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Member Since
College student, aspiring writer, lover of the color purple, and of course otaku.
Real Name
Not telling!
Getting into PSU and surviving the first year.
Anime Fan Since
1999... or whenever the 8th child saga of Digimon 01 was on on Fox Kids. Otaku since DIgimon Tamers.
Favorite Anime
Lessee... the end of Dragonball, Dragonball Z and GT, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu Yu Hakasho, Ravemaster, Naruto, and Furba (the manga), Loveless, Earthian (the manga), Saiyuki, Death Note, xxxHolic, D,N.Angel, Mononoke (not the Gibli movie), Kakurenbo, Karas.
To be a published writer and a librarian.
Watching anime, reading (manga and normal books), surfing the net, wirting, and collecting Naruto trading cards.
Writing (stories and poetry)
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
I've realized I've been here a long time.
About a year and a half, in fact. Or a year and three quarters. Whew, it blows the mind. And doesn't seem all that long. Do you remember when I said that Grandpa Charly died last spring? Well, his wife, Granda Nana has a tunor in her bladder. The doctors are saying that she has six months to live. Mom and Phoenix are down in Mass visiting her and Uncle Bill. Well, Mom for Grandma and Phoenix for Uncle Bill. On a more positive note, Heather and I have been borrowing each other's SJs. I want the ones I haven't read, and she wants the ones she hasn't read. Makes sense, ja? Well, that's that. See ja! *slips off*
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
edge walker 3 - walking the halls
Walk the halls
with echoing pats.
Come across people
doing their own thing.
Exchange nods,
move on Come to the eating complex,
A hunnicomb of chambers
and nooks.
Take boxed lunch
out of inner pocket,
cast hood back,
commence the meal. The trainees
and newly initiated
find solice
in these Halls,
with the nods,
and the echoing foot steps. ********* That's it. Gotta get off now, I'm missing Naruto. See ja. *slips off*
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
edge waker 2 - mist in morning
Slip out of the Halls
into the misty valley fog.
Look one way,
look the other,
start walking. Come to a dirt road,
pick a direction,
follow the road. Come to a paved road,
pick a dirction,
walk right in the middle,
just for the heck of it. Come to kids standing
at junction of road.
Walk up to one
that's standing
off to the side. "What year is it?"
"Excuse me!?!"
"What year is it?"
"Uhhh... 2005?"
"You are not sure?"
"No, dimwit, 5002!
"Of course it's 2005!"
"Thank you."
Walk off. Pull black-as-space cloak tight
Go off to find
something interesting. ********** You like? More Edge Walker stuff! ^^ I'll probably be writing this for a while. Well, see ja. *slips off*
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
800 hits
*dances to the tune of 800 hits*
*does a mini hokey pokey to the tune of 800 hits*
*walks like an egypitian to the tune of 800 hits*
*boogies to the tune of 800 hits*
*tires to break dance to the tune of 800 hits*
Ow! My ankle!
*limps off to the tune of 800 hits*
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Friday, September 30, 2005
edge walker
To be able to dissapear, to fade away when the mood took me...
A hood drawn half over my face
A whisper of cloth as I slip around the corner Others like me, in the Halls.
We talk in quiet, short words.
"Last mission?"
"Interesting, accomplished."
"No" To record things in the myrad worlds as they happen
with a outsider's point of view.
Who won, who lost,
and without a biased view. We are no one.
We are as the mist on the lake,
you can grasp,
but you can't catch. We seldom meddle,
perfering to let things
devlop on their own. ***** That's interesting in'nit? I just came up with that. Like it? Please comment. See ja. *slips off*
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The good and the bad.
We didn't have to send the laptop to a HP man after all! We got it to a place downtown, not up north like Eagle PC. And is fixed! Yay yay! ^^ Anyway, saving on Gaia is currently disabled, so I'm kinda annoyed. I've some new clothes, and I want to save them to my avatar.... T.T Pooieness... Well, that's that! See ja. *slips off*
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Death by heart attack, caused by quizzes, in the library... o.O
 Your anime hair color is green.
What is your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Element is Night. You're a bit of a loner loner who is very creative but never show your work to anyone. You may smile a little but sadness or loneliness surround you and other can feel it when they're near you. You have a dark or unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and you probably have a lot of secrets that you've never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging and unorthidox but the real thing that makes you special is your eyes. Something in them makes them like Diamonds in the Rough. (please forgive me if you cannot see the pics. If you go to my userpage then you can see your result picture at the bottom)
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Firefly Dancer thought to be a legend and non-existent. You are the rarest creature and the most beautiful. You are full of energy and power. Destined to rule a large nation of elves. Rate my quiz, it will help you rule better.
What kind of element fey are you? (PRETTY PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
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Computer trouble...
My laptop is bust! And that's the only computer at my house that's connected to the internet! It started to ask for a password all of a sudden, and no one knows the password. Trusty Eagle PC couldn't fix it. They said that we should take it to the HP people! (It's an HP laptop.) And that is why I haven't been around latetly. Oh, and the first paragraph on the last post was about Zatch Bell. Really should've said that... ^^' Don't know when I'll be on again... Gir!
Well, see ja... *slips off*
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
This week in anime and Sci-Fi news:
Anime news item: the princess of Car-Nour(sp?) stole the pop star Megumi's clothes and purse on one of thier mutual days off. A large and interesting chase by a evil man looking to kill his future queen who mistakes Megumi with the princess. Neadless to say, it all turned out for the best. Sci-Fi news item: the first of the next Foreinger sequence is out! All hail the Foreinger universe! Ha ha... Seariously, though, I love that series. All the books are at the library, and my passion for them has never abated, even though the starts of the sequences usually start slowly... Well, that's that. See ja!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
One thing to say: OMG Narutoooooo!
I think everyone will agree wiht me when I say this (excuse the language): Naruto is a danm good dub. Not a bad dub. A danm good dub. And Phoenix loved sexy-no-jutsu and harem-no-juitsu. I wonder why... *shakes head* Brothers. Speaking of brothers, Phoenix is over at a friend's today, giving me some needed quiet time. Of course I do have that troublesome homework, including some nasty Beowulf questions to annoy me... Girr! Have I mentioned yet that I consider Odion to be one of the coolest guys on YGO now? It seems I have a thing for underrated Egyptians from the World of the Shadow Games... In other words, Rishid and Shadi. Ha ha... hah. Well, that's all folks! See ja! *slips off*
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