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Unfortunately, Texas
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Graduate Student...grrr.
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Graduated College with a that an accomplisment?
Anime Fan Since
1991...but then again, Vol Tron is anime too. When was that?
Favorite Anime
Like I said, Kenshin is great! AND I love Samurai X, too. And Bleach is great too, and, Outlaw Star!!!! Lately, Wolf's Rain and Saiyuki have been taking up more and more of my time...But my first love when I was five:'s the g
To combat ignorance, professionally
Cosplay, writing, music, reading, dancing, singing.
Singing, I play the clarinet or then again, I used to...and according to most people I listen really well.
| antilogicgirl
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Oh, this is gonna be fun. I have my costume finished...Even though I didn't make much. I was supposed to be a dominatrix.
Yeah, right. That didn't work out so well.
That kind of went out the window, since I have zero time to sew. Enter instead: the "I Scare Nuns" Catholic school girl.

Yeah, that's me, guys. Have fun this Halloween, and be sure to eat lots of candy.
Favorite quote of the day:
"Come to the dark side...we have cookies."
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
Broken Saints
I recently purchased a 4 DVD set, called Broken Saints, which is, unlike what I thought, an animated comic. Why watch this, when you could read a graphic novel? Well, there are several reasons.
1) the graphic novel doesn't have the creepy factor that this does
2)what can I say? the packaging tempted me.
3) anything that would cause an epileptic fit and a conspiracy theorist to have a heart attack at the same time is cool with me.
Some images from the series:

