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myOtaku.com: Anoel

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

   Oh, the wonderfullness of IEP meatings where I get to hang in the library...

Mom n' Dad n' Mz. Lambert (skills teacher) n' Kerry Shnell (head of the Special Ed department) n' a few other people are behind closed doors right now revising my *dum dum dum!* Individual Education Plan! I love surfing on the net in the library while they do this! (They always throw me out at 3:30, when the library closes. Meh.)

Don't you wish you had contact with The Fey? The primordial forces of wildness and chaos! Sometimes I think I'm a changeling, I'm so different from those around me... Meh, meh, meh. ^^'

An image I've had in my head for a while:
Two strange men in sunglasses run up to the edge of the cliff. One has black hair and beard with bright streaks of white. He also has a shifting-colored pendant on a small chain around his neck. The other has blond hair streaked with red, and has on a fighter's outfit. They both have olive skin. They look up to see a battle of dragons being fought in the sky. They both know this battle is wrong. They look at eachother, then back at the woods where men struggle to get through the thick undergrowth, trying to catch up. Then, they once again to the battle in the sky. They look at eachother again, nod, and jump off the cliff.
As the men burst out of the forrest, they see the two strange men jump off the clif and rise up again as brightly colored dragons to stop the fight in the sky.

Well, that image certainly evolved... Well, that's that. See ja! *slips off*

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