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College student, aspiring writer, lover of the color purple, and of course otaku.
Real Name
Not telling!
Getting into PSU and surviving the first year.
Anime Fan Since
1999... or whenever the 8th child saga of Digimon 01 was on on Fox Kids. Otaku since DIgimon Tamers.
Favorite Anime
Lessee... the end of Dragonball, Dragonball Z and GT, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu Yu Hakasho, Ravemaster, Naruto, and Furba (the manga), Loveless, Earthian (the manga), Saiyuki, Death Note, xxxHolic, D,N.Angel, Mononoke (not the Gibli movie), Kakurenbo, Karas.
To be a published writer and a librarian.
Watching anime, reading (manga and normal books), surfing the net, wirting, and collecting Naruto trading cards.
Writing (stories and poetry)
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
What element are you? (with 5 detailed outcomes & beautiful anime pictures)
 You're Water. Water is the second strongest element after Fire, but probably the most relaxed. Yes, you have stress in your life, and it does cause problems, but after its over, it's time to chill. You're a strong person inside and your friends know that, but they sometimes don't respect it. Let everyone know your strengths and no one will underestimate you.
Your mythical creature: A Mermaid Take this quiz!

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What emotion are you? :::6 outcomes with amazing anime pictures:::
 You're happiness! You're cheerful and good-hearted. People around you look up to you and think you're a really great person. You're not perfect, but you know how to stay happy, and that's a good thing. You like almost everything, with the exception of things or people that try to put a damper on your mood. Take this quiz!

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What is your element?(Anime pics ^-^sorry only girls! )
 You are forest!! yay you are friendly but at the same time can be not so may be drawn to water and afraid of fire.You thrive on the darkness and the light both the same and see them as equal. your cheerful and have lots of friends or followers.Saying:"time flows, its speeds are different for everyone, but no one can stop it..."Stone:Ruby Take this quiz!

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What Kanji Element Symbol are you?
What TRUE element are you? (This includes secondary elements)
 You are the Ice element.You are very serious and logical. You are the wisest out of all of the elements. You are famous for giving people icy stares and speaking in a harsh and frosty voice. You love to be alone and think about things. You always go over spirtual remedies. Your partner is snow, and is completely different from you. Take this quiz!

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What Kind of Mystical Faery are you? with magnificent pictures
What Color of Dragon would your Soul be?
What Breed of Dragon are You?
 You are a water dragon. You spend your time swimming in the deep ocean. Though there are many creatures in the sea you enjoy the company of whales and sharks most. Your body is decorated with smooth, soft blue scales and fins. When you are attacked you can use the water around you to make magnificent spells and tidal waves. You are beautiful beyond discription and are envied by most. Take this quiz!

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What Type of Dragon are You? (w\ beautiful pics)
 You are the wind dragon! You love flying through the clouds and being free. You're optimistic and take advantage of your freedom. You can be a bit rebellious, but enjoy the exhileration of the wind in your face. plz rate high Take this quiz!

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What Type of Dragon are You? (w\ beautiful pics)
 You are the wind dragon! You love flying through the clouds and being free. You're optimistic and take advantage of your freedom. You can be a bit rebellious, but enjoy the exhileration of the wind in your face. plz rate high Take this quiz!

