deshwitat (05/31/06)
wooahh...awesome...i think all ur artwork is masterpiece...cool..
please..teach me..teach me..teach me..my master..hehe..lol..^_^
u use what to coloring ur art..? maybe this second question..coz i really2 like it...!!!
VampKagome18 (02/14/06)
>_< god u can draw i love all ur pics they r really good
KuroFireKitsune (01/16/06)
I wuv ur site!!!!><
Ur art�s really great
Eeee I wuv ur avi!!
Can I adds ya as a friend?!
Pretty please? (big puppy eyes� whimper^^)
Welp I gots 2 go
Pm me netime
Bye bye for now,
pops27 (12/12/05)
Hey, just came across your artwork and really liked it, especially The alucard, and naruka coloured one. Well just thought i'd say hello and awesome work, Laters:P
Demon In Darkness (11/28/05)
OMG OMG OMG OMG! YOUR ART WORK IS THE BESTEST I HAVE EVER SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! OME THAT IS SOOOOOO COOL! ::clears throat:: ok soryy about that heh neways as I was saying before your artwork is really cool1 I love it a lot expecially the picture you drew of Ayame ^-^ I'm going to add you as a friend ok? Welp PM me if you ever wanna and make sure to stop by my site! Bye
WitchHunterfan (11/26/05)
Hey there ^_^
Your site is cool ^_^ I saw your fan art and I say "wow you can draw really awsome" ^_^ I wish I could draw like you... I hope you keep up the great work on your drawing... And it's nice to met you ^_^
Please come by my site and please sign my gb... I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you... And you may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see you later ^_^
Animeluver816 (11/25/05)
I just adore your style! Your drawing abilities really show and you do a really good job! Your pictures shine because of the Drama, Depth, and Details you put into your pictures. ^^ Keep up the good work and do a good job on your pictures to come ^^ Just FYI, I'm gonna add you to my friends list because you and your pictures rock!
oturan ikamuzu (11/25/05)
Anosa, anosaaaaa!! I really like your site..your pictures are nice too..Keep it up..I'll add ya..talk to you laterZ!:}
kissingtherain (10/10/05)
Hey, I like your drawings...about one of your posts (on the human body), I totally agree on that subject. I think I will check out your website....
I was wondering....you draw people (portraits?) right? Well, I tried to draw people, but it never looks right. It always ends up looking like a deformed peice of amatuer manga...can you give me some tips on how to make portraits looks like...um, portraits?
PMS me...please...;)
Kamenki (08/15/05)
I love your art! well who doesn't! you have an incredible amount of talent! I"m jealous!...i like how you posted your tips...that was very nice of you! unfortunately I doubt that all the tips, experience of a million years, etc would ever let me reach your level! I just couldn't help stopping by and congratulating on your talent...though I'm sure you've heard it too much...so I"m sorry for bugging you...I'm sure your a very busy person but i hope you won't mind if I add you as a friend, you don't have to do the same if you don't want to...Sayonara!