kinda mean of me to say, but its true. XD I love her dearly, I really do.
Well, on that too happy note, I'm off. Oh! I found out that these two people at school have been watching this blog and snickering at their sneakyness. It was kinda funny when I found out...
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