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The bunny died. She was an outdoor bunny... Lived in a hutch right inside of the woods. Her name was Flopsy. Didn't know her all that well... She was pretty old. My bro thinks the weird weather killed her. Anyway she was old... *vanishes*
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Monday, January 8, 2007
"Wow, she's so pretty..."
"Yeah, I wish I had hair like that."
"And those markings only accenuate her beauty."
Why thank you. "Damn bitch... I wish she wouldn't interfere with the leadership..."
"Hey, be quiet! The Kazekage all but worships her!"
"Yeah, you don't want to be on his bad side..."
*sigh* Dissenters... ""Shina-onee-chan! Play with us!"
"Play with us, play with us!"
Very well. What game is it today? ******** *vanishes*
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
What have I been doing all day, you ask?
Watching Naruto, I answer! I mean, from 9 am to 10 pm? I had to watch that! And to honor Naru's ramen addiction, I had ramen for lunch in front of the TV! Yes, I know I was lazy all day. But I go to work day after tomorrow, so I feel like I have to be lazy! Gaara's voice... It's facinating... Like the sand he weilds. It's enough to make a girl fall back in love with him... Sometimes all I want to do is hold him and comfort him... And kiss those lips... *sigh*
[/fangirl-ness] I'm into my second year of playing Animal Crossing: Wild World. It's interesting. I've now caught all the fish except two... And a lot of the bugs. And I have 1,000,000 in the bank, and I've achieved 150,000 HRA points... It's good. I'm not gonna restart for a while now. ^_^ *vanishes*
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Friday, December 29, 2006
I realized last night...
Kino of Kino's Journey is a girl. O.O Well, she's a major tomboy... but still a girl.
That should show either how confusing that show can be, or how dim people wise I can be. Ug.
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My post Christmas shopping spree haul.
Furba #15
Dragonology calender
Kino's Journey Complete collection
Princess Monoke
Naruto Collector 2
Newtype USA December 06 Kino's Journey is awesome. Not at all acton-ey, but poingant and it inspires that quiet pride in me that I love feeling. A quiet smile, a small laugh, and that certain bearing. I love it. ^_^ *vanishes*
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Mishina's situation in Sunagakure
The people of the ninja village hidden in the sand looked at her with a mixture of aprehenshion and awe. That is, when she walked among them with out a heavy don't notice me spell.
Whenever she walked past, they would remind each other of that old story... About the killer tamed by the otherworldly maden and made into a leader. She knew she was the source for that ledgend, but she knew something they didn't. That their Kazekage, Gaara, was the reincarnation of that long ago man. The man that she had loved so dearly. For she was the otherworldly maden mentioned in the story, the one that tamed the killer wrongly called a monster. And she had tamed Gaara as well.
Only she hadn't tamed Gaara alone. A boy named Naruto Uzumaki had started the job. The boy... interested her. He seemed pure yet... he had a fire in his stomach. He was so similar to Gaara, yet so different... She defintately wanted to meet this boy.
So she maintained an ethereal aura, which wasn't to hard. Gaara saw her as a mother figure, his siblings saw her as a beautiful stranger who took care of their little brother, and the villagers were in awe of her and her strange powers.
All in all, a good situation, in her opnion. ***************** Like it? I especially like the line "He seemed so pure yet... he had a fire in his stomach." The fire being Kyuubi. *vanished*
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Monday, December 25, 2006
What I got for Christmas
Two "Naruto: ninja ranks" card packs (Thank you, little brother!)
One "Naruto: way of the ninja" card pack
Two boxes of choco pocky.
A dark chocolate, chocolate orange. (Yum!)
Mechanical pencels and mechanical pencel led
An inflatable extercise ball
A box for my CDs.
A scarf
An orniment
A pedometer
A faery model
A fifty dollar check
Card box and card protectors
A $50 gift card to Borders. Well that's my list. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! *vanishes*
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
Christmas has snuck up on me! Only yesterday I took my last final... And tomorrow is X-mas eve! Ahhhh! Well, all my shoping is done. Thank god!
And my brother got a few teeth out yesterday. He's alright, a little sleepy. *vanishes*
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
The rustle of skirts.
Calculating eyes
watch over
the top
of a fan. The rustle of skirts
as she moves;
her bladed fan
slicing through armor
to just barely
cut the skin beneith. The rustle of skirts
as she curtsies
to the only person
she respects;
the Lady Kimono. The rustle of skirts
as she moves
with blinding speed
to save two children
from a bandit. *************** Like it? It's about one of my characters. A powerful femme fatale, she is a good friend of my character Mishina. *vanishes*
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