SesshTaisho (02/11/05)
Hey cool site, and I love your art.Keep up the good work.I'm gonna add you as a friend.Come by and sign my guest book.
iluvsasuk (02/06/05)
heyas nice site!
your art is really good!!
its so cool!are u a manga-ka???
I want to be one!
but my art sucks -____-"
Im adding u as friend! ^___^
chikki (02/03/05)
Hiyah! Just came by to say that... :)
Shamangirl6593 (02/01/05)
hiya! i got here through your artwork and i really like them! i like both the shaded and the colored! i like to draw too, but i'm not that detailed because i don't have the neccery tools i need to make the shade ^^ well come by my site sometime please!
The Flashfreak (01/30/05)
hi i'm the Flashfreak^_^(a.k.a. i make cartoons on flash)
TheLastNote (01/23/05)
i like your site!Your Fanarts r really good!well,ttyl.
finalfantasygrl (01/20/05)
luv the fanart. keep it up!
lilmegg88 (01/20/05)
Hey, I found your site by way of your Inuyasha drawings. I was amazed..They are so good!! Have you thought about coloring them?? If so post them!!! :D I'd love to see them. Great Job and Keep in Touch
deathsdream (01/19/05)
your work is wicked no ifs and and buts. great job keep up on the sweet art. keep on truckin an all that jazz
Ruggles (01/18/05)
Your artwork is very nice, I love the shading! Tis very nice indeed*nods head*
Well uh I just wanted to put in my 2 cents, Keep up the excellent work! §.§