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Monday, October 31, 2005
Heres tha Dealio - wth?
ok, so im am sorry for not having to post for such a ridiculously long time.-im sorry.
Anyways, i had a great weekend and week
i got 3 B's & the rest C's o my report card.Thats good for me!
Then my freind had a birthday party all weekend-we had fun!
And...Happy Haloween!!!im a samurai this year!
Have a goodin
What anime character do you feel mostly connected with?
Keiji Morisato-im 5'3 like him,We both are freshman(though he's in college)and i like him want a girlfeind...T-T-ill eventually find someone...
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Wanna see a pic of me?
If you want ta see a picture of me go to www.brightonbands.com there will be a screen that says brighton high or brighton middle, if you highlight brighton middle the pic will be in color.im on the first row,second to the end, an the only dude wearin red!now, youll know what i look like!
today i am not feeling so well, thats why i posted so early today(i stayed home).
my cousin FINALLY got her driving license.she as been outta school for about a year now an she got one!(yay her!)
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Can anyone see my BG??? / Ahiru
Ok, i have been wasting my time tryin to get a backround in my site.I have tried many things and i hope it is back there , if it is not-I need help on that
(Its suposed to be the Sazabi from Chars counter attack!)
If anyone can make/help make me a button that would be cool(if you can) =)
Yay! the day has come!My sister(who you may call ahiru) has made her own personal site recently. You may visit her if you wish!(eh.I really dont care if ya do er not)
When did you/or are you going to have a fall break?
I did a week ago!1 whole week!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
'ello (again)
Today has been good ( though my sister is pressuring next to me to get off ><)im tryin to make a quik post so i can at LEAST have somethin, beacase i hadnt posted in 3 days!
Whats ur eye color?
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Pronunctiation(i think you spell it that way?)
i hope everyone has had a good week!And have certainly had a good Fall Breaak!but i dont want ta go back to school and get my report card...
Anyways its been good
How to people pronounce mature where you are?
my preacher this mornin was talkin an i noticed he pronounced it "ma tour",and i pronounce it like "ma chure"
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Its a good day
'ello peoples its a very good day today!the sun is shining. the dogs are eating birds.-ugh!And the best part of all...Its Fall Break!!!(I meant to say this on my post on monday though)an its been fall break since...Monday!and all i;ve been doing is...being lazy!-lol
well,i went to the mall.looked around at shops an what not.an of course i bought a magazine i've been wanting to look at, and its called "Newtype (USA)"!(an anime magazine)I might subscribe to it sometime...And i bought some anime (Inuyasha vol. 7)
since i've had a great day. you people should to!
Do you think your computer is slow?
I think mine is.It takes forever on most sites to load...and load...
 You are an otaku. You love anime, but you only watch serious stuff like Robotech and Voltron. None of that Pokeman crap. You linger under the delusion that, while Hawaiin shirts might not be cool, they can be redeemed if they display Dragon Ball Z characters rather than floral patterns. You also think that girls will be impressed by your collection of imitation Katanas, despite the fact that you don't actually know how to swordfight. You wear fingerless black gloves. Your religious beliefs are heavily influenced by Neon Genesis Evangelion, and you tend to see nonexistant divine messages in your favorite cartoons. Your only marketable skill is a knowledge of pidgin Japanese.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Have a good day!
Have a good day everyone!
today was completly normal nothin interesting.
see yas l8r!
guess what this is
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
umm, hi everyone today has been great!
i did almost absalutley nothing all day!until-i had ta go to the dentist(dun dun duuuun!-lol)it wasnt that bad actually,except for that dang "supersonic thingy)i could've sworn i heard a really annoying high-pitch noise in my ears.
good news!i saved a bunch of $ by switching to geicko-Jk.no cavities!but i need to work on Gingivitis(oh no!)
is there an annoying phrase that a lot of people say around where you are?
(me:people saying Git-r-Done, and repeatedly saying jeff Foxworthy lines(its not all that annoying though but i sure do hear it a lot)
Have a Goodin!
 Redneck Bear
 Redneck Bear
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Monday, October 10, 2005
My Weekend/Music of Week/Question
hey! sorry iv been busy all weekend!
as soon as i got home i was sooo tired-my contacts were making my eyes heavy,and well, i fell asleep!then later i was woken up then had ta go downtown to go out to eat & to shop for clothes.as soon as i got home i went back to sleep!
i woke up earleir(is that howz it spelled?)than usual-and wouldnt ua know i had ta cut the grass?later i got bored and i decided to see a freind that i havent seen in a while and i spent the night on=ver at his house.
got home round 12 a clock then i figured out my mom bought me that game i wanted(Genji: Dawn of the Samurai)W/ my $ of corse.so i spent the rest of the weekend playin that then,went to church l8r on.
sat around playin Genji of corse!
and...nothin else...
here i am!
Music Video Codes By VideoCodeZone.com
do you have any pets?if so..what are they and their names?!??
me:i have a cat,Female-Riley, 2 dogs, male-skippy & Female-Daimond
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Homecoming day 4/Question of the day
today was tottaly boring
we had retro day
i dressed as the 80's-people kept calling me a "vampire" or a "goth"-but i didnt really mind it much-except the part where people repeatadly called me a vampire!i was goin for Billy Idol-but when i tried to make my hair white it turned gray-lol,so, i washed it out.but the gothics actually complimented my look & the middle school kids gave me a weird look on the bus.today was sloooow...
Question of the day
if you could live anywhere where would you live?
(me:Japan!(like, near Owari)-lol)
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