Shandala as a fallen angel

Raimi, computer genius and all-around funny guy
If you want to know about the conspiracy, ask.
My quote of the day:
Know your potential in all things. Know your limits in all things, that you may one day exceed them.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Suicide Hotline, a/j speaking...
So lately, I've gotten into a new yahoo group, and have been talking with them online. There's this kid, he's really sweet, and smart, but he's depressed as hell. The other night, he started talking about suicide. It freaked me out so much that when I got an instant message from him, I couldn't not talk to him.
I convinced him to go and talk to his mom about it. He was pretty close to, as he put it, finding tall places to jump from. Today, I heard from him again. His parents thought that his online friends were the ones that made him the way he is. He yelled at them, and told them that it was one of those people who gave him the courage to actually come clean about being suicidal.
He actually said that they should thank me. Otherwise, he'd still be looking longingly at bridges and ten-story buildings.
Kind of drained me, you know? Trying to talk someone down from suicide, and get them to try and find's far from something I wanted to do at 3 am. But it was worth it. He's getting help. And I have a new nickname, apparently. That is, unless he's decided that it's a pet name. He calls me Hikari. It means "brilliance" or "ray of light".
It makes me happy to know that I helped him out, even if it was just a push in the right direction.
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A bad day
Nothing horribly terrible happened to me today. I'm not sure why I had a bad day.
I got up after a 1 hour nap, having been unable to sleep the night before. Of course, I hadn't been planning on taking a nap, so I woke up 15 minutes before I was supposed to be at work. When I finally got there, people told me I looked like crap.
I went to classrooms to talk to the students about the upcoming MSSA party, and I put my foot in my mouth as a joke. I addressed the undergraduates as "children". My exact words: "Good morning, children."
Then, I went to work, after which I finished my measurements and observations in the lab. Then, I went to class.
When I got out of class, I was reprimanded for my little joke earlier in the day. The teacher said that no one laughed. Well, excuse the bloody hell out of me!!!!! I'm not the one who voted for me to be Secretary. I really didn't. Voting for yourself is stupid, and I didn't really think I was the best person for the job, anyway.
So, if that guy thinks he has the right to tell me--after 1 hour of sleep, and being pretty much sick--that I've acted inappropriately, then he can go and jump in front of a bus. At least I don't try to force my ideas on others while telling them that their ideas are stupid and making them cry.
So yeah. Not sure why I had a bad day. If anyone can point out what made it so bad, lemme know.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
What fear is made of
I'll tell you what real fear is made of.
It's when you step out of the room, and your laptop falls off of the couch, doing a face-plant into the carpet. No? Think again. Then the thing freezes up and doesn't reboot. That's real fear.
Then, there's real relief. You know the kind I'm talking about. THe kind that you think you'll just melt into a puddle of nothingness. The kind when you know everything is right with the world because the Dell(tm) Product Information Guide tells you to remove the battery and put it back in. Then, it actually works when you turn it back on.
This kind of relief is something akin to the kind you would feel if you were nearly hit by a truck, but not quite.
So, I now feel as if I lucked out.
And the moral of this story?
In case you're wondering, I am an idiot.
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Monday, August 21, 2006
Back In the Saddle
I'm back in the saddle again... Yes,'s that time again. You can expect lots of angst nowadays. School has started again, so I'm sure we'll all be running around like chickens who just so happened to have gotten their heads cut off, but have yet to realize it.
But, there are a few upshots.
1. I am actually learning a bit of HTML
2. I started and finished a story in 4 days
3. I think that I actually have a bit of good luck
So yeah. I'm having a freakin' blast (insert sarcasm here, in your preferred dosage), because I've got an officer's meeting tomorrow after class, and I don't drive. The sun doesn't go down for a while, thank goodness.
Yippee for me, I get to take notes for 3 hours! I'm going to have so much fun, I might just die.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Okay, now. For all you kiddies who are just waiting with baited breath until you are able to go out and drink your brains out, let me just tell you about my night...then maybe you'll think twice.
First, we (me and my classmates) had a nice Birthday dinner for Meghan at Olive Garden, after which we went to Crickets (a bar) but left because it was dead, then to Treff's (another bar). Treff's had Karaoke (yay!) and we were having a blast until one of the girls had to go, and I took her back to her car, since I was the most sober of the group. The guy-magnet of our group, Ashley, was talking to a mortician (OMFG! ) named John who was way creepy and lurked a bit too much. I was told to go and get party favors for Meghan so that she would be duely humiliated by wearing a plastic tiara and other such oddities.
Met up with Breanna, my fellow anime addict and classmate, and grabbed stuff from Wal-Mart: plastic tiara: $1.95
glow necklaces and bracelets: $6.00
blue fake leis: $0.97 each (2 total)
After which we promplty went back to Treff's. When we got there, we found that there were cop cars and an abulance sitting outside, lights flashing. It turns out that the mortician Ashley was talking knocked the fuck out (well, only punched, really, but KtFO sounds so much more dramatic, don't you think?) by Ashley's PSYCHO ex, Ryan Jeffries. Then, the mortician began to'd think he'd be dead to the world...bad pun...oh, back to the story. So he "resisted" and was thrown into the back of a cop car.
After that, we went to Cricket's again to calm Ashley down, who was crying her eyes out. Understandably, because she was confused. She thought that it was all because of her, though my theory has more to do with the crazy ex. There, we met this total dick-wad, who told us that all women going to our school (Bayolr University) are looking for husbands. We (Ashley and I) kind of tore into the guy. I mean really...he was hitting on me, and then he totally started be a compley mysogynist. Who DOES that? Geesh. So, we ripped the guy a new one, and left to go up the street to where one of Ashley's friends, Matt, works. The place is called Bogart's, and is plastered with pictures of Humphrey Bogart...great place. We were there for a bit, and after closing time, we went back to her apartment.
At this point, Meghan (birthday girl) realized that she may have left her cell phone at the bar, and I was sitting in the car listening for it so that one of the others could call it. Matteo, one of Ashley's metrosexual man-friends, came up, and he totally started hitting on me. This is not something I'm used to, especially when I'm...inebriated. So when he said I was "beautiful", I was a bit floored. Totally not something anyone but my boyfriend tells me...I don't even know if he know's I'm attached...gotta straighten that out quick, fast, and in a hurry the next time I see him. When I got inside, I threw off my shoes, and flopped on the couch.
I feel something on my's a hand. Not mine!!! Matteo's hand was Yeah, I suddenly felt the urge to go to the rest room. Bad.
Now, I'm at home, sans vehicle, because Breanna had to drive me home--I'm a lightweight, but I'm safe!--and I'll be contacting ye olde birthday girl in the morning to come and get me so's I can get my car!
I feel like such a party girl. Though, I realize it's rather belated. Grad school's when you're supposed to get serious, right? Um. Yeah.
Once more into the breach, dear friends...
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I live in irony.
So, mix 100+degree temperatures and a broken air conditioner, add me, and you get one sweaty, very pissed the fuck off person in a fucking sweltering apartment. And it's only seven thirty in the freaking morning. It's actually been like this since last night, but now that the sun is up, it feels like somebody lit the place on fire.
The ironic thing is that a friend of mine is staying here because her AC is broken. Apparently, as bad as it is here, her place is worse. Honestly, I can't imagine that.
Not certain if it just decided to spite me, or if for some reason it has begun working again, but it does feel a bit cooler now. Why? Am I hallucinating? That's altogether possible. Called the answering service, and somebody actually took my call at this hour. I love my apartment complex for that. Their service is really good. I just wish that my AC would work so well.
Bad thing: usually the place is freaking freezing. Right now, it's the seventh layer of Hell.
Your own toasty dog,
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Random Costume Day
Hello everyone! I think I've said this before, but I'm an author on , and our lovely mod has just informed the masses of her tradition (only two years old, but who's counting?) of Random Costume Day. That's today. So at some point, you should all put on some kind of costume. It need not be Naruto related. It doesn't even have to be anime. Just put on a costume. Take a picture and be silly. Spread a little joy and light-hearted-ness into the world!
I myself will be wearing my ANBU costume for a few minutes (checking for final adjustments so that it will be *gasp* complete).
So let the day of random cosplay begin!
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Nothing much
Listening to: Beast of Blood, Malice Mizer
Attempting: not much, just waiting for my tea to kick in so I can go to sleep.
Also, I'm thinking of what I have to do once I wake up. I have to finish my shoes, and go find some bright colored fabric that's shiny and preferably with a kind of Asian print on it. I'm thinking electric blue, for some reason. Oh, well. I dunno. Suppose I can see what they have at Wally World.
Night, guys.
Now listening to: Stray Cats Strut, the Stray Cats